The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0389
“I’m sorry,” I said. My voice felt raw from disuse. “I’m so sorry.”
“Save it for Elva and Nick, yeah?” Julian’s easy smile was back. Truly, he seemed relieved. “Just a second, alright?”
He stepped backwards from me and suddenly shifted into his wolf. Then, he threw his head back and howled.
An answering howl sounded, closer than the last.
Julian shifted back into human form. “That will bring Nicholas.”
I wiped at my tears. “T-thank you...”
Julian had saved me in a way, I wasn’t sure anyone would have been able to. I trusted him. He was my friend. But h o
wasn’t my mate. My emotions around him
weren’t as out of control as Nicholas.
If Nicholas had appeared in an attempt to calm me down, I likely would have run further in the opposite direction. Nicholas had
been one of the many worries I had been running from.
“You scared the s hit out of him, Piper,” Julian said, and despite the way they bicker and fight, I could see the twinge of anger
Julian felt on his brother’s behalf.
“I’m sorry...”
“Don’t do it again,” Julian said.
In the next instant, before I could reply, a giant wolf bounded into our little clearing. He immediately shifted, and in the following
moment, I was wrapped up in Nicholas’s arms.
For a long while, he held me wordlessly. He buried his face into the corner of my neck and shoulder and simply breathed.
I leaned into him, accepting his warmth and the comfort of his embrace. I’d been out here two days running away from him, but it
felt like an eternity.
Every single one of my muscles ached from overuse. They ached in Nicholas’s presence. With him here, I could relax, and my
body could remind me of how hard I pushed it.

“You ran from me,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Nick.’
He held me tighter. “I let you go. I should have chased sooner. Hell, I put the idea into your head. I told you to exercise. Then
when you rushed out, I knew your feelings were overwhelming. I should have known this would happen. I should have stopped
you. This is all my fault.”
Why should he blame himself? “It isn’t,” I told him. “I promise it isn’t.”
He shook his head. He didn’t believe me. “Promise me. The next time you feel like you need to shift, you have to promise to talk
to me first. I can help you. You shouldn’t have to do it alone.”
I didn’t want to admit to him that he was one of the reasons I ran away so hard, but not for the reasons he thought. He thought
he put the thought in my head. Maybe he did, but my jealousy drove me to it. I couldn’t be around him anymore without losing
“I’d also be happy to run with you if you need a plus one,” Julian chimed in.
“She can go with me,” Nicholas growled, and I could see the fringes of his jealousy. So he did feel it then, same as me. And like
me, it was so hard to control.
A shame we were destined to be apart. This jealousy would never heal. We’d likely feel it for the rest of our lives. (1
Nicholas had learned to control his better than mine. Maybe, someday, I would be able to hold mine back just as well.
“You aren’t always around, brother,” Julian said. “It doesn’t hurt her to have options.”
Nicholas growled low, but did not argue that point. Julian smirked, pleased with
I stepped in to end the argument before it could erupt again.
“I would like to go back to the palace now,” I said.
“I can carry you,” Nicholas said.

“I can carry you, if you need space from him,” Julian offered.
Nicholas glared at Julian. Julian shrugged innocently.
I rubbed my forehead. “I can walk.”
“Your legs...” Nicholas said.
I was so tired I could barely stand, but I was determined to anyway. Last thing I needed was to reappear in front of Elva looking
hurt. I had scared the poor little
girl enough already,
“At least let me help you to your feet,” Nicholas offered.
That I could accept He stood first, then held out his hand for me. I accepted it and he pulled me onto my feet. I wobbled at first,
unsteady. His hands came to my waist, keeping me upright.
I leaned into him on instinct. I forced myself to step away.
I had to focus. Getting to Elva and reinforcing our mother-daughter bond was my primary concern. My love for her filled me with
determined energy and, even though it hurt, I was able to force one leg before the other on my trek back to the palace,
Or, at least, I thought I was on my way.
Julian whistled. When I looked back, he pointed in the opposite direction.
I turned and began walking in that direction instead. Now, I was on my way.
Nicholas fell in step directly behind me, so close he could catch me if I fell. Julian stayed a few more steps behind.
We walked for a long time. Even though I had raced in circles, each circle had led me deeper and deeper into the forest. It felt
like an eternity making my way back
out now,
Yet finally, when I crossed the tree line, I saw a group of people standing around as if waiting for me.
I recognized Susie and Mark, Veronica, Tiffany, and... there. My darling little girl.
“Mommy!” she cried, spotting me first. She starting running toward me.
Tired as I was, I wasn’t about to make her think this was to be a one-sided happy reunion. I forced my legs to pump, pulling from
the very last of my energy
I ran to Elva and caught her in my arms. I lifted her, swung her around, then pulled her against my chest. She wrapped her thin
noodle arms around my neck.
She was crying. Her tears made tears spill from my eyes too.
“Mommy... I’m sorry, Mommy... I’m sorry...” she sniffed. “Please don’t leave again. I’ll be good.”
My entire heart broke, She thought this was her fault.

Unable to hold her weight anymore, I knelt down on the grass. I set her onto her
feet and kneeled before her. I clutched her shoulders so she could see straight into my face. I did not want her to doubt my
sincerity, not now. Not ever.
“This was not your fault, Elva. Nothing you did made this happen, okay? It was my fault. My wolf overwhelmed me. But I’m going
to fight it now, you hear? This will never happen again. I will never leave you.”
Elva sniffles. Her eyes are big and damp, and I want to hold onto her forever, or at least until she stops crying. “Promise?”
“I promise, my darling.”
I pulled her into my arms again. She s obs openly against my shoulder. I memorize every heart-wrenching sound she makes.
I would remember them the next time my wolf instincts threatened to overwhelm me. I would never disappear like this again, no
matter what.
The call of nature was strong, but my love for Elva was stronger. Never again would I hurt her this way.
