The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0165
When I asked Julian if he wanted to continue the investigation, I had thought he might be a hard sell.
What I hadn’t expected was for him to put me down flat.
“No?” I said, startled.
“No, Piper. Nicholas is right. It was wrong of me to try to include you. I knowingly placed you in danger.”
“I’m old enough to make my own choices,” I argued. “I could have said no at any time.”
“Could you? Really? At the mere mention of your wolf, you were ready to do anything. And when you felt it, and you chased after
that car, you were practically out of your mind. I should have stopped you then. I should have ended the Investigation right at that
“Ending it wouldn’t solve anything,” I said. “I wasn’t lying last night. Whether I find my wolf or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters
is we put a stop to the people that are doing this. I don’t care how high up the conspiracy goes.”
“Face it, Piper. We flew too close to the sun. We could have lost everything.” He looked at me with meaning, in a way I hadn’t
seen before from him, or could discern. “We nearly lost you.”
The words were said with so much genuine emotion that I had to sit back for a moment, surprised. Since when did Julian worry
about me? And he wasn’t taking it back. He was just leaving it out there in the open, for me to see and evaluate however I
Except that I didn’t know how to evaluate. I was so used to Julian’s teasing that I didn’t know what to do when he was being
He must have known that, or at least, been able to figure it out, because he dropped his head. When he lifted it again, he wore a
charming smile. “You should see your face right now. Priceless.”
For a line of teasing it was weak, but it gave us both the opening we needed to move past an impossible moment. So I grasped
onto it and gave him a smile of my own.

“Bet it’s still better than your face,” I said, teasing.
Julian placed his hand to his heart. “You wound me.”
I knew he wasn’t serious this time. Not even a black eye could detract from the handsome factor of the three princes.
As the moment stretched and silence began once more, I knew I had to make a push. That he cared
about me was flattering, certainly, and I didn’t want to devalue such a rare emotion from him. But I
couldn’t just forget my plight because of it.
“When we were at the ball, the reason I found Terry at all was because I was led there,” I said.
A hint of something sparked in Julian’s good eye, and I hoped that meant I snagged his curiosity.
“By whom?”
“A mysterious woman in a black dress,” I said. “Not one of the candidates.”
“Did you recognize her?”
“Did you recor
still wasn’t sure. “She did seem... familiar somehow, but I don’t know. I couldn’t place her. Plus, she was wearing a mask.”
“Tell me more about the dress,” Julian asked, so I did so, describing the unusual black feathers. When I finished, he asked, “But
you didn’t see her in the room with Terry.”
I shook my head. “It’s like she just disappeared.”
Julian rubbed a hand along his jaw. “Could have been a secret passage. Those are added all the time and my dear uncle would
have access, as well as ability to keep it a secret.”
I could feel him coming around, so I encouraged him excitedly, “So they could be connected.”

“Yes, probably, especially since she is likely the person we saw leaving Terry’s house.” He glanced at me, and then straightened,
as if remembering himself. “This is a bad idea, Piper.”
“Bad ideas are the best kind,” I said, and I could see, with the mischievous quirk of his lips, that I had finally convinced him.
