The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0366
When I looked back up at Nicholas, he was still staring at me. Maybe he would have stared forever, I didn’t know.
But then Olivia appeared near his arm. She touched his forearm and he had to look down at her.
She wore a dress the color of the ocean, fluid, with white trim. Nicholas wore a matching tie.
Like Julian and I, they were a matching pair. It was a bitter reminder of our roles tonight, something I seemed to so easily forget
every time I looked Nicholas in the eye.
Olivia tugged on Nicholas’s arm, and he acquiesced to her command, not looking back.
Disappointment surged through me. I hadn’t expected that we would have all walked into together like some kind of royal parade,
but it would have been nice to receive some acknowledgement.
“Looks like Nicholas is going to have his hands full tonight,” Julian said.
“Yes,” I agreed, annoyed how quickly and easily he followed Olivia’s summons.
“We shouldn’t assume that we can depend on him,” Julian said. “He’s going to be very busy upholding all of our appearances
I looked at Julian sideways. “And us?”
“We should stay together,” Julian said. “To do our part, of course, but also for protection.”
“I don’t need your protection,” I said on instinct. I was so used to doing everything alone. Sometimes it still felt hardwired in me. I
regretted it immediately. If things went south, I really might need him. I opened my mouth to take it back, but Julian beat me to it,
complete with a cheeky grin.
“I meant, protection for me. I don’t want to be outside of three feet of that cuff.‘ He purposefully dropped his gaze to my bosom.
I went to smack him, but, laughing, he dodged out of the way.
I smiled in return, but it didn’t feel as honest as it had before. Seeing Nicholas and being reminded just how far out of reach he
was really felt like it hurt something deep within me. My soul, maybe? Was that possible?

“Come on, my Queen.” julian held out his hand. “At the very least, we should walk in together.”
“Keep your eyes only in appropriate places,” I said, eying his hand with suspicion.
He crossed his heart with his other hand. None of his fingers were crossed, but I still didn’t believe him at all.
Still, knowing I had no other choice, I placed my hand in Julian’s.
We were announced as one, “Prince Julian and Miss Piper.” Some of the guests present became very excited. Several clapped,
a few brave souls whistled.
I startled, but Julian ate it all up, waving.
“Our adoring public,” Julian whispered to me. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”
Together, we descended the stairs. No sooner did we reach the bottom stair, than we were swarmed by a group of enthusiastic
“Piper! Piper, there you are. Gosh it’s so exciting to see you in the flesh,” said one young woman, her eyes bright and sparkling.
She had an older man in tow, presumably her long–suffering father if their similar facial features were anything to go by. “I
begged and begged my dad until he let me come tonight.”
“I am deeply apologetic to you, Your Royal Highness, and to you, Miss Piper,” the father said.
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Julian answered, all smiles and easy acceptance. “It is an honor and a pleasure to meet you and your
daughter here tonight, good sir.” He shifted his gaze to the young woman. “Miss.”

He was laying on the smolder and it was incredibly affective. The girl’s face went red as a cherry tomato, and she was entirely
speechless for a long moment.
Julian sharpened his smile into a devilish smirk, and she placed a hand to her heart.
“Oh my God...” she breathed.
As the young woman was stunned, another bold woman weaved her way to the front of the group.
“Piper!” this woman said, and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “So interesting that you were publically introduced
with Prince Julian...”
“Was it?” I asked.
“Not so interesting,” Julian said, cutting in. “I believe I’ve made my intentions toward Piper well known to the entire kingdom.”
“Maybe,” the woman said.
Julian’s sharp gaze sliced to her. She seemed immune, matching it with a sharp gaze of her own.
“We’re all enjoying your romance, of course,” she said. “Though... we are all also enjoying your other entanglements, Miss
Piper.” She said the words while still looking at Julian. It almost felt like an attack. Did this woman not like Julian?
“I don’t have other entanglements,” I said carefully.

“Oh, no?” She looked at me now, and her gaze was so probing, I wondered if she could see all my secrets just by looking at me.
“No... love triangle? You can’t deny that Prince Nicholas also called your name at the last selection ceremony. And then there is
the way he looks at you...”
A few other women in the group voiced their agreement.
One girl sighed dreamily. She asked, “What’s it like to be wanted by two different princes, Piper?”
“That’s not...” I started to say. How did they know? Were they part of the group that Charlotte mentioned, who invested so much
time and energy into dissecting all the footage of Nicholas and I together?
I had to get a handle on this. Now.
I cleared my throat. “I am dating Prince Julian and no one else. Prince Nicholas and I are friends, but that is all.” The words
tasted like ash on my tongue, but
they were necessary.
“Friends with benefits, maybe...” someone snickered. I didn’t see who.
“Hey,” I said, offended.
“Ladies, let’s calm down a moment,” Julian began.
The young woman who had swooned over Julian seemed to recover now. She glared at the woman with glasses like she wanted
to set her on fire with her eyes.
“How dare you insinuate that Prince Julian is not more than enough to satisfy Miss Piper,” the young woman said angrily.
“I’m only calling it like I see it,” said the woman with glasses. She gave the young woman a returning glare, almost as fierce.
I looked at Julian, but the bastard was near–laughing, like he was actually enjoying this.
“Julian,” I said under my breath, hoping to remind him of our purpose here.
He looked at me, then seemed sheepish. At least he was mildly ashamed at having been caught. “Now, ladies!” he tried again.
They weren’t listening to him.

“Darling, please,” said the young woman’s father.
She wasn’t listening to him either.
“I won’t have you insult Prince Julian like this,” the young woman said. “There’s no shame in finding Prince Nicholas so much
more appealing,” said the woman with glasses.
I held up both hands. This was getting out of hand.
Yet, suddenly, Nicholas appeared beside us. He cut straight through the crowd, ignoring their gapes and whispers. He came
straight up to me and said, “Piper, I need to speak with you.” He looked around at all the people. “Privately.”
Several of the guests gasped.
The young woman seemed put out.
The woman with the glasses was smiling smugly.
Julian was watching it all with amusement dancing in his eyes.
I covered my face with my hands and wished the world would swallow me whole.
