The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0368
Then, to me, Nicholas spoke again, “Look at me, Piper.”
I hesitated at first, but he didn’t move from his spot in front of me, like he was patiently waiting me out.
So, eventually, I chanced a glance upwards.
Nicholas captured my gaze with his own and held me captive. He held so much emotion in his eyes – blatant affection – it stole
my breath away.
“You know who I’d rather be with,” he said.
He meant me.
And the words stole my breath away.
I’d rather be with him too. “Nicholas...”
“Find me,” he said, “before you make a move on Jane...” He sighed. “Or find Julian. Just don’t do anything on your own.
This felt like a pivotal moment, like he was barring his heart; and it was time for me to do the same. I wouldn’t disappoint him. I
wanted him to know his
affections were reciprocated, in case there was any question about it.
“I’ll find you,” I said. It was a difficult thing to promise. No one knew when or how Jane would appear. It was likely that Nicholas
would be in an entirely different part of the room. But no, I would still make an effort to get to him.
I would try, anyway. Because he wanted me to.
Slowly, he nodded. “Thank you.” But I could see with the flash of uncertainty in his eyes that he didn’t quite believe me.
“I’ll have my necklace,” I said, gesturing to where the full moon pendant rested just above my bosom.
Nicholas frowned deeper at it. “Yes, but...”
Beside us, Julian cleared his throat, making us both jump. This added a few more inches between us.

“If you are done stealing my girlfriend, Nicholas?” Julian said. “I think your fangirls got enough pictures of you two to satisfy
We all glanced back at the overeager group of women who had inched closer to where they now stood. Many looked
embarrassed at having finally been noticed.
Julian made a show of offering his arm to Piper. Piper quickly accepted, afraid any hesitation would come off poorly on the video.
Nicholas glowered, but I couldn’t point it out to him without making it seem like I was speaking to him privately again. So I just
accepted that he would glare. The girl with glasses moved her fingers over the screen like she was zooming in.
Julian all but rushed me away from Nicholas, and the group of girls.
“You two all huddled and broody in the corner,” Julian said. He spoke with an upbeat cantor, but I knew I was being lectured. “Did
you forget the purpose of tonight’s event?”
“To catch Jane...”
“No!” Julian swooped me onto the dance floor.
Suddenly his hand was on my hip and the other clutching mine as he pulled me into step with the rest of the dancers.
“We are supposed to look like we are having fun, remember? All sunshine and happiness, to let all the good people at home
know how great everything is,” Julian said. His smile was bright and wide, and it didn’t look fake at all.
God he was a good actor. Dangerously good.

If he wasn’t a prince, he could have been a movie star. He had the looks and the talent, not that I would admit either to him. He
was smug enough as it was.
But he was right in this too. I hadn’t forgotten the theme of the night’s event exactly, I’d just been preoccupied.
“I’ve always believed in putting art into practice,” Julian said as he spun me around. I felt light as a feather in his capable hands.
“So maybe rather than pretending to have fun... how about we actually have some?”
Chapter 0369
The King and Queen watched from atop their thrones as the princes danced with and among the candidates and guests, while
the cameras swooped in and out to capture all.
We kept our smiles bright, eager to show how much fun we were having all to maintain our standing in the competition, of
My cheeks were starting to hurt from how big and fake I was smiling. Fake laughter sounded all around me, every contestant
competing with each other for the royal family’s attention – as well as for the cameras.
Eventually, as Julian was swirling me around the dance floor, I noticed Susie standing near the edge of it. Her smile was shaky.
She seemed more nervous than happy, even to pretend.
I tapped Julian on the shoulder and motioned toward Susie. “I need to talk to her.”
He understood and released me. “I’ll make the rounds.” He instantly
disappeared back among the dancers, with a new partner now. He switched so quickly, I didn’t even see who it was.
It didn’t really matter, though, so I hurried to Susie’s side instead. Relief covered her face the moment she noticed me.
“Piper. Thank goodness.”
“What’s going on?” I asked her.
She worried her hands together. “I can’t do this.”
“Do what? Dance?” I knew she could dance. I’d seen her do the steps countless times before. She’d even taught me a few

“Pretend,” she said.
I stepped beside her and we both looked out over the dance floor. From this angle, the scrunched up too–much smiling faces
seemed extra unnerving. It looked like everyone had a clown mask on. Only Julian looked truly genuine, though he was the best
Nicholas was dancing with Olivia, I noticed. He wasn’t smiling at all, but a prince didn’t really need to. Olivia seemed pleased.
She wasn’t overselling it.
Lilliana, meanwhile, was laughing so loudly, smile so big, that it hurt me just
“Everyone looks so phony right now,” Susie said. “I know we need to try to lift the spirits of the kingdom, but... Won’t they be able
to tell it’s not real?”
She looked at me for guidance, and I was honored that she sought out my opinion. Only, I didn’t know what answer to give her.
Yes, most likely the people would be able to tell this was fake. Hell, even if it wasn’t, what kind of message was it truly sending?
Sorry you are experiencing such strife, at least all the rich elites are still fine? It all seemed grossly
But... maybe, if I was being optimistic, I could see how the royal family was desperate enough to try. If part of the public unease
was distrust in the stability of the royal family, showing that they could still maintain the events of the competition could be a step
in the right direction.

I sighed, then met Susie’s gaze. Neither of us were political players or strategists. We were just two young women caught in a
game created by people with more power than we’d ever hold.
Then I remembered Julian’s words, before he pulled me onto the dance floor.
“Maybe instead of pretending,” I told Susie now, “We could try to have fun for real.”
Susie’s eyes went wide, as if surprised. Did she think we could only pretend?” How?”
“We’re friends, aren’t we?” I asked.
“Of course,” she said.
“Then let’s start acting like it.”
I wrapped her arm around mine and pulled her with me toward the dance floor.
“What are we doing?” she asked, though went along with it.
“Dancing,” I said. “Forget the stuffy moves and the practiced dances. Let me show you some of the dances from my pack.”
At once, I started a dance that mimics pushing a shopping cart. “Then you reach,” I said, and lifted my arm up, as if pulling an
item off the shelf, then mimicked placing said item into the shopping cart. “And drop.”
Susie’s eyes were wide, even as her smile grew bigger, more honest. “That looks ridiculous.”
“I know,” I said. “It’s so fun. You try.”
Immediately Susie began the same dance. It was a bit strange, doing such an informal dance while listening to an orchestra, but
a beat was a beat. Anything was possible.
Susie mimed putting items in her imagined shopping cart and then laughed and laughed. “Wait, what if I need something heavy?”
She pretended to lift
something off the ground with both hands.

It was outrageous and messed up the entire beat, but it was so funny, watching Susie in her formal gown pretending to lift
something heavy.
I laughed so hard I snorted.
Our antics quickly drew the attention of others.
“What’s that dance? I’ve never seen it before?” Tiffany asked, joining us.
“A shopping cart dance,” Susie said.
“Teach me!” Tiffany said. Susie eagerly agreed. A few of the guests followed along. Susie came out of her shell a bit, perhaps
seeing how much they actually enjoyed it. Even Veronica joined us.
Soon, half the dance floor was with people, young and old, men and women, attempting the shopping cart dance.
“I have another one!” I announced and they all turned to me. I very carefully taught them how to do the sprinkler move, by
bending one elbow and moving in a semi–circle, mimicking the movements of a lawn sprinkler.
It was another outlandish dance that made everyone laugh and want to try it.
Susie pulled me into a quick hug. “This is amazing.”
“It is when it’s with friends.” I smiled at her.
I didn’t realize the cameras had shifted from recording the formal dancers to watching us instead. Our smiles and laughter was
certainly more honest than that of the other side. More so now, in fact, since that side had begun to glare at
1. us.
All except Nicholas, who was looking right at me, pride clear on his face. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, hoping to hide
how wide my smile was growing in response.
Making Nicholas pride? It made something warm burn within me. For a moment, I felt like a little sun myself, full of warmth and
light and happiness.
But then Olivia tugged on Nicholas’s arm, and he was forced to look away.

My sunshine dimmed somewhat.
I glanced across the room, searching for Julian. It seemed odd that he hadn’t joined us for our silly dances. That seemed like
something Julian would have been first in line to try.
But I didn’t see him anywhere. Not on our half of the dancefloor, or on the other half. Not by the refreshment table. Not by the
King and Queen on the throne.
He could have stepped out for a moment, I guessed, but we’d been dancing for a while.
Had that lead of his panned out.
Surely he would have said something.
Then, something caught my eye. A figure in black among an assortment of bright, vibrant, jovial colors.
A stranger was wearing a tight, floor–length black gown, and a black brimmed hat with a veil that hid her face. She took a seat at
one of the tables along the
outer edge of the ballroom. She held a champagne glass but made no effort to drink from it.
I knew it was Jane, even from across the room.
