The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0407
After we each reviewed our individual scripts for a few minutes, we began to
have our first rehearsal. We didn’t have a stage yet. The actors in the scene just
stood in the center of the ballroom with everyone else gathered around in front.
We did a dry run through the entire play with Nathan doing his best to direct
everyone if Bridget was busy with her scene. She was in most scenes, as the
lead. Nicholas was in several as well, though he seemed much less happy about
He wore a frown most of the time, even when Bridget told him, “Your character
isn’t supposed to be this glum, Nicholas.”
Julian as the main antagonist, also had quite a few scenes. Between line reads,
he would try to start conversations with Bridget, usually by lavishing her with
“You did so well in that last scene, Bridget. I almost believed you were your
character,” he said once.
Each time, she had a different short reply. This time, she said, “Almost? Seems
like I need to try harder then.” Then she turned her back to him to talk to Nicholas
Julian's smirk wavered. “That's not what I meant,” he said, though she was no
longer paying attention to him. With his shoulders slightly slumped, he exited the
fake-stage area and came to stand beside me. “You didn’t see that, did you?”
“Sorry,” I told him. “We can pretend I didn't if it makes feel better.’
I still don’t know the full story between what happened with these three. I'm
starting to wonder if Julian was only ever so drawn to Bridget because she was
the only girl to turn him down.
But, no, that seemed unfair. Julian harbored this crush of his for a long time. He
might not hear no very often, but I doubted he would have held on this long from
a simple rejection.
There had to be something else.
Maybe they actually did have a love triangle. Would Bridget date two men at
once? But if Nicholas knew about it, he never would have gone along with it.
As I mulled over the possibilities, I didn’t notice Julian move until his arm was
already slung over my shoulders. He tugged me closer to him, until the side of
my body slotted against his.
1 looked at him with a lone lifted brow.
He turned into me. Nudging his nose against my cheek, he whispered, “We're
dating, remember?”
“Yeah, but...” Usually our moments of closeness were talked about beforehand.
This sudden closeness was decidedly not discussed previously.
“Please, Piper,” Julian said into my car. “l want to make her jealous.”
I really, really doubted that was going to work, but I didn’t want to hurt Julian
more than he was already hurting. Who knew what would happen? Maybe it
would work?
We were supposed to be dating anyway, so it didn't hurt to try. At the very least, it
would further convince the other candidates that I was Julian's favorite.
“Fine,” I said. I leaned into him. Then, I turned toward him too. Our faces were
close. “But if this backfires, it's on you.”
“I'll take that chance,” Julian said. His gaze dropped to my mouth. I licked my
There was movement from the stage. Surprise struck me. Was this actually
When I glanced over, yes, Bridget was on her way toward us, but that was only
because she was hanging onto Nicholas's arm. He was the one storming over.
I had to stop myself from physically flinching backwards away from Julian.
Nicholas, after all, was the one I truly wanted. But we were playing a game, and if
I moved, Bridget would know right away it was fake.
If she didn’t already know. My acting skills truly were atrocious.
“Piper,” Nicholas said as he came to stand before us. My name was spoken
quickly, clipped. As were the following words, “I think I heard Susie calling you.”
I glanced over to where Susie stood. She was talking to Veronica, not paying
attention to me at all.
I wasn't the only atrocious liar here. Nicholas just wanted to get me away from
I didn’t know what to say in response. Julian needed me here, and I wasn't about
to abandon him just to avoid Nicholas's jealousy. Nicholas should know where
my heart truly lied. Although... with how jealous I routinely felt about Bridget,
perhaps we had more to clear up after all.
“Bridget,” Julian said. “Did you know Piper and I are dating?”
Bridget looked at Julian then, and his entire body tensed at my side. Now, if
Bridget were jealous, she might give us a tight smile and a backhanded
Instead, she smiled brightly and said, “That's wonderful, Julian. I'm so happy you
finally found someone.”
Julian's hand on my shoulder suddenly clutches me tighter.
Go d, she seemed genuine. That must have been like a dagger to Julian's heart.
Although, she was an actress, so maybe it was an act? That seemed doubtful
though, because as soon as she was done talking, she turned her full attention
back on Nicholas, who was still looking at me. Nicholas's entire face was blank of
I would need to talk to him later, to remind him of who truly belonged to who.
At least for now.
“Bridget, Nathan called. “We need you and Prince Nicholas back on stage.”
Bridget tugged on Nicholas's arm. “Come on, Nicholas. We need to get back to
Nicholas nodded, though he continued to stare at me as long as he could, even
when he started turning. He stopped only when he physically couldn't anymore.
Slowly, Julian let his arm around me drop. He didn’t say a word. Neither did I, not
wanting to hurt him further.
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By the time rehearsal was over, I was
so exhausted of all the mind games
and jealousy and everything else. I
lingered around the ballroom for a bit,
not wanting to have to walk back
with anyone and maintain my half of
a conversation. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
My mind was tired, and I honestly just wanted to hide.
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When the room had finally mostly
cleared out, I left too. I made it
almost the entire way back to my
room, when two familiar arms closed
around me and dragged me into a
closet. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
At once, the door slammed shut behind me, I was shoved against it, and Nichola
s’s mouth was on my mine. He licked his way into my mouth, and I gave him
easy access.
His arms were at my sides, his hands pressed flat against the door on either side
of me, boxing me in.
I dragged my hands up his chest to his shoulders, where I then wrapped them
around the back of his neck to drag him closer.
He complied immediately, giving me more. His body moved closer, fully pining
me to the door.
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A growl! escaped the back of my
throat. From being so near Bridget
for all those scenes, he still smelled

: )
like her. Though I supposed I couldn't
complain too hard. I knew I had to
smell like Julian for similar reasons.
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His hands moved to my hips and then traced up my sides in an intimate caress.
1 broke the kiss to breathe. “Nick...”
He kissed me once more, soft and sweet. Then he physically moved me from the
door. He opened and left me standing there, watching after him in confusion as
he walked away.
