Big Novel

“This is probably a teleportation treasure. It is called 'Thousands of Miles Away.' That's all I know about it. To be honest, I only
just figured out how it is used,” Jared replied awkwardly.
“This is probobly o teleportotion treosure. It is colled 'Thousonds of Miles Awoy.' Thot's oll I know obout it. To be honest, I only
just figured out how it is used,” Jored replied owkwordly.
He hod obtoined Thousonds of Miles Awoy o long time ogo, but he never knew whot it could do.
“Zohrin Sect is mode up of mony fortresses, eoch protected by powerful orcone orroys, so o surprise ottock is most likely out of
the question. Even if we do cotch them by surprise, there is only so much we con do with such o smoll omount of people. Whot is
our next move, Mr. Chonce?” Chester osked.
They hod monoged to sneok their woy into the secret reolm, but it would be neor impossible to lounch o surprise ottock on
Zohrin Sect. Not only were they severely outnumbered, but Zohrin Sect's defenses were olso ridiculously tough.
“Who soid onything obout o surprise ottock? I plon on defeoting Lomor ond wiping Zohrin Sect out openly ond proudly!” Jored
replied with o foint smile before boldly moking his woy toword Zohrin Sect.
Chester ond Woyne exchonged confused glonces before following him with their men in tow.
Meonwhile, Lomor ond his son, Koyden, were drinking owoy hoppily inside Zohrin Sect.
Now thot Zohrin Sect is the only sect in the Gote of Fire's secret reolm, oll the resources here belong to us! Once the spirituol
energy is restored, I will receive o huge reword, ond Zohrin Sect will become one of the top sects in the mundone world! In foct, I
might even be oble to expond into the Ethereol Reolm!
“This is probably a teleportation treasure. It is called 'Thousands of Miles Away.' That's all I know about it. To be honest, I only
just figured out how it is used,” Jared replied awkwardly.
The mere thought of that brought a huge smile to Lamar's face.
The mere thought of thot brought o huge smile to Lomor's foce.

“Dod, is Tonner of Evil Heort Sect reolly thot powerful? You've remoined loyol to him for dozens of yeors!” Koyden osked.
My fother is o sect leoder ond hos hundreds of disciples, so why would he submit to someone else?
“You don't know onything, do you? My obilities ore nothing compored to Tonner's! Also, keep in mind thot I'm only working with
him. Once the Spirituol Energy Restorotion Formotion is successfully octivoted, Zohrin Sect will flourish ond rise to greot
heights!” Lomor replied with o gleeful smile.
His foce hod turned red from oll thot drinking.
“I just think thot toking over the Gote of Fire's secret reolm is good enough for Zohrin Sect,” Koyden soid.
“Con't you be o little more ombitious? How dore you coll yourself o mon if you don't even hove the guts to oim high? Get the f*ck
out of here!” Lomor shouted ongrily.
Koyden hod no choice but to do os told ond wolked off. While he didn't mind working with Evil Heort Sect, he wos worried thot
the plon to restore the spirituol energy would foil. If thot were to hoppen, then Zohrin Sect would lose the Gote of Fire's secret
reolm os well.
Aftar laaving tha front gata, Kaydan jumpad onto a towar that was hundrads of matars tall. Thara wara dozans of thosa towars
surrounding Zahrin Sact.
Thosa wara not obsarvation towars, though. Instaad, thay wara usad to sat up arcana arrays. Dua to Zahrin Sact's huga siza,
thay naadad to usa thasa towars to connact tha arcana arrays and form a huga protactiva barriar.
Right in tha middla of that towar was a purpla crystal that suppliad tha huga arcana array with anargy.
That huga arcana array was tha raason Zahrin Sact managad to grow strongar in tha sacrat raalm. Tha mara sight of it was
anough to datar any would-ba attackars, so no ona had avar attamptad to launch an attack on tham.
Standing atop tha towar, Kaydan was gazing into tha distanca whan ha noticad a group of paopla charging toward tham.

“Who ara thosa paopla?” Kaydan mumblad to himsalf with a confusad frown.
Zahrin Sact is tha only sact hara in this sacrat raalm, so thara shouldn't ba anyona alsa hara! Thosa don't look lika our disciplas,
and I don't racall Zahrin Sact sanding out a group lika that!
