The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0287
I couldn’t believe that. Nothing from the time I had been with Nicholas to what I had experienced knowing him now indicated to
me that he only cared about himself.
He helped out regularly at an orphanage. He turned the other way to Mark and Susie’s romance. He spent time with Elva. He
was so protective of me, always looking out for me.
None of these were indicative of a selfish man.
Julian seemed absolutely convinced however. “I can tell from your face that you don’t believe me. But doesn’t this action prove it
to you? Nicholas was trying to steal the glory here. That’s why he went behind my back.”
as s
“That’s not true,” I said. “He only wanted to tell the King as soon as he could, to bring down. Terry as quickly as possible.”
Julian huffed. “He has you fooled, then.”
“Julian. Don’t you think you are being too hard on Nicholas?” I could sympathize with Julian. I knew being excluded had hurt him,
and it was exceedingly shortsighted of Nicholas, if nothing else, as Julian held some of the evidence that the King needed to help
make his
Nicholas was stubborn and a man of action, but he was also forthright. He plunged ahead, sometimes without the many
calculations that Julian would make. But he did so with the best intentions at heart. Of that, I was absolutely certain.
“He’s always done this is in the past as well,” Nicholas said. “He’ll undercut my accomplishments in order to prop himself up.”
“Every exam, every sport, every concert... Every moment where I could have shone, could have made something of myself, he
stole the spotlight and kept it from me.
He smirked as he spoke, but it was a mask, one he was used to wearing. I was starting to be able to see through it, to the more
vulnerable man underneath.

I didn’t doubt that Julian had been denied glory. I also didn’t doubt that Nicholas had claimed it, though I’m sure it was
unintentional to cast such a dark shadow over Julian.
Was this why Julian always acted out? He was just a lost boy who never had enough attention. growing up? No. That was likely
unfair. This hurt felt too raw, too deep. There was something deeper going on.
“You can’t believe that Nicholas would purposefully steal -”
I still hadn’t fully understood what the King had hoped to gain from his interrogation of me. He had clearly come into the meeting
with his own ideas of what had gone on.
“See? This is exactly why Nicholas should have included me in his earlier confrontation with our parents,” Julian said. “If I had
presented that ring sooner, father might have been decent enough to leave you out of it, and not force you to relive your trauma.”
I looked down, embarrassed.
“Nicholas never thinks I’m good enough to actually contribute,” Julian said. “He resented that I was assigned with the task of
tracking down the underground. He likely thought I’d blow it off.”
He was clearly still angry about the brothers’ earlier fight.
Trying to make peace, I said, “Don’t forget, Julian, that you cultivated that image.”
“A brother should know the truth about his own brother. For him to have bought into my façade is an insult to our shared
I frowned a little. “Surely there is some reason for this animosity between you?” I didn’t want to pry, but I cared about them both.
Caring about them meant that I wanted to help. What happened that drove you to such hatred.”
“You should ask him that,” Julian said. “He’s the one who has been unwilling to let go all these years.”
I had serious doubts that Nicholas was the only one who was holding onto a grudge. I gave Julian a flat look, letting him know
my disbelief.

“I’m serious,” he said, doubling down. “You only see the good parts of him. The sides he wants you to see. What you can’t or
won’t see, Piper, is just how selfish my brother is.”
Julian nodded. “Nothing is more important to Nicholas than his own self-image.”
