The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0383
I ran and ran, letting my wolf guide me. Nicholas, in his wolf form, stayed close beside me, just a few inches behind. If I turned
left, he followed in a flash. If I moved right, he was there. He was letting me lead, but staying close enough that he could catch
me from falling if I lost myself.
I had not felt this free in such a long time. Like this, I was a brand new person, one with nature, moving among the grass and
under the bright stars. There were no worries out here, just instincts to follow.
I had not felt this happy in a long time.
I looked at Nicholas, and chuffed at him, encouraging him to race. He barked his agreement.
Then, he unleashed his own speed. G od, he was so big, an absolute power house of muscle, all of which he utilized now to
push his body forward. And he was fast.
I was out of practice running on four legs, but I gave it my best attempt, handing more of the reigns of control over to my wolf. It
barked it’s contentment as it pushed our legs faster, our body harder, until we came neck and neck with Nicholas. O
I suspected he was going easy on me, but I didn’t care. Chasing him was infinitely fun.
We pushed into a small clearing when I knew my legs wouldn’t last much longer. So I did the only think I could think of: I
pounced. I collided with Nicholas and wiped us both out. We toppled over and over in the grass.
When we separated, we were both on our backs in the grass. I shifted back into human first, laughing. I was high on life, and on
victory. We had plenty of other problems still waiting on us, including Jane’s disappearance, but tonight still felt like a victory.
I had my wolf back. And nothing or no one would take it from me again.
Nicholas shifted back into human form too. His smile was wide as he turned his head toward me. He was so handsome like this,
ruffled and windswept. His golden eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
I desperately wanted to kiss him.
He must have been able to tell. His gaze added heat as it dropped down to look at my mouth.
I didn’t know who moved first. In the end, I didn’t care.
One minute we were looking at each other, the next his arms were around me, and I was on top of him with his tongue in my
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“Piper,” he gasped, when we came up for air.
Our kiss had been much like an attack, demanding and intense. Both our chests heaved. My breasts pressed against his
muscled pecs. We were wearing way too many clothes. I clawed at his shirt. (3)
He caught my hands at my wrists, stilling me. “Piper, slow down. We’ve got time.”
I shook my head. “I want you.”
He startled, and his grip on my arms became more firm. “You don’t mean...”
“I want you inside of me, Nicholas. I want you to make me yours for real.” My body was on fire with lust and passion. I wanted to
be naked, and I wanted him to be naked too. I wanted to crawl my way into his ribcage and live in his skin beside him.
“You look... wild,” he said as he studied me. The fire still burned in his eyes, but he had it controlled. Mine burned like a wildfire.
“Slow down.”
I shook my head. “I want...”
“Not here,” Nicholas said. “Not like this.”
I didn’t understand. It was hard to think with how badly I wanted him naked and inside of me. My fingers curled, clawlike. If he
released my hands, I could shred his clothing and mine, and everything would be better.
“Piper. Look at me.”
I tried, but... His clavicle showed at the edge of his opened collar. I really wanted to put my mouth on it.
Suddenly, I was on my back, staring up at the night sky. At least, until Nicholas appeared over me. He pushed my arms up over
my head, then held the rest of me down with the weight of his body. One of his thighs was between my legs. Such delicious
friction. I began to grind.
“Piper. Still.” That was Nichola s’s Alpha voice.
I froze at once, as a delightful shiver ran through me. I really, really liked his

“Focus on me,” he said.
I blinked a few times and focused on his face.
“Good,” he said and I preened. “Now, listen to me. When I make love to you the first time, it will not be out here with me f ucking
you into the mud.”
He cleared his throat, and the shift in his pants made me understand he was not against that image. Neither was I. I bucked my
hips in support. He closed his eyes a moment, groaning.
When he opened them again, his eyes were clear. Burning with flames of lust,
but clear.
“When I get to have you for the first time, I will lay you down on bed of feather pillows. I will kiss every square inch of your body,
until you’ve cu m at least twice and are begging...”
I whimpered.
“Then, beneath the candlelight, I will push into you and make you
I imagined it. He would be so gentle, so tender and kind. He would do his best to make my first time easy for me. G od, I adored
him for it.
“Later, after we’ve christened every possible inside surface with our lovemaking,” he continued. “Then, and only then, will I bring
you right back here and f uck you in the grass.”
Now. Later. What did it matter? I just needed something. Anything!
“Please,” I begged.
He leaned down and claimed my mouth. His tongue swiped past my lips and curled with my own. At the same time, he brought
his body down further, pushing into me, pressing his thigh further against my core.

He was giving me permission.
I decided to take it. I grinded my hips up and up, rubbing my cli t against the meet of his thigh. It felt so good. Not as good as him
inside of me, or him using his fingers or his mouth, but he was so close. I could only smell him and the pine of the forest. His
body was hard. His mouth was hot.
It didn’t take long for me to chase my release. Especially when Nicholas began grinding against me in turn. He broke our kiss to
grunt, then immediately dived
His tongue was wicked, showing me tricks in my mouth that I knew felt fantastic on my cl t. It sent my fantasies shooting
He was still holding my wrists into the dirt.
We rubbed against each other like the h orny teenagers we’d been once.
And when I finally crossed the precipice into pleasure, Nicholas fell right alongside me
Our bodies shook and trembled
Then we held each other as we slowly came to our senses.
Nicholas kissedd my cheek. My chin. The tip of my nose.
Slowly, I returned back to myself. The fire continued to burn in his eyes, unsated.
I felt my own fire blaze
“Agam?” Nicholas asked.
And I could only beg, “Please”
