The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0403
“I heard he had dated another person after he was with me,” she said. “Back
then, he had a little more freedom so I suppose anything is possible.”
That wasn't a compliment, but then, her entire demeanor had seemed to shift
now that we were alone. Her smile had an edge. Her voice was curter. This felt
less like the cute actress persona she had at the ready for the rest of the world,
and more like this might be her true self.
“I wouldn't have believed it if Nicholas hadn't confirmed himself to me these past
few days,” Bridget said.
I felt a hint of pride. Nicholas didn’t talk about Bridget, but he did, it seemed, talk
about me.
“We had a very happy relationship together while we were at the Academy,” I
said. “He is the kindest man I've ever known and he treated me with such respect
and passion...” All of it was true, but I may have been talking it up a bit more than
necessary, out of my jealousy.
“You had no idea who he was. Is that right?” she asked.
“He was Nicholas.”
“But you didn’t know he was a prince.”
“No. He didn't tell me that.”
She smiled a bit as she tilted her head. “A shame that he thought to keep so
many secrets from you. When I knew him, he prided himself so much on his
“He is still an honest, stalwart kind of man,” I said, a little annoyed at her
implication otherwise.
“Maybe he is now, after your split. But you must admit that the man kept secrets
from you. His lineage, for one. His closeness to me, for another.”
Unfortunately, she was right. I did have to admit that. Even though I hated to.
“He had his reasons,” she said.
“I'm sure.” Bridget tilted her head, her movie star smile slipped back into place. “I
suppose I have nothing to worry about then.”
I didn't like the way she said that. Like she was crossing me off as a threat, just
like she did everyone else. Maybe she truly did not know how Nicholas and I had
held each other in the gym just this morning. His scent was still all over me.
Or maybe she was so confident that she didn’t think it mattered.
The thoughts gave me an upset stomach, and my friendliness was much harder
to fake all the sudden. Bridget didn’t seem to care one way or the other. She
mind had shifted onto other things.
“Most of the girls here don’t seem to like me. It can feel a bit... isolating. I'm sure
you understand,” she said.
I could, but I didn't like the way she was saying it, suggesting so easily that I was
obviously an outcast here. I had plenty of friends now, thank you very much.
But... if I looked under my initial irritation. Yes, she was right. I did understand
how isolating it could feel to believe none of the other girls liked you. To be so
Bridget might have been a famous movie star with a huge following, but
loneliness was a universal experience. Money and fame didn’t matter if no one
near you treated you with kindness and respect.
Nicholas and Julian did, but... potential love interests weren't exactly the same
thing as girl friends.
“I hope I can rely on you, Piper, to be my friend,” she said, and she seemed so
da mned earnest. G od, she was a good actor. I wanted to believe her.
I didn’t want anyone to feel alone, not even someone I viewed so thoroughly as a
“Anyone would be lucky to be your friend, Bridget,” Julian says as he slinks into
the room.
Bridget laughs, bright and happy again, as if Julian's flirtation has filled up some
kind of energy gauge inside of her.
“Oh, Julian. You are too much.”
“Aww, shucks,” he walked farther into the room, moving right up to her. He was
laying the charm on thick. His vow not to let Nicholas win again seemed to be in
full action here.
Unfortunately, that seemed to put the blinders on him. He didn’t once look at me.
He didn’t acknowledge me at all. His entire focus was affixed to Bridget like she
had some kind of tractor beam in her face.
It wasn't like him, at all. What was it with these princes? Bridget comes back and
they both fall out of character.
“May I escort you to lunch, Bridget?” Julian offered his arm. “It would be my
honor to dine with you.”
“Why, Julian, you charmer,” she laughed again. “Do any girls ever tell you no?"
She slid her arm through his.
His grin grew wider. It looked painful, frankly, though it was still attractive on his
handsome face.
“Not many,” he said. Was he thinking that she did, when she went with Nicholas
1 still had so many questions about that circumstance, and not really anyway to
find answers. I wondered if the cook Charlotte talked about would know? The
one who had been here way back when. I wondered if she'd be willing to talk.
I shook my head. It wasn't my business. I wanted to help Julian, but it would be
wrong to pry into his life more than I already have.
For now, at least.
When Julian and Bridget were gone, I heaved a great sigh and finally left the
foyer. I was headed back to my room, but I changed course when I saw Nicholas
on a walk with Elva.
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They were holding hands and walking
side by side. Nicholas had shortened
his gait to keep pace with Elva, who
seemed more intend on waddling
back and forth, swinging off of
5 ’ 3
Nicholas's arm, than she did actually
getting anywhere. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Nick-lass,” Elva said. She sounded like she had a question.
“Yes, Elva,” Nicholas replied. It sounded like this wasn't the first question she had
on this walk.
“What's that pretty new lady’s name?” Elva asked.
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I had meant to catch up to them and
make my presence known, but the
ask of that question gave me sudden
pause. Talking with Bridget had
unraveled me somewhat. I felt like I
was standing on uneven ground. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
It was wrong of me to eavesdrop, but maybe hearing Nicholas talk about Bridget
to Elva would reassure my wounded and frightened heart.
“Her name is Bridget,” Nicholas said.
“Bid...jet?" Elva asked. The word was strange to her.
“Bridget,” Nicholas said.
“Bid-jet,” Elva repeated, more confident. She was still saying it wrong.
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> . . )
Nicholas sighed but didn't correct her
Fala ) . J
again. “She's an old friend of mine,
Elva. So you can trust her, okay? I'd
trust her with my own life. If you ever
need anything, you can trust her to
” :
help you.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter therel
My stomach twisted and my wolf began to growl in my mind. I bit it back before it
could escape my lips.
Nicholas trusted Bridget. He told Elva to trust her. He wouldn't do that if he wasn't
a hundred percent confident that he meant his words.
Was I wrong about Bridget then? Was I being too harsh?
Was she simply from a different life than mine and I was struggling to see how
she truly was? Or was it my wolf and my rampaging feelings making me feel so
much suspicion.
1 trusted Nicholas.
If he trusted Bridget... Why couldn't I?
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