The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0282
Her threat made me go silent. I wasn’t flirting with Terry. He was flirting with me. But maybe that was still enough to be held
against me.
“You seduced my brother,” the Luna said, “And you will not get away with it.” An angry flame burned in her eyes. Her usually
demure expression was filled with disgust.
I didn’t want to have this conversation with Elva listening.
“Your Majesty,” I said, rising from my chair. “If we could please have this conversation in the hallway, or somewhere else more
“Why?” the Queen said, narrowing her gaze. “Are you afraid of the other candidates learning you are a loose woman?”
“I’m not
“A sl ut who tempts men,” the Queen said, voice full of malice.
I glanced at Elva. She tilted her head.
I hurried toward the Queen. “Please, your Majesty. Not in front of my daughter.”
“If you wanted to protect her, you should have done more to protect your own character. The child should know the truth about
her mother.”
“But it’s not the truth.” I lowered my voice, so only she could hear. “Terry assaulted me. He tried to -”
You are on
“Lies,” she said fiercely. slandering him to protect yourself. You may have my bighearted sons fooled, but I see you clearly, Piper.
You seduced Terry, just to lure him into a compromising position before playing the victim. You think this will earn you favor with
my sons.”
I shook my head. “If you would hear me out – – ”
“I protect my family from vultures and snakes,” the Queen said, venom dripping from the words.

“I am neither of those things,” I said.
“Then apologize,” she said.
I blinked, surprised. “What?”
“Issue a formal apology to Terry, accept responsibility for your actions, and perhaps we can move beyond this little episode of
I swallowed thickly. “And if I refuse?”
“Then you will face judgement for breaking the contest rules,” the Queen said.
I didn’t want to risk being sent home, but the thought of standing before my attempted rapist, to apologize to him, made my
stomach churn.
Even to save myself, I didn’t think I’d have been able to do it. He was simply too vile and repulsive. What he had done to me was
so terrible and inexcusable, that I was still struggling to process it had even happened to me for real.
And now she wanted me to take the blame for it too?
“I can’t do that,” I said.
She frowned. “Then you better start packing your bags.”
She didn’t wait for anymore arguments or excuses or pleas. She turned on her heel and left the room. I watched her go for a long
moment before I returned to my chair.
Elva looked at me. “The Queen seems mad, Mommy.”
“She does,” I agreed.
“Are we in trouble?” Elva asked. Her eyes were wide with concern.
I had thought I already hated Terry with the full entirety of my being, but now, seeing how this situation had brought worry onto
my daughter, I found that my hatred for him was as deep as a bottomless well.

I leaned over and kissed Elva on the top of her head. “We’ll be okay, honey. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Okay,” Elva said, though she didn’t seem fully convinced.
I couldn’t blame her. My promise didn’t have much backing behind it. If the Luna wanted me gone, I didn’t know how I would be
able to convince everyone else that I should stay. Her word was law. Her disapproval was likely the final nail in my coffin.
I didn’t know what else to say. I had no other means of comforting her. So I let her return to her breakfast, and I returned to mine.
Later, as I was walking down the hallway alone, intending to head to Susie’s room to check on her, I was spotted by Nicholas at
the other end of the hall. I abruptly swiveled on my heel and started heading the other direction.
I wasn’t ready to face him yet after his sudden disappearance that morning. I was absolutely certain if he was seeking me out
now, it was only to apologize for being uncomfortable with me staying in his bed. He had stayed in mine before, but this felt
difference somehow.
I had been in his pajamas, after all, and he had held me so tenderly and close, like a lover would.
Not ready for more rejection, I started walking quickly. Unfortunately, his stride was bigger than mine, with his long legs.
He caught up to me quickly and gently touched my elbow, stopping me. He came around to my front. Confusion and a dash of
hurt was in his eyes.
“Didn’t you see me?” he asked.
I looked away from him. “I wasn’t paying attention.” It was an obvious lie. We both knew it.
“Okay...” He seemed unsure. “I just wanted to make sure you are alright. When I returned to my room and you weren’t there, I
wasn’t sure what to think ”
He wasn’t sure what to think? “Imagine how I felt when I woke up alone.” I tried to keep the. bitterness out of my tone. I had no
idea how successful I was at it. My guess was not very.

His face crumpled at once, concern fading into realization and inexplicitly, despair. “No, Piper. You can’t think I purposefully left
you there.’
I lifted a brow. “Isn’t that what happened?”
“No.” He vehemently shook his head. “I decided to speak with my parents at once, to present them the evidence about Terry. I
showed them the letter and the footage of him being inappropriate to you and Susie. I thought the sooner they knew the truth,
the sooner you might be safe.”
Oh. So it hadn’t been a rejection? A touch of relief spread through me. It didn’t last long, however, before another realization set
“Did you show the footage to the Luna?” I asked.
As he nodded, his mouth formed a tight thin-lipped line. “She was not as receptive to the truth as I would have hoped.”
I sighed. “I know.”
“You do?”
“She said some words to me this morning...”
Nichola s’s features hardened. A touch of darkness dimmed his eyes. “What did she say?”
I explained to him what had happened, ending with, “She will only let me stay if I offer Terry a public apology.”
“No. You will not be doing that,” Nicholas said.
I was glad we agreed.
“I’ll speak with her,” he said. 2
“Do you think you’ll be able to convince her?”
“She will listen to me. I don’t care what I have to do. She has no right to demand that of you. To put you in front of your attacker
and... No. As far as I am concerned, that monster will never lay eyes on you again.”

green in his eyes flickered,
His hands curled into tight fists. His body trembled with rage. The green in his and I recognized he was trying to control his wolf.
I stepped closer to him, hoping my closeness would offer him enough comfort to stay in command.
He closed his eyes and inched closer to me. Our arms brushed. He breathed deeply.
“It’s best if neither of us face Terry again,” he said.
I understood, but I still asked, “Why?”
“If I see him around you again, I will kill him.”
