The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0516 "As we had swallowed down each other's pleasure, there wasn't much need for clean up, other than returning into our swimsuits and checking ourselves in the mirror. As our hair was already wild in the water, no one would notice if Nicks and mine had been tugged and pulled.
I did have a few new love bites on my thighs, but hopefully no one would think to look there. Besides, it wasn't terribly obvious what they were. I could have just been breaking out from too long under water or something. That was believable right? It would have to be because, since makeup didn't work down here, and I didn't happen to have any anyway, I had accept that I couldn't do anything about
When we were dressed and as presentable as we ever were going to be, Nicholas
I gripped my shoulders, brought me close, and kissed me sweetly on the mouth.
I smiled against his lips, my heart-and body warmed from his physical and emotional affections.
"I'll leave first," he said. "What five minutes, then follow me." Those words cracked my facade somewhat. I understood the need of them. If we left together, we could be caught on camera and then who knew what would happen.
But it hurt my soul to know that we had to continue to play this game. I wished I could be with Nicholas for real, though I knew all the legitimate reasons I couldn't.
To want more was being selfish.
I wanted Nicholas however I could have him, and this was the only way I could have him.
I So I kissed him again, a touch more desperate this time. He wrapped his arms I around me, holding me close.
Then he released me. He turned and he left me alone in the room. I closed the door and locked it behind him.
i I waited for five minutes, counting each second to keep my mind from wandering and wallowing in my sudden aloneness.
Then, when my three hundred seconds were done, I opened the door and slipped out of the small room myself.
If anyone noticed my absence, I was not immediately aware. The dancers were still dancing. The kids were still playing.
Ambassador Zale was speaking with Nathan in front of the cameras. Julian was showing off his swimming prowess for Veronica, Jessica, and several interested female merfolk.
Nicholas had stopped at a congregation of crowned merfolk royals. If his frown
I was anything to go by, they seemed to be locked in a conversation of extreme) importance. I slowly swam toward them, I worried he might be in trouble of our mutual disappearance.
I should have known better. As II approached, I began to overhear some of their conversation, and I felt foolish for thinking their discussion could ever be over something as trivial as a hookup in a bathroom.
"We are committed to the alliance, Prince Nicholas," said a merfolk man with a crown much bigger than the others present. If he wasn't a King, he was at least a first son or an advisor of the utmost importance. "But you must understand our limitations if things continue to progress with your conflict in the north." That made sense, I supposed, as the border with the bear nation to the north was over land, not sea. The merfolk were
I heralded as fierce naval warriors, but put them on land, and their abilities were I severally compromised. gp "Any intelligence would be beneficial " enough," Nicholas said. "We trust you to keep your ear to the ground." "We will do all we can," replied the important merfolk. "Though between us, I already advise caution." "You've heard something?" Nicholas asked.
"Whispers. Rumors. Nothing more." The merfolk man seemed troubled, his brow furrowing, creasing the rose-gold scales there. "Though they are concerning, none the less." "Any particulars you can warn me of?" Nicholas asked.
"Only this," replied the merfolk. "Keep a protective eye on your relations... and those whom are important to you." His
gaze then slipped straight over to me. gp\I had been attempting to remain inconspicuous. But he looked at meas if he had known I was there for some time.
Nicholas looked too. Yet when he saw me, he didn't look angry that I had been eavesdropping, as I'd initially feared he would. Instead, he seemed concerned.
To the merfolk man, he said, "Thank you, sir. I will take these words to heart." Then he began to swim his way over to me. Before he could reach me however, another pair of warms went around me, sweeping me up and away into a strong- armed embrace.
I panicked, thinking it might be a stranger, or worse, Ronan, but instead a deep, mischievous laughter helped me realize it was only Julian. gp I playfully swatted his shoulder. "You gave me a heart attack."
I "You looked so serious, I thought you needed a rescue," Julian said. He released I me and rubbed at the spot I'd hit him, I though it couldn't possibly have hurt.
He wasn't wrong exactly, though I wished he had done so without scaring me. Even now, my heart felt like it was pounding so hard, it could power a train engine. I placed my hand to my chest.
Julian tilted his head. "I really scare you that bad?" "Yes!" I said, though I was mostly teasing now. It was easy to relax around Julian, in a way that wasn't possible with other people.
"Let me make it up to you with a dance," Julian said. He nodded toward the dancefloor, where the merfolk were jubilantly flitting around each other. It wasn't a sensual dance like it had been before. "The merfolk don't usually dance.
They been attempting to learn."
I "They're making good efforts," I said.
Though the music was still eerie and "haunting, this one at least had a solid;
steady beat that was easily discerned.
Julian held his hand out for me, and I accepted it. Together, we made our way up
to move with the other dancers.
Julian swam in large circles around me, and then I did the same. We both watched the others around us for the appropriate steps and then laughed together when we did them so terribly wrong.
We danced and we twisted and we kicked and we laughed.
And then I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned, expecting Veronica or Jessica, Nicholas, or even Elva.
But it was Ronan who was standing there, looking at me with a displeased, affronted sort of look on his face.
I "Are you not feeling so sick anymore, Piper?" he asked.
"Iswallowed thickly.
Julian stopped dancing and kicked to swim beside me. "You were sick?" he i
At once, I realized my grave error here.
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No, I hadn't been sick. Nicholas had
made that excuse to keep me from sensually dancing with this stranger. He had lied in the moment, and I had worried for him, knowing that the merfolk value honesty above all else. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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Except now Nicholas wasn't here. I
was the one stuck with the lie. I knew that hadn't been Nicholas's intension. I wasn't angry as he had saved me so valiantly before. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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But to save face for the werewolf
kingdom, I know needed to resolve this potential international incident. And to do that, I was going to have to
dance with The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
the prince. €» The music shifted again, no longer up- tempo and fun, but back to
the slow; I sensual rhythms that had played when Nicholas danced. Prince Ronan held out his hand impatiently. "I trust you have no objections to dancing with me now?"
