The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0077
I had prepared for this, but the lie I had planned still felt so ridiculous, I struggled to say it. Surely they
would see straight through me. Then what would I do?
“I can tell that there is a sudden storm coming in, I forced out “Tomorrow. It will ruin the hunt. I
humbly ask, for the sake of the event, that you postpone for a day.
The King had no reaction.
Julian spoke up instead. “There wasn’t anything about foul weather on the news, Piper. Are you sure your
intuition is correct?”
“I’m positive.” It was a desperate gamble. Sudden storms could happen, but I was more likely to be right
back here begging forgiveness tomorrow night.
It’d be worth it, to make sure Elva was okay.
I couldn’t keep the worry from my face, but fortunately no one seemed to notice. Or maybe they thought
it was concern for the event.
Nicholas, though, watched me a little closer. I avoided his gaze, but I could feel the weight of it on me.
He knew me best. If anyone could see through me, he would be the one. After all, he knew I’d never had
premonitions about the weather before.
“Father,” Nicholas said, addressing the king even while his gaze stayed on me.
I braced myself, ready for him to call me out.
“We should postpone the event a day.”
I blinked, surprised.

The King looked at his son. “Oh?”
propose a deal.” Nicholas stood. “Piper, if it does indeed rain, then I will allow your daughter to ride on Night, the wolf. She had
seemed quite interested in that earlier today. If it doesn’t, then you will lose ranking and be responsible for the barbecuing for the
3(rd) day’s event.”
Interesting.” Julian cald. “Don’t you think so, father?”
The King considered it. “Such a thing certainly might entertain the viewers
It’s a win–win, as far as I can see, Julian continued. “If we don’t postpone, and it does indeed rain, then
“Yes.” The King nodded. To Nicholas, he said, “Good job, Nicholas.”
“Thank you, father,” Nicholas said. He did not sit down.
“Thank you, everyone,” I said with a small bow. “Your kindness knows no bounds.”
“We’ll see,” said the Queen, colder than the rest.
I turned toward the door, ready to exit.
“Please excuse me,” said Nicholas behind me.
As I left the dining room, he was suddenly at my side. I didn’t say anything, thinking he just needed to go
the same way as me for a time.
n we reached the stairs, he said, “Stop ignoring me, Piper.
Startled, I stopped and turned to him.
“I know something is wrong. You never would have concocted such a wild story otherwise.” His face.
was stern but there was a hint of concern in his eyes. “Tell me. Why did you really need to postpone the

I could cry with worry but I held it back, needing to be strong. “Elva has a fever.”
With Nicholas beside me, we rushed back to my room, where the doctor was speaking softly with Mark.
When we entered, she turned to me.
“Your daughter’s illness is severe. I treated it as best I could, but I can do no more until her fever breaks.
She’s in too fragile a state.”
Fear coiled around my heart. “I don’t understand. She’s been doing so well.”
“Has she been recently exposed to anything? Anyone with a sickness, perhaps? Such as a cold.”
All warmth left my body. I’d had a cold. I only just reunited with Elva.
Could I have done this to her? Did I give her this cold?
My knees went weak. Nicholas gripped my arm, helping me stay upright.
But the weight of the guilt was too much. I had done this to my daughter.
1 would never forgive myself
This is my fault.”
