The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0176
The rules stated that we were to avoid the personal rooms of the royal family unless explicitly invited. I
was taking a great risk by sneaking here now. But for Elva’s sake, this was only the beginning of the level
of danger I was willing to take on.
I walked to Julian’s door and lightly tapped on his door. I pressed my ear against it, listening for any
sound of movement within. Then I knocked again, a bit louder.
There was no answer. Beyond the door, I heard no sound of footsteps or talking. The room was most
likely empty. Still, I tried for the handle. I cursed when I found it was locked.
“He’s not in there.”
My heart leapt from my body, and I nearly fell, catching myself on Julian’s door as I turned around.
Nicholas stood behind me, his arms crossed over his broad chest. He peered down at me with mild disapproval. Otherwise, his
face was an emotionless mask.
“Julian left two days ago and didn’t tell anyone where he was going. He hasn’t been seen or heard from
“You aren’t worried?” I asked.
“About Julian? No. He always does this to escape his responsibilities. He’s not dependable.”
I wasn’t sure that was entirely true. At least, not totally. Julian was a free–spirit, sure, but he usually had reason for his actions, if
they weren’t entirely put on. He placed into people’s perceptions of him. How easy it was for Nicholas to believe the worst.
That itself wasn’t shocking either. Nicholas believed the worst about everyone, and he was stubborn too. It was nearly impossible
to change his mind once he was set on something.
“So you won’t be able to meet up with him tonight,” Nicholas said.

“I suppose not.”
Nicholas’s veneer cracked and anger shone through. “So you won’t be able to fuck him tonight.
“... wait, what?” I had to have misheard. Did Nicholas think I came to see Julian for sex?
Unhooking his arms, Nicholas walked closer. He leered down at me with fire in his eyes. “Is this the person you are now?
Sneaking out in the night for casual trysts with my selfish brother?”
“It’s not like that..”
Words failed me as Nicholas closed the distance between us. His hands fell onto my shoulders and he guided me backwards
until I was up against Julian’s door. Then he closed in around me, his arms on either side of my head, his chest pressed to mine.
He was taller than me, I had to look up.
“I bet he takes and doesn’t give. You deserve better.” Nicholas’s voice was growing rougher, like he had gargled with sandpaper
between his last sentence and this one.
I shiver ran down my spine. I might have been embarrassed by how quickly I was aroused for him, if the lust wasn’t currently
fogging my entire brain. I pressed my thighs together to give me a hint of friction. More than anything, I wanted him to touch me.
“He can’t give you what you need,” Nicholas leaned down. His hot breath brushed against my cheek. Only I can fuck you like you
deserve.” 2
God, when he spoke so filthy, it made me dizzy. I pressed my hands to his chest for balance, but the hard muscle there only
amplified my desire.
I wanted to be tough and demand he stop bullying me. He was being a pushy asshole right now, and I
should want to push him away.
Instead, I curled my fingers like claws and pulled him closer.

“You talk a big game,” I said, giving a soft growl of my own. “Why don’t you prove it?”
His lips curled into a snarl. That was the only warning I was given before he pressed his lips to mine and claimed my mouth as
his own.
