The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0247
The guard nodded and went to carry out the task.
Back inside my room, I couldn’t help but pace, worried about what Jane could possibly be doing in that
Did she decide to go to the gala? Was she pretending to be me? What could she possibly be saying to
the benefactors, or the candidates, or the cameras?
When I reached one end of the room, I swiveled on my heel and began walking the other way instead.
I wished I could go down to the gala and see for myself, but I would never abandon Elva. She could be
sick. She would always be my top priority. I only hoped that whatever Jane was doing, it wasn’t so
egregious that I would be forcibly ejected from the contest.
I continued pacing until the doctor arrived a few minutes later with Mark following quickly behind.
The doctor, familiar by now of Elva’s situation, nodded at me before immediately going to Elva’s side.
Mark came to mine.
He looked at me for a moment, then said, “Elva’s a tough girl, and the doctor is well trained. She’ll be
I was worried about Elva, but thoughts of her illness weren’t the only thing on my mind. Mark seemed to
notice, when his words didn’t seem to soothe me.
“Did something else happen?”
I wrapped my arms around my waist. “I saw Jane.”
Mark immediately straightened. “What? Where? When?”

“In the hallway just now, when I was brining Elva back to the room.” I described the location to him, and then gave him the
description of her gown from what I could remember.
“You think she went to the gala?” he asked.
“I do,” I said. “God knows what she’s doing there. Likely trying to ruin my life.”
“We won’t let that happen.” Mark procured his phone from his pocket and began to text. His fingers flew across the screen. I’d
never seen anyone text so quickly. “If Jane went to that gala, Nicholas will stop her.
before she does any true harm.”
Remembering how Olivia and Lilliana hung of his arms, claiming all of his attention, I doubted he would
An unpleasant tingling of pain burrowed deep down inside my chest. I hated to admit that I was jealous.
I knew Nicholas had other priorities than me. He was burdened with a crown, and someday he might be king. He would always
have obligations bigger than his personal love life.
Lilliana or Olivia were more suited to be the Luna the kingdom needed. They didn’t have children yet, or debts, or a history tied
with the underground organization, even if it was unwilling. They were free to fully
dedicate themselves to Nicholas and the kingdom.
I would never have such freedom.
“I’m also activating more of Nicholas’s personal guard,” Mark said. “They’ll patrol the grounds, starting
first at the ballroom. Don’t worry, Piper. If Jane is here, we’ll find her.”
I wanted to believe that, but I doubted. Jane had knowledge of hidden passageways. She had connections with Terry and
whoever else. She wore my face, which had others let their guard down.
Pretending to be me, she wouldn’t seem out of place.
None of that was Mark’s fault, and I was grateful for his attempts at helping, even if I thought they were

“Thank you, Mark.”
He continued to text, so I left his side to walk toward the bed. The doctor was checking Elva’s pulse.
I didn’t dare speak while she was working, but I watched. And I worried.
I prayed Jane wasn’t in the ballroom trying to destroy what little I had left.
