The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0311
There was no question who him meant.
With Nicholas, I wouldn’t be playing pretend.
I looked at Julian. The curves and planes of his face weren’t all that different from Nichola s’s. If I squinted...
Better yet, if I closed my eyes entirely.
Julian’s fingers were softer than Nichol a s’s, but when he slipped them back through my hair, it was harder to tell.
Julian traced the tip of his nose along my cheekbone. It was a gentle touch, intimate.
I tried to imagine Nicholas doing it. But I couldn’t quite manage.
I leaned back.
The producer said, “Hold it. Stop filming.”
I opened eyes.
“Let’s take a break for a bit,” the producer said.
Behind us, Elva was dozing on the chair the King had been using. I watched her for a while. Anything to keep from looking at
Julian and seeing the disappointment in his eyes.
“You can’t even pretend?” he asked softly. “I know you like Nicholas, but surely you can see that I’m not all that bad.”
“I know you aren’t,” I said. “But...”
“But?” Julian prompted, when I struggled to find the words.
“I can’t be untrue to my own heart. I don’t want to lead you on.”
Julian tilted his head minutely. Then he laughed so suddenly that I startled.
“None of this is real, Piper. I know that. I’m not going to suddenly think you are in love with me.”
“I know, but...” It did seem foolish, when he put it like that.
“Think of it like a game,” Julian said. “Think of yourself as an actress and we’re only doing all this for some great movie.”
“Okay “I said “I can try to that “s
“Good.” His smile softened.
I glanced at Elva again. She seemed to be sleeping soundly. That, at least, was a blessing. I didn’t want her to see what I was
about to do. The poor girl would have a hard enough time when Nicholas would have to let us go. I didn’t want her to be even
more confused.
Julian nodded to the producer, and the producer signaled to the cameraman, who began to film again.
Julian cupped my face with both hands. The way he looked at me... so soft... so gentle... Almost like he was really in love.

I knew it was pretend, but the intensity of it still stole my breath away.
Julian was an amazing actor. It seemed so real.
He leaned in closer. He brushed the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
He was going to kiss me. This was a signal. It had to happen.
I only wanted to kiss Nicholas, but that wasn’t reality. Nicholas would leave me soon. The only thing I could do was make sure he
would remain safe here. If my influence could help him
I closed my eyes.
Julian’s lips pressed onto mine. His kiss was soft, not demanding at all. He just stayed pressed against me, tender, almost
caressing his lips against mine.
His tongue came next, slowly. I wanted to lock my jaw, clamp my teeth, to keep his tongue away. But I had to let him in. For the
game we were playing, the movie we were acting...
To keep Nicholas safe...
I parted my teeth, and Julian slipped his tongue into my mouth.
Julian was a good kisser, likely from an immense amount of practice. Maybe if I hadn’t known Nicholas, I would have been swept
away in him. As it was, I could only think of the man I truly wanted...
My eyes shot open. I pressed against Julian, shoving him away.
Standing in the doorway, eyes wide with shock, stood Nicholas.
He looked at me in disbelief... in hurt?
Then his gaze shifted to Julian, and he growled.
