The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0024
He watched me but he didn’t say anything.
“Thank you, Your Royal Highness, I
1 didn’t do it for you.” His gaze fell to Elva, who looked so small in her hospital bed. “No harm will come
to any child in this palace.”
“Even so.” I was grateful for his help, no matter the reason he gave it. “Thank you.”
The doctor glanced between us. “If you will excuse me, I will personally take Elva’s prescription to the
pharmacist. It seems safer that way.”
“Thank you,” I said, as Nicholas said, “That would be best.“.
When the doctor left the room, Nicholas kicked off the bookcase and came closer. He peered down at Elva from her bedside, a
soft look on his face.
I remembered his interview. Nicholas loved children. He wanted a big family. That kindness must have extended to Elva.
“Truly.” I said, “I don’t know how to thank you for this.”
His soft look hardened when he gazed up at me. “Children are separate from our situation, Piper. Elva is innocent in all of this.”
It was clear then, that he didn’t want me to take this gesture personally. He wanted to maintain distance from me. But he was still
willing to help Elva, and that was what really mattered.
I wished I could think of a way to convince him that I wasn’t here to chase a crown or rekindle what we
had If Julian knew I was only here as a publicity stunt, then surely Nicholas must have also known.
Yet he held onto his anger for me, and wrapped it around himself like an impenetrable shield.

He’d likely never warm to me. I had to just accept that.
Looking at Elva, I knew I had bigger things to worry about anyway.
The doctors in my room. When they were leaving, one of them said, “Perhaps leaving the palace would
for herr
sald that
want to harm Elvar Hell You
Immediately, I thought of the flash of Lena I had seen leaving the hallway just as I’d arrived.
She hated me. Would that be enough reason to endanger my child?
“From now on, only my personal physician will tend to her,” Nicholas said. The gold in his eyes flashed dangerously. It might
have been a trick of the light.
Elva stirred. “Mommy?”
“I’m here, honey.” I inched closer. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay now,” Her curious eyes shifted from me to Nicholas. “Who are you?”
Nicholas placed a hand on his chest. “I’m Prince Nicholas.”
Panic surged through me. “Oh, no, no, Elva. We address him as ‘Your Royal
“It’s okay,” Nicholas said, stopping me. “Nick–lass is fine.”
Elva smiled. She reached her arms out to him. “Up, please.”
Nicholas leaned down. Elva wrapped her arms around his neck. Holding her close, he lifted her from the

My whole heart melted into a puddle of warm goo. Elva had made a new friend. Nicholas was so good
with children.
In a different life, this could have been our family.
Immediately, I shut down that thought. Nicholas resented and hated me, and I had no delusions that Would change. I might have
regretted breaking up with him, but though the guilt remained, whatever
eelings I’d had for him were buried in the past.
This was a flash in the pan kind of feeling. I saw something cute and my heart reacted.
didn’t mean lingering feelings were involved.
cholis shifted Elva in his arms, and (caught the wince he tried to hide as he bent his right wrist
