The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0220
Julian and I were on a couch in a sitting room, looking at each other. Julian had made himself
comfortable, bringing on knee up onto the cushion so he could more easily face me. I was sitting very still
with my hands in my lap..
I was still embarrassed about what had earlier happened with Nicholas. Both our bodies had responded
to the position we’d been in, with me on top of him. I could only thank my luck that Julian had no walked
in a minute or two earlier, or the teasing would have been relentless.
It was bad enough now, with the knowing smirk Julian kept flashing me.
“So,” I said, trying to get things back on track. “Mental self–defense.”
“Exactly. I’ve been thinking of the best way to help train you, and I’ve decided on role–play.”
I raised a brow. “Role–play?”
“I’ll pretend to be Terry and say all the terrible bullshit Terry would say, and you try to counter it. I’ll
correct you when you do or say something that I know would only encourage the asshole. This way, we
can help prepare you for your inevitable next meeting with him.”
That sounded reasonable enough, though I shivered unpleasantly at the thought of dealing with Terry
again. I knew I would have to face him eventually. She’d seemed very interested in me, and as the Luna’s
brother he’d likely be at more events. Still, I wished I didn’t have to. 2
Especially after what happened before, when he’d tried to drug and assault me.
I worried my hands together in my lap.
“Hey.” Julian didn’t touch me, but he leaned closer. I trusted him, mostly, so I drew comfort from his

closeness. “You’re safe, okay? This is just a game, and you can tap out at any time.”
I shook my head. “I want to learn. I want to hold my own against him.”
“I know you do, but neither Nicholas nor I am ever going to let him corner you like he did before.”
His words were a kindness, but held doubt. The princes had their own responsibilities and couldn’t be
around me every minute.
I had to be responsible for my own safety. And that meant learning how to beat Terry at his own game.
“Ready?” Julian asked.
I nodded.
Julian’s whole demeanor shifted in an instant. His brow lowered while his smirk sharpened. It was as if
he was channeling Terry himself.
It was... unnerving.
Julian stretched his arm around behind me on the back of the couch. Then he leaned in close enough to
breathe on my shoulder.
“I’ve been watching you tonight, Piper,” Julian said. “You’ve been strutting around like you’re putting on a
show just for me.”
My face went pale. This was too much, too real, too soon. I couldn’t move. I was locked in that moment with Terry, after he had
given me the champagne laced with drugs.
Julian dropped the act in an instant. Every rigid line of his body softened, and I could breathe again.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “That was too much for the first time.”

“I–I have to learn.” I was rattled. My voice shook.
“Not yet,” Julian said. “Not that. We’ll start somewhere else.”
“Like where?”
came He hummed. “My uncle may lust after you, but he’s also known for his pettiness. So, let’s say you in wearing a gown that
was more in line with what was popular last season.”
“Okay.” That sounded safer. I was used to dealing with that level of pettiness from some of the other
Julian switched into Terry–mode again, though this time, he kept some humor in his gaze. Terry wasn’t playful, so I could see
Julian clearly behind the façade. He was holding back for my benefit, I knew, and I
was grateful.
“What a charming dress you’ve chosen for this evening, Piper,” Julian said. He glanced down at my
imaginary gown. “You must have an interesting reason for not choosing something more modern. I would
love to hear it.”
