The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0492 Around late morning, I headed into the kitchen in search of a cold drink. The Servants were more than willing to help me, but as I was perfectly able to find the refrigerator in this house, I thanked them but sought it out on my own.
I'filled a glass with ice, poured my lemonade, and was about to leave the room when I heard talking just outside the room, on the other side of the door.
"We got some good footage during the volleyball game," a man said. "But everyone just sitting around like this doesn't make for good television, even if they are in the swim suits. We need to at least get them in the water, or stir
LI Ree et ag up drama somehow." "Don't worry," Nathan said. I realized then that the other person must have been with the camera crew. "I have another activity planned that will help boost the ratings." My stomach sank. I didn't like the sound of that.
This trip was supposed to have been a reward for those who performed well in the theater event. Yes, I piggybacked off of Veronica and Julian's success, but even so, no one was supposed to be put on the spot here. This was supposed to be relaxing.
Yet somehow, Nathan and the camera crew wanted to extend the reach of the competition even to here, this place of supposed relaxation. Or was it the king to blame?
SEER." Cae up drama somehow." "Don't worry," Nathan said. I realized then that the other person must have been with the camera crew. "I have another activity planned that will help boost the ratings." My stomach sank. I didn't like the sound of that.
This trip was supposed to have been a reward for those who performed well in the theater event. Yes, I piggybacked off of Veronica and Julian's success, but even so, no one was supposed to be put on the spot here. This was supposed to be relaxing.
Yet somehow, Nathan and the camera crew wanted to extend the reach of the competition even to here, this place of supposed relaxation. Or was it the king to blame?
It didn't matter whose fault it was. It was happening regardless.
"Gather everyone on the deck," Nathan said.
On the other side of the door, I sighed.
Out on the deck, I leaned against the railing beside Veronica. Everyone was there, gathered by Nathan's command.
The camera crew were positioned across the deck, filming everyone and their reactions. I internally vowed to keep a straight face, no matter what activity Nathan was about to propose.
Nathan began, "Tomorrow, the four candidates present will be participating in a new event! One made especially for you here on the islands."
BIE ala a I glanced around at everyone's reactions. Veronica kept a straight face as always, though her eyes did narrow somewhat. Jessica openly frowned.
Julian seemed bored, picking at his fingernails. Nicholas appeared marginally concerned. Only Bridget truly seemed excited, clapping her hands together.
"How wonderful!" she exclaimed.
"What's the event?" Nathan smiled as if he was very pleased with himself. "A treasure hunt!" Like a scavenger hunt or something? That didn't seem so bad. Maybe this wouldn't be such a big deal after all. I began to relax. I could have been making a mountain out of a molehill.
WY TO BONUS Nathan's smile grew wider. "Each candidate will be taken to a nearby deserted island and dropped along the shore at separate points. You will each be given a limited set of instructions on how to find the treasure that corresponds to your individual prince." Veronica and I glanced at each other.
Nathan addressed us, "You two will be in direct competition, while the others will be racing against the clock." I frowned. Veronica did not even twitch.
"The first to find a treasure will have a special romantic boat date with their prince," Nathan said.
Jessica's hand went up.
"If you win, Jessica, you are promised to have a special future date with Prince Joyce, once he has recovered from his illness," Nathan said. I' Jessica's hand came down.
I wondered what the deserted island would be like. If it was nothing but a sandy hill, there wouldn't be much of a competition. I had noticed many of the nearby islands were covered in thick jungle trees and vines, tall grasses and shrubs.
Did Nathan intend us to walk into a jungle? I raised my hand.
Nathan gave me a withering look, which I knew was a warning, but I persisted. Eventually, he sighed. "Yes, Piper?'
"mar "What sort of supplies will we be given for this challenge?" I asked.
He laughed a little. "What supplies could you need? You'll have your basic instructions, your swimsuit, and you." Swimsuit? Not even hiking boots or a rope, or even a compass? No. I had to be overthinking this. The royal family didn't want us dead, after all. They wouldn't send us into a jungle unprepared. It had to be as I initially I thought and dismissed: a barren island. Perhaps the treasure was buried in the sand and we'd need our hands to digit out.
Nathan took my silence as acceptance and moved on. "You'll be leaving in the morning at first light. Good luck!"
Bridget clapped. The cameramen came closer for their reaction shots. Maybe some of the others found what they needed, but the cameraman on Veronica and I was left wanting, We both just sort of stared at him until he gave up and moved
When I was certain we weren't being overheard, I leaned into Veronica and told her, "I'm not about to fight you.
I'll help you find Julian's treasure." "You don't have to," Veronica said, straight
"l'insist." "Let Julian sit on a boat by himself.
He's been such a mess since Bridget showed up," Veronica replied. "I don't care
about any of this."
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l'huffed a soft laugh. "So what doyou
{think we should do? Drink wine
on the beach while the others fumble around looking for treasure?" That's
not a bad plan," Veronica said with a soft hum. “But no, I think we should search for a treasure. Just not Julian's." I lifted a brow in her
direction. "Then who's?" She dipped her head toward where Bridget was clinging to Nicholas's arm. The content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
"Isn't this so exciting, Nicholas?" Bridget said, beaming up at him. "You and me
will have a romantic boat date soon?" Nicholas grunted and faced away from
- her. His expression was tight, not revealing much, but I knew him well enough
to see the unhappiness I darkening his eyes.
"You want to rescue Nicholas," I said to Veronica.
"Don't you?" she asked.
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Of course I did. But there seemed to
be many problems with that plan. First and foremost, we wouldn't have access to the instructions on how to retrieve Nicholas's treasure. "I doubt Bridget's going to share her instructions with us." "Maybe not on
purpose," Veronica said, tilting her
head. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
I looked at my friend. She'd been through so much in her life. Escaping the
underground organization, where
--she had been forced to use her magic for ill. Now, she was bound and
determined to use it for good. And she I so desperately wanted to help others escape their fate too, like Joyce.
And here she was, still trying to save people. Nicholas, from Bridget. And me,
from the heartbreak of having to see Nicholas and Bridget together.
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While her motives had shifted from
her time in the underground organization, as I watched Ger, M could see the fierceness in her eyes
that betrayed her unbridled desire to achieve her goals by any means possible. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
I' was incredibly grateful she was on my side. I could only imagine what it might
be like to have her as an enemy I could hope to face a team of Bridget
and Olivia and Lilliana. But against Veronica? I wouldn't stand a chance.
{ "Don't worry," she said. "We'll get the instructions." And I believed her full- heartedly.
