The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0199
Julian started by placing down a queen of hearts. To his left, Veronica immediately lowered four cards. I
watched her face closely, but she revealed nothing. Her emotionless façade seemed like it could even
rival Nicholas’s
I decided not to call her a liar. If I did so, and I was incorrect, all the cards she lowered would then go
into my hand. Since the way to win the game was to totally empty your hand, I wasn’t willing to chance it.
Julian smiled at her.
The other candidate Julian had selected, Tiffany, narrowed her eyes in suspicion, but also didn’t say a
“Piper,” Julian said. “Your turn.”
I looked at my hand. I only had three cards in the heart suit. If I lied and put down more cards, maybe I
could actually win this game. Julian hadn’t actually said there was any benefit to winning, but it sure
would be fun to pull one over on him for once.
I lowered for cards down. I schooled my face carefully to not give anything away.
Julian laughed, even before Tiffany shouted, “You’re lying!”
“You don’t know that,” I said quickly, but my face was turning red.
“Show your cards, then” Tiffany leaned back in her chair.
I frowned.
Julian brightened “Go on, then. Show your cards, Piper.”

Begrudgingly, I flipped over my cards.
knew in Tiffany dropped her hand down on the tabletop, shaking it.
Julian said, and passed the pile of cards to me, doubling the size of my hand. “You really
ong with being honest. Veronica said, deadpan “Unless you
to act
“Cards are boring anyway,” Julian said, throwing his hand in the pile. “It’s much more fun when we play
with secrets.
“What do you mean?” Tiffany asked.
“Forget the cards,” Julian said. “Instead, ask me something about myself and I’ll give you an answer.
Then you can decide whether or not it’s the truth.”
“That sounds dangerous,” Tiffany said.
“And fun,” replied Veronica.
“For sure,” Tiffany agreed. “I’m in.”
Julian looked at me. “Piper?”
Tiffany was right, this prospect definitely seemed dangerous, especially with the cameras watching. Though I doubted Julian
would give any straight answers, no matter what he was asked.
Tm in,” I agreed. I’m not sure what they would have had me do otherwise. Sit in a corner? No way! would miss the chance to ask
Julian something, even if what he told me was a lie. There was a slim chance he might tell me the truth.
Veronica went first and absolutely failed with her question. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Blue,” he said.

Tiffany frowned at her. “You wasted your question!”
Veronica tilted her head. “Did I?”
Julian laughed.
You ask one, then,” Veronica said.
It’s Piper’s turn, Julian said.
moment “Who is the most important person in your life?”
to consider it. Then, predictably, he smiled and said. “Me”
Tiffany didn’t seem to know, laughing at every one of Julian’s answers. If Veronica knew, she wasn’t
telling. She kept a perfectly straight faced the entire time.
Eventually, the camera crew grew bored with us. “We have enough footage,” the producer said, and the
group wrapped up and left the room.
When it came to be my turn again, I saw an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. This could finally be my
chance to get a straight answer out of Julian, especially with the prying ears of the public out of the way.
