The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0252
I sniffed, but I wouldn’t let the tears fall. By the end of Nathan’s list, I had been the only person to have received zero support.
The orphanage I supported would receive no donations from tonight, despite my
best efforts.
In her ten minute appearance, Jane had undone hours‘ worth of my efforts.
I’d been getting glares since I returned to the ballroom, but now, the whispers started too.
I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Then I wouldn’t feel so much
embarrassment and shame.
I’d hoped to gain enough donations to be able to give the orphanage at least some relief. They knew about my backing them. We
had to submit the organizations we supported to Nathan and the producers
ahead of time. They likely made commercials and promos for the gala utilizing that information.
I could only imagine what the commentators were saying now.
“The orphanage will receive nothing. The children will go hungry tonight. And it’s all Piper’s fault!”
I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. Nicholas, beside me, noticed.
“We congratulate all of our participants tonight,” Nathan said. His speech was wrapping up. The event
was almost over.
“Wait!” Nicholas called out. He started walking toward the stage. The crowd parted for him, clearing his
Julian appeared in the now empty space beside me. He handed me a handkerchief.
“Took him long enough to step forward,” Julian said. “I thought I’d have to do it myself. It would have
totally ruin my reputation as the reckless, devil–may–care playboy.”

I dabbed the handkerchief at the corners of my eyes. “Do what?”
“You’ll see.”
Nicholas stepped onto the lifted platform and approached Nathan. The King and Queen gave him
suspicious glances.
Nicholas held out his hand and Nathan passed him the microphone.
Nicholas cleared his throat. “In the spirit of tonight’s generosity, I would like to offer my own donation of
$20,000 to the orphanage that Piper is supporting tonight.”
Many people oohed and awed. That gift was twice as much as the next highest donation tonight.
Everyone started to clap.
Suddenly, some of my shame lifted away, and I started crying for a new reason: gratitude. (1)
Julian wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Chin up, Piper.”
“I’m just so happy... Those kids... I failed them.”
“No, you didn’t. Jane stole from them.”
I glanced at him. “Did you see her?”
Julian’s smile twisted in disgust. At Jane or at himself, I couldn’t tell. “I didn’t notice.”
“Nicholas did,” I mentioned, hoping he wouldn’t feel bad. So long as someone was there to interfere in
Jane’s plans, did it matter who it was?
Yet my words seemed to have the opposite effect on Julian. He squared his jaw. “Yeah.” He didn’t sound
all that happy about it.

Nicholas slowly came down from the lifted platform. He was stopped several times as he walked, by
smiling people shaking his hands and complimenting his generosity.
“Ever the hero, my brother,” Julian said. I couldn’t read his tone.
“It’s fine, Piper. Some of us work better from the shadows.” He lowered his head a little. “Though, for
what it’s worth, I’m sorry that I let Jane slip by me. It won’t happen again.”
“She fooled everyone,” I said.
Julian shook his head. “I don’t get fooled.”
He walked away before Nicholas reached me. I realized too late that I hadn’t returned his handkerchief. Nicholas glanced at it.
Julian’s initials were embossed onto the corner.
Nicholas’s jaw clenched.
I didn’t know why he was upset, especially when I was so pleased.
“Thank you, Nicholas,” I said. My voice wavered. This evening had been a trial, but Nicholas’s actions. had helped make it just a
little better.
supposed, I was still in a bad place. My poor showing in this event would reflect in my standings among
certainly didn’t help either.
