The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0473 "No," he said.
I snapped my mouth closed and looked up at him. "Nick?" Nicholas's hands had curled even more, into fists now.
Maybe I should go. Of course, I wanted him, especially with him looking at me like he was, like he wanted to eat me whole.
But he was with Bridget now. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't.
"If you don't want me to touch you," Nicholas said, "Go into the bathroom there." He tilted his head toward an on suite bathroom with a door. "Go in there now, close the door. T will understand and go get Veronica for
you." I swallowed hard. A choice. Leave, preserve my dignity, but deny myself the feel of Nicholas's touch.
God, I knew the choice I should make.
Especially if Nicholas was trying to make things work with Bridget, as she had said so blatantly so many times.
Yet never once had I heard those words from Nicholas himself.
I should go. Staying will feel amazing in the moment, but it would only hurt me in the long run. Nicholas and I couldn't be together, regardless of whether or not he was with Bridget right at this moment.
I should go and not fantasize about those strong hands grabbing my
Sa 715 BONUS breasts. I shouldn't think about falling onto this bed behind me with Nicholas on top of me. Is I'should just go.
Instead, I lifted my chin. "And if I stay?" That was my answer. I couldn't help myself. With Nicholas, I had no self- control. I would do anything to have him, to feel him, to love him.
His eyes impossibly darken farther, alighting a fire within me. With how slim this bikini is, I had no doubt that he could smell my desire in the air.
So he surged forward, wrapped his arms around me, and yanked me toward him. Our chests pressed hard together as his mouth descended over mine.
It had been too long since 1 Bad tasted his mouth, his lips, his tongue. I indulged now, taking my fill. This could be the last time. I was not about to miss this chance.
Nicholas lowered his hands were he squeezed and cupped the mostly-bare globes of my ass. Slowly, gently, he lowered me down onto the bed and crawled on top of me, all without breaking the kiss.
When our kiss did end, he immediately lowered himself down, kissing along the column of my throat, then over my collarbones.
Those tiny triangles of my bikini were so easily pushed to the side, and Nicholas closed his mouth over my bare nipple. I arched my back at once, overwhelmed by the sudden
stimulation. His mouth was so hot, and his wicked tongue was trailing insistent circles over my sensitive bud.
I combed my fingers through his hair and held on for dear life.
A warmth blossomed and bloomed within my chest. I did my best to ignore it, knowing no good could come of it, despite how wonderful it felt. Any growing attachment to Nicholas was foolish and would only end in heartbreak for me.
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Nicholas lapped at my nipple while
cupping and squeezing my other breast with his strong hand. His thumb with The thumb brushed that nipple through
the fabric of the swimsuit. The
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[ moaned. I cried his name. I writhed beneath him. »
And he continued tasting and touching me until I couldn't even do that.
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Somehow, all of Nicholas's clothes and the rest of my skimpy swimsuit ended up on the floor, and Nicholas and I rutted against each other like we had when we had dated all those years ago Nicholas's thigh was
slotted between my legs. His dick was pressing into the edge of my hipbone. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
We grinded and begged and panted our way to mutual pleasure.
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And as I came with his name on my
lips, I knew only he
He could make me
feel this complete. & The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
