The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0387
“Piper,” Nicholas said against my lips as I kissed him and then kissed him again. I felt ravenous again, but this time, instead of
food, I wanted this man. I wanted him around me and inside of me. I wanted to claim Nicholas as mine so
there could be no more confusion.
No more games. The competition was over. Nicholas belonged to me and that was that.1
“Piper,” he said again. He placed his hands on my shoulders and gently eased me back away from him. “Talk to me. Tell me
what’s going on.”
“My wolf,” I said. I fought to reclaim control of myself and my rampaging emotions and lust. God, the lust was so strong, I felt like
I might implode. ” Everything is amplified. Veronica says... it will take time to remember how to control these feelings.”
“So your lust for me...?”
“Off the charts,” I said. “If you want to stop...”
“No,” he said, and laughed a little. “It’s a relief, actually.”
I tilted my head, giving him a curious look.
“The way you feel now, is how I have been feeling around you since the moment you reentered my life,” he said. “It has been a
near-impossible struggle to control myself in front of the public, when all I want is to have you.”
Digging my knees into the cushion at either side of Nicholas’s hips, I pushed upwards until I was kneeling over him, looking down
at his face from above.
“I feel it,” I said. “I feel it so much.”
Nicholas dragged his palms up the back of my thighs to my as s, where he squeezed.
I closed my eyes and moan at the feel of the touch. It was electric, like it was tingling everywhere through my body at once.
“You feel that?” he asked. At my shaky nod, he added, “That’s how it’s felt for me, every time that you’ve touched me since the
I wanted more. I wanted to feel him everywhere.
So I surged forward to claim his mouth. He was waiting. His tongue ambushed me. One of his hands trailed up from my as s to
my back where he kept me in
place while he licked his
way into my mouth.

G od, he tasted so good. How had I never noticed before?
When we broke for breath, I felt lost to this desire. “Nick, please... I need... I need
My body writhed against his. In his pants, I felt his growing hardness. “Tell me what you need, Piper.”
I struggled to articulate my words. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted, I just knew he was the only one who could give it to me.
I whimpered in my distress. He relented at once.
“Shhh,” he hushed gently. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head. He had nothing to apologize for. I was the one struggling with
“It’s hard to talk, right?” he asked.
I nodded.
“Okay. That’s okay. I’m going to take care of you.”
He turned and pressed me down onto the couch so that my back rested on the cushion. One of my legs h ooked over the back of
the sofa. The other dangled off the side. Nicholas found a perfect resting spot between them.
“I’ll make you feel good.” He leaned over me and kissed me. I arched into him, desperate to feel the press of his body to mine.
“I want y-you...” I managed, voice breaking. A growl emerged.
“You have me, Piper.” Over my head, he placed his hand against one of mine and laced our fingers together.
Then, blessedly, he began to move, pumping his rock-hard d ick, bulging in his pants, up against my clothes-covered core. The
zipper of his pants pressed against my cl it, offering delicious friction.
I flung my head back. The feel of it was so overwhelming. We’ve done more than this in the past, but it was like I was feeling
everything again for the first time. My body was so sensitive now, my senses heightened.
“N-nick...” I grit my teeth. I didn’t want to moan too loudly, too aware of our closeness to the others. We couldn’t let them know
what we were doing in here.

Even though I really wanted them to know. I wanted to scream Nichola s’s name
so loudly there could be no doubt who he was with. Who he was claiming.
But even in my lustful overdrive, I held on to enough of my senses to remember why I needed to be quiet. And why the bonding
bite wasn’t coming this time.
Or ever. 1
I shook the thoughts away. Now wasn’t the time to think of that.
For now, I just wanted to feel.
So I threw my head back, squeezed my eyes shut, and enjoyed the rock of Nich ola s’s hard body against mine, as he pushed
me farther and farther into the cus hions.
He grunted in my ear with each of his thrusts. That sound alone could bring me over the edge, but I held on, wanting more. I
wanted everything he could give me. I wasn’t going to let go until he did.
The feel of him was so delicious. His scent so intoxicating.
I was close far too soon. “Nick,” I said in warning. I wanted us to come together.
“Almost,” he said, and his voice was as ravaged as my own. “Piper.”
He was still holding my hand. He clenched it. I held back just as firmly.
One more thrust, then two. The pressure on my cl it hit just right, and I gasped. At the same time, his hips stuttered.
Together, we crested the peak of pleasure and went careening over the other
his head to my chest.
Nicholas collapsed on top of me, his head to
My breath was heavy. His was too.
With my free hand, I carded my fingers through his hair. He hummed in

Deep inside of me, my wolf whispered, “My mate.”
No, I corrected.o
My wolf’s confusion pushed through me. It was hurt, and that hurt felt raw within me, as if it was my own. It was my own.
I pushed some of my memories toward Miracle for her to see.
Nicholas and I could never be together. He was the prince of the nation, likely to be the next queen. And I was a waitress, in this
competition to be Luna as only a
publicity stunt. I had no hope’s prayer of actually winning, despite what I wanted.
Even despite what Nicholas wanted.
The Luna would have to be the person best suited to leading the kingdom, and no one else. No one lesser.
“We are not lesser,” Miracle growled.
But we were, at least in terms of kingdom politics. I certainly didn’t know how to run a country.
“Your kind heart would make for a good leader.”
I disagreed. My kind heart would only shatter under the weight of such responsibility. Such... animosity that would be sure to
come my way simply by my existing.
No, I wasn’t fit to be a queen.
And that meant Nicholas would have to marry someone else.
A growl escaped the back of my throat. I couldn’t tell if it was from Miracle or from me. It felt like both of us, voicing our
displeasure in unison.
Nicholas lifted himself up off my chest. “Piper?” There was concern in his eyes.
His lips were kiss-red. Someday he would kiss someone else, and they would leave him like this.
The growl came out deeper, more primal.
Veronica had said my emotions would be amplified.
I should have known that would have extended to jealousy.
