The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0192
“She’s smart,” Julian said. “She knows how to fade into the background. I’ve seen her do it.”
“Even so...”
“I’ll keep an eye on her. One of us should head back to the party anyway,” Julian said with a wink. “The ladies are probably
missing me, the most handsome of us anyway.”
Nicholas gave him a flat look.
Julian smirked and disappeared.
Then Nicholas took my arm and led me through the hallways. By now, my nerves were getting to me. I just wanted to see Elva,
to hold her and know she’s okay.
Nicholas was texting Mark with one hand.
“No issues today,” Nicholas said, which gave me a measure of comfort. I still would feel better if I could see it all with my own
When we reached the hallway of rooms, I was walking very quickly. Nicholas, blessedly, was keeping pace. His guards were
keeping watch outside my door. Nicholas stopped to speak with them.
“Go on inside, Piper,” he said.
I nodded and walked in.
Elva and the nanny were sitting on the ground, playing with their dolls. Mark stood nearby, watching. They all turned to look at
me when I came closer.
“Mommy Elva jumped to her feet and rushed toward me.
immediately dropped to my knees, opened my arms, and scooped her into a big hug.

It was well past her bedtime but I wasn’t complaining.
She wanted to stay up to see you,” the nanny said.
and we get to stay, Mommy Elva said. She rested her head on my shoulder, clearly tired.
Winged her forehead, “We do For a bit longer, anyway,
Game into the room, then, and Eira it up ance moni
She squirmed in my arms and I had to lower her back down to the ground. She ran into Nicholas’s waiting arms instead. As he
lifted her, he spun her around and she giggled.
The sound healed my heart in ways nothing else could. That Nicholas had been the one to bring such
joy out of her made me feel all the lighter.
Yet before long, another yawn burst out of Elva. It really was late for her.
I locked eyes with Nicholas and then motioned toward the bed.
“I think you need to get some sleep, little princess,” Nicholas said as he carried Elva over that way.
“Will you tell me a story?” Elva said.
Nicholas lowered her down onto the bed. I joined them there and helped tuck Elva in.
Nicholas ruffled her hair. “A story, huh? Okay.” He thought for a moment. Then he gave me a sideways.
glance. “I’ll tell you a story about the bravest woman I know.”
“A princess?” Elva snuggled under her blankets, bringing them right up under her chin.
“No,” Nicholas said, smiling a little. “A Queen. She gave up her crown to save her little girl, a princess
just like you
“Did she fight a dragon?” Elva asked.

“A huge fierce, fire–breathing dragon,” Nicholas replied.
“Wow...” Elva’s eyes were growing heavy.
“She works hard every day,” Nicholas continued. “She fights anyone who would harm her daughter.” He
took a breath. “There’s also a King who searching for her. He wants to make sure she and her girl are
safe. He’d do anything for them.”
“Anything? Elva’s eyes are closed now.
I watched the two of them quietly. Nicholas watching Elva with fondness in his eyes Elva sleeping so
peaceful under his care.
know it was impossible but wished everyday was like this. That we could be a perfect little family
loved and cared for each other, crown or no crown.
asn’t reality
In real life, this was only a temporary moment of peace. Someday, we would go our separate ways. Elva
and I would see Nicholas on TV or on our money, but he’d never see us.
Someday, Elva and I would have to find a way to live without
