The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0211
At once, Nicholas and I scrambled to our feet. Nicholas blocked Julian’s view as I readjusted myself, fixing my bra. When I was
put together enough, Nicholas checked me over once before standing aside.
Out lips were red from kissing. Our clothes were wrinkled, and our hair disheveled. But there was nothing to be done for that
Julian looked between us, a devilish look in his eyes. “Did you find anything of interest in the closet?”
I blushed fiercely. Even my neck and chest burned.
I’m also curious why your lips are so red,” Julian continued. His teasing, it seemed, would be relentless. Yet under those joking
questions, his voice held the tiniest bit of edge.
My initial thought was that it could be jealousy. With Julian, however, there was no way. Disapproval, then? That seemed unlikely
too. 4
Either way, I needed to redirect his focus before I died of embarrassment.
I searched for some way to change the subject. I found it when I noticed the rolled up papers Julian was
carrying under his arm.
“What’s that?” I asked.
Julian glanced down at the papers as if he had forgotten he was holding them. “Should we return to
your room? I’ll explain there.”
Nodding, we all walked back to my room. Nicholas stayed at my side, but a foot or so of distance
separated us now. It felt like he was miles away,
Back in my room, Julian began speaking again.
“I heard about the appearance of your twin,” Julian said.

“Jane,” I said.
“Jane,” he repeated.
“How did you find out that Charlotte saw her?” Nicholas asked. He looked at Mark. “Did you tell him?”
“No, Sir,” Mark said at once.
Julian rolled his eyes. “I have ears everywhere.” He paused. “Also, Brian saw her too.”
“What?” We all straightened in alarm.
“Where did he see her?” Nicholas asked.
“On the south stairwell,” Julian replied. “He suspected her at once and subtly followed her. But when he seemed to have her
cornered, she suddenly disappeared.”
“That’s the same as what happened to me,” Charlotte said.
Julian considered her. “I thought as much.” To me, he added, “I worried for you, Piper, of course. But
when I happened to glance Nicholas storming away from jilted Lilliana, I knew he had heard of a sighting, as well. So while I left
Nicholas to... protect you, I searched for something we could use.”
My face burned again. Julian enunciated protect in such a way that he clearly meant something
I cleared my throat. “What did you find?”
He lifted the rolls of paper from under his arm. “Blueprints.”
Mark and Charlotte cleared away the swatches of fabrics that still covered the tables we’d arranged in
the center of the room to sew. Then Julian placed down one of the papers and unrolled it. It was large and meticulously drawn
with a fine pen.
It all looked like lines and boxes to me.

“What are we looking at?” I asked.
“This,” Julian waved his hand.across it, “is the first floor of the palace. And if you’ll notice.” He tapped at
one small box that was to indicate a room. “This blueprint includes some of the locations of the more
secret passageways.”
Nicholas quickly leaned over the blueprints to look.
“They aren’t all indicated here,” Julian said. “But there are enough that maybe we can figure out where Jane is hiding. At the very
least, if we know her escape routes, we can more effectively chase her.”
Nicholas leaned back. He crossed his arms. “Aren’t these blueprints locked away in the vault? How did
you access them?”
Julian cast him a sharp glance, his smile mocking. “You sure you want to know that, brother? You never
seem to fully appreciate my more daring adventures.”
“Was it something illegal?” I guessed. It generally was, with Julian. He liked to see how far he could
push the rules.
Julian looked at me and his eyes sparkled, That was answer enough.
“It’s illegal for these to be out of the vault,” Nicholas said.
Julian’s attention returned to his brother. He sighed. “I’ll take them back when we’re done, but while we
have them, we might as well look. Unless, perhaps, you don’t actually wish to catch Jane and help Piper?”
Nicholas frowned hard but stayed silent.
“That’s what I thought.”
Together, we peered over the blueprints. Julian would point out a secret passage way, and then trace
the line of where it connected to another room.

“So the passage in the corner here, where Brian lost sight of Jane, leads down into the kitchens,” Julian
“That’s where I saw her,” Charlotte added. “Then I chased her down into the cellars, and she
We looked to where the kitchens were and found the stairs leading down to the cellars. The basement
was on a separate roll of paper.
“Just a moment,” Julian said as he peeked into the rolls, trying to find the correct one. “Third floor, no.
Second floor. The ballroom has its own? Oh, here it is.”
He unrolled the map for the sublevel, and immediately we noticed a secret passage leading out of the
“Where does it go?” I asked.
Unlike the other passages, that had lines leading to where they connected, this passageway lead
straight off the page.
“Huh,” Julian said, sounding puzzled..
Nicholas kneeled down to read the fine print. “Nothing says where it goes.”
A sinking feeling opened up in my stomach. Could this be the answer to how Jane had gotten in and out
of the palace so easily? If we weren’t sure where the passage led, though, we couldn’t be fully sure.
If the blueprints didn’t tell us, there was really only one thing to do.
“We have to get into that tunnel, follow it, and see where it goes,” I said.
“Hell, yes,” Julian said.

“Absolutely not,” Nicholas said, almost at the same time. (1)
Julian ignored him. “We should go in the night, when everyone is asleep, so that our absence goes
Julian tended to disappear a lot, so I wasn’t sure his absence would be all that noticeable. Although,
with the King likely angry at him for his previous disappearance, maybe he was actually under a more
watchful eye.
“Midnight, then,” I suggested.
He nodded.
“Now wait a minute,” Nicholas said. “I don’t approve of any of this.”
“So you are fine with Piper’s sister walking around, impersonating her,” Julian asked him. “You don’t
care at all how that could possibly reflect on her, or on Elva, or on any of us, once word gets out we let
the underground organization do whatever they want right under our noses.”
“Of course not,” Nicholas said, his voice low with disapproval. “But we have no idea where this tunnel
leads. I cannot allow Piper to take that kind of risk-”
“Me? You two are actual princes. I am just a commoner,” I said. “Maybe I should go alone -”
“No,” Nicholas said at once. He looked at me, his eyes hard and his mouth in a hard firm line.
“Okay, great.” Julian clapped his hands. “So it’s agreed. Nicholas, Piper, and I will go through the tunnels at midnight, and see
where our little doppelganger has been disappearing to.”
My nervousness brewed, but I was also pleased to finally have a plan.
I was finally ready to learn the truth about Jane.
