The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

But for now, for this fantasy, I wanted to f*ck her so hard all she could do was hold on and enjoy the had the strength to keep her
pinned for a good long while, and I had the stamina to match I’d have er coming on my d i c k until she couldn’t even remember
her own name.
She’d know mine though. I’d have her screaming it.
N i c k! Ah-aah Nicholas! Don’t stop. Please don’t stop!
“Anything for you,” I growled now as I f*cked my d i c k into my own fist. It wasn’t enough, not near enough, but it was all I had.
I imagined Piper’s face, scrunched up with pleasure, her mouth slack. Moaning and moaning with each
Only you. Only you, N i c k.
I wanted her so badly that my entire chest ached. If she was here... If she was with me...
If I was allowed to have her...
I shoved those thoughts away, and for a while, lost myself in the fantasy of giving Piper the ultimate
pleasure. Sometime later, with the thought of her voice near my ear, I finally reached completion. It took
me a long while to want to move again.
After cleaning up and preparing for bed, I returned under the covers. I had hoped that fulfilling one desire would sate me enough
to ignore the others, but even now, I continued to want her.
And not just to hear her moan.
I wanted to hold her as she slept. I wanted to keep her safe and happy.
But I had no right.
I didn’t sleep at all through the night. In the morning, one of my father’s servants came by my rooms.

The King wishes to speak with you as soon as possible.
Nothing like a 6am summoning to start off a day.
I finished dressing, then followed the servant down the hallway to my father’s room. He was sitting at the head of the table there,
with my mother beside him. Neither looked up when I came in the door.
The servant moved to one of the chairs at the table and pulled it back, likely telling me this was
but to sit and join them for breakfast.
1. up.
No sooner had I sat and reached for one of the muffins in a basket on the table, than my father spoke
“Nicholas. Do you have any idea where Julian ran off to this time?”
He still wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were on a newspaper trapped over his own empty plate.
“No,” I said. I grabbed the muffin.
“Do not lie to us, Nicholas,” the Luna said now. She did look at me, her judgmental eyes peering into me.
The accusation annoyed me, but I knew better than to reveal that to anyone at this table. “Julian has never shared with me why
he leaves when he does or where he goes. This time is no exception.”
Mother leaned back in her chair, frowning.
“He’s right, dearest,” my father said. “Julian has always been reckless and irresponsible all on his own.”
I nodded. At least father could see reason some of the time.
“Was that all you needed?” I asked. Muffin in hand, I was ready to retreat.
“No,” the King said before I could move an inch out of this chair. I stayed where I was. “We have told. Joyce and now I will tell
you. When we eventually find Julian, we will tell him too.”
I braced myself, knowing I would hate whatever they were about to say.

“About Piper.”
Now I really knew I would hate it. I dropped my muffin to my plate so that I could grip the arms of my chair with both hands.
o one is allowed to save Piper from the next elimination ceremony. Not you an
she will be going home.”
