The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0459
That evening, after preparing for dinner, I stopped to chat with the guards at my door. By now, they had all become friendly, familiar faces, and though I wouldn't consider us friends exactly, it was always a pleasure to stop and say hello.
It was also a relief knowing the people in charge of mine and Elva's protection actually, genuinely liked us.
Today, however, they seemed stressed. Their smiles were tighter than usual.
Their eyes,
"Is everything alright?" I asked them.
"Oh, nothing to do with your safety, miss," said Carl on the left. He'd been with Nicholas's guard the longest, and had a long graying mustache.
"But something is worrying you," I said.
Carl glanced at his partner at the door, William. William was much younger, newer to the guard, and likely because of that, his heart seemed purer. He had yet to be jaded by the things around him.
"We're worried about Prince Nicholas," William said.
Carl shushed him. "It isn't any of our concern. And certainly not something we should be bothering the young miss with."
"But they are close," William said to Carl. "Maybe she can help him?"
"You need to learn to mind your business," Carl said, though not unkindly. He was gently chiding. "The royals deserve their privacy."
While I could appreciate Carl's position, I desperately wanted to know more about Nicholas. Was he okay? What was wrong?
"Why are you worried about Prince Nicholas?" I asked. A direct question wouldn't be refused, not by William or Carl.
Carl sighed.
William answered, "He's been overworking himself in the gym. He's there all of the time, except to take meals. I'm not even sure he sleeps anymore."
"He's been polite," Carl said. "As always."
"Polite, sure. But tense as a coiled spring," William added. "He's already broken five different punching bags. New ones arrive daily now. He'll likely break those too."
"William," Carl scolded.
William shot him a glance. "Tell me I'm lying."
Carl sighed again, louder. To me, he said, "It's nothing you should worry about, miss. Whatever he's working through, I'm sure he'll reach the other side of it soon.'
I tried to process this new information, but I didn't know what to think. It tracked with how
I personally knew Nicholas to be acting: the fight with Julian, the way his fists clenched as he stood in the garden.
I couldn't help but be worried about him, more now than I even was before.
"Thank you for telling me," I said.
They both nodded in reply.
I really should keep my distance. Bridget had made clear that my closeness to Nicholas only served to make things difficult for him, and it was well past time for me to let him go. 1
But if he was clearly hurting, clearly dealing with something that made him this full of rage, I really needed to talk to him.
So after bidding good evening to the guards, I hurried down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the door, eager to reach the barracks containing the gym where I knew Nicholas worked out. It was the same place where we had practiced our self-defense lessons.
I was nearly there, when I spotted Bridget holding a basket of food. She laughed with the guard at the door.
"Don't worry," Bridget said. "I'm sure a full meal will help him to relax."
The last thing I wanted to do was walk in on Bridget and Nicholas having a moment, so I turned on my heels and retreated back toward the palace in defeat.
I still worried for Nicholas, but...
I couldn't approach him with Bridget so near.
And she always seemed to be near.
The next morning, the candidates were called down into the foyer for another meeting with Nathan. He seemed bright as he took to the stage. It had to be an act, knowing how rude he
had been to me the moment the cameras were turned off.
