The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0510 [tried to take Julian's advice, trusting in Nicholas, and attempted to relax. By now, Julian had sat up, so I took the open seat It.; I next to him. Elva squeezed into the I middle space between us.
Veronica soon came to join us. She was apologetic, it seemed none of the staff members on board had extra swimsuits.
Though Veronica had convinced one of the camera crew to give up their t-shirts if we agreed to pay him one hundred dollars cash.
"Don't worry," Julian said again.
I looked back behind us where Nicholas stood. He wasn't on the phone anymore.
Instead, he was looking out over the ocean. His hair was windswept. He was wearing a wetsuit that clung to his every curve and muscle.
"I hope you know what you're talking
I -- about," Veronica said "I trust my overly-prepared brother to already have a plan, that's all," Julian replied.
I Veronica rolled her eyes, even as she sat \ with us, sitting down on the other side of Julian.
The boat lifted and fell with the waves.
Elva hung onto me, while I hung onto the edge of the seat.
Julian glanced at us both.
"T expected Elva to be nervous, but you've never been on the ocean before, Piper?" "No," I replied. "This is new for me too." The ocean was beautiful. We could no longer see the island, so the rolling blue waters stretched out in all directions around us. Yet, as gorgeous as it was, it was also unnerving. I wondered, if Elva or I slipped off the boat, and sunk down into
the water, would we ever be found? "There," Veronica said, and she pointed at what looked like a dark spec off inthe distance.
I "What is that?" I asked.
I "That's the tallest tower of the merfolk palace," Julian said. "That's our destination." The boat raced toward the dark speck, until we came close enough for my eyes to discern what the tower truly looked like. It was tall circular stone structure, three pronged, like a trident scratching up against the sky.
An opening ran straight through the center of the main body of the tower, right on the water line. Once we were nearly there, I realized a marina was inside the opening, with several docks that led toward large gated opening.
Merfolk were scattered about, above and below the water,
I "The captain of our boat, steered into an open spot that the merfolk directed. The boat came to a stop and was tied off to the § dock.
I Nathan reappeared on our deck. "Time to depart," he said, waving to us. Below, the I camera crews were already exiting the boat, likely wanting to set up shots to show the candidates first impressions of the tower.
I stood, and held Elva's hand tightly.
"piper. Elva," Nicholas called to us. "Stay close to me." We shuffled over to him, and then stuck close by his side. When we reached the dock, he held onto Elva's free hand and helped lead us both.
The merfolk servants didn't do much talking. They simply directed us through the door. Still, I made certain to thank each one that I passed.
"Beyond this door is a welcome chamber," Nicholas said. "Piper, there should be someone there waiting for you." "For me?" I asked, confused.
"yes. I called ahead and arranged for you to be provided with more suitable attire." "Oh." Embarrassment swirled in me, bringing a blush to my cheeks. "I'm sorry, Nicholas. I don't know what happened this morning..." Nicholas shook his head. "We'll worry about that later. For now, we just have to survive this event." I nodded, taking the words to heart. "Yes: Of course." We walked through the massive doors into the welcome chamber. An elaborate stained glass mosaic covered the floor.
Through the colored glass, I could see down into the ocean, Some merfolk swam
.by, along with brightly olored schools of fish.
"pardon me, miss," said a merfolk servant who approached me on my right.
"please come with me to a changing room." I / Nicholas nodded at me.
"Stay with Nicholas, okay, Elva?" I told my daughter. She nodded in response. Then I went with the servant into a separate changing area, a small room with opaque floors and walls. Inside, hanging on a hook on the wall, was a beautiful swimsuit. It shimmered blues and purples, with several shells affixed to the surface. Several long translucent ribbons dangled from down the back.
The servant stayed to help me with some of the more complicated, unfamiliar tie- ups that ran along the sides of the swimsuit,
When the swimsuit was secure, I looked in the mirror along the wall and marveled at the intricate beauty of the suit. The shells did not interfere with my mobility whatsoever, and the ribbons trailed behind me as I swayed back and forth. I imaged they would look beautiful, lifted in the water.
The servant bowed to me, and I thanked her. Then I left the room and rejoined the others. The others had moved farther into the room, toward where a grand staircase descended under the water.
Nicholas was waiting for me, nearer the door. When he caught sight of me, he stilled entirely, except for his eyes, which trailed down the length of me from top to bottom and back again.
"piper... You look... so beautiful," he said.
He sounded... breathless in a way that wasn't typical for him. Nicholas often wore his hard exterior shell, showing the world the steel-faced prince that he
I thought they needed to see. But for me, things were different. He was different My heart raced. I placed a hand overt, half-worried it might leap from my chest.
I "Nicholas," came Bridget's too-friendly I voice. Her smile was too-tight as she approached us. "We need to get going now. It's impolite to be late." "Right," Nicholas said.
The three of us rejoined the others. Elva was running in small circles around Julian and Veronica, unable to contain her excitement. When she spotted me, she cried out, "Mommy!" and rushed over to give me a hug.
"Wow, Mommy! That swimsuit is so pretty!" She walked around me, and giggled
as she tugged on the ribbons.
"It's a more traditional merfolk dress," Nicholas said. "You'll see a lot of suits like
this today."
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i Elva's eyes went wide They staved wide when, a few minutes later, one of the merfolk accompanying usn lifted her arms and gave an unfamiliar incantation. From her fingers, sparkles flickered. The
sparks flew over all of us. I I didn't
feel any different, though my skin glowed for a moment. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
"There," Nicholas said. "Now we can breathe underwater." "Really?" Elva asked
in disbelief.
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Nicholas nodded. "I'll show you." The
rest of us, even Veronica and Bridget, waited as Nicholas descended the staircase into the water. His mouth
was open, he was talking. Though we couldn't hear him above the water. A moment passed, then two. Soon Julian joined him, and then Veronica.
Bridget and Jessica went next. The content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
I held tightly onto Elva's hand. We'd do
I this together.
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"Ready?" I asked her. I wasn't sure
what was waiting for us down in the merfolk palace, but I needed Elva to know that I would be here for her no matter what. "If you get scared, let me know, and we'll come back to the
surface." "I won't get scared," Elva said, with determination shining in her eyes. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
Together, mother and daughter, we began to descend the stairs.
