The Return of the God Level Assassin

SHEN JI YUN, who was standing beside Luo Yan, immediately noticed that single tear drop.Without much thought, his body moved on its own and cupped the rabbit’s face.When he saw that single tear drop falling down the rabbit’s satiny cheek, he felt like something just pierced his heart.It was a very unpleasant feeling and he didn’t like it.Not one bit.

He wiped the tear drop using his thumb."Don’t cry.Don’t be sad."

Luo Yan was startled because of Shen Ji Yun’s sudden action.It was only then that he realized that he had cried.He must be much more affected by the news about his ’death’ than he expected him to be.But he could honestly say right now that he was fine.The emotions that were almost suffocating him earlier had already vanished.Now, he only felt refreshed and lighthearted.

He raised his head to look at Shen Ji Yun and was surprised to see his expression.Yes, there was a very clear expression on his face.Like a mix of worry, sadness, anger, and frustration.This was the first time he saw him showing such a variety of emotions.And when he told him to not cry and be sad, he almost looked like a puppy trying to cheer up his master.It looked kind of cute.

He smiled and put his hand on one of the hands of Shen Ji Yun that was cupping his face."I’m fine, Brother Ji Yun.Some dust probably just got into my eyes."

Shen Ji Yun clearly felt earlier the sadness that suddenly enveloped Luo Yan.That’s why he became even more worried when he saw that tear drop.But now, seeing his smile, the one that looked like flowers were blooming around him, Shen Ji Yun finally felt relieved.He hated seeing him sad, much more so seeing him cry.But as he realized those things, he also just noticed that his hands were still cupping the rabbit’s face.Because he was leaning over him, their faces appeared very close to each other.

He immediately let go and stepped back.Both his ear tips were burning red."That’s good then."

"It’s the holidays, so this place hasn’t been cleaned yet," Rong Shun said, probably commenting about the topic of ’dust’ that Luo Yan mentioned.He didn’t even care about that little interlude between Luo Yan and Shen Ji Yun.

Luo Yan turned to the professor who was now sitting back on his nook again."Was he buried in a cemetery in this city?"

Although Rong Shun was a bit confused why this kid was so curious about ’Luo Yan’, he still answered his question.He had already told him a lot anyway.And besides, it was rare that he could talk to someone about that troublesome student of his."No, he’s buried at the province where the orphanage he grew up in was.It was the request of the director."

He was actually the one who paid for the burial because the orphanage didn’t have the money for that.Which he didn’t mind.After all, he had more money than he knew what to do with.

Luo Yan smiled a little.The director, she probably truly considered him as a son.Whereas he only acted kind and obedient because he wanted to be liked.Because he wanted his life at the orphanage to be a little bit better.Even after he was reborn, the thought of the director and that orphanage never crossed his mind.Which just showed how much of a sc.u.m he was.

He should probably repay the director for all the kindness he received from her.Something that he could easily do now, considering just how rich the Luo family was.If he asked his father to donate money to an orphanage, he was sure that he would not be rejected.That’s the least thing he could do.At least for now.

Once he could, he would definitely visit the orphanage and personally give his gratitude to the director.He should probably do the same for those three roommates of his.

Now that most of his question was answered, he only had one question in his mind."Teacher, you said that he died because a potted plant fell on him.Was it only an accident?" contemporary romance

"It was.Apparently, a student who also just graduated at that time forgot to close the window of his room.There was a potted cactus plant there.When Luo Yan passed by, it so happened that the wind blew a tad bit too strong and the potted cactus plant fell over straight to him."

Luo Yan winced, remembering the feel of that potted plant smashing his handsome face.And it was a cactus to boot!But, well, it’s good to know that someone didn’t try to murder him and the whole thing was just an accident.However, it’s still very frustrating though.How unlucky was he that day he really had just to walk at the moment when a strong wind blew that potted plant over?Well, at least he had a good life now.

"Do you have any more questions?Because I would really like to go back to my work," Rong Shun said looking at his laptop.

Luo Yan shook his head."No, nothing more."He turned to Shen Ji Yun."Let’s go, Brother Ji Yun."

Shen Ji Yun nodded and the both of them walked towards the exit of the building.But before they completely left, Luo Yan glanced back at Rong Shun.

"Professor Rong, thank you for everything.And see you next year!" he smiled and waved back before following Shen Ji Yun.

Rong Shun who was left there raised one of his eyebrows.Next year?Was the kid planning to go to this university?Well, he did say that he was already 17.He’s a bit overconfident, wasn’t he?

Well, Rong Shun hoped he could still remember the kid when next year came.

Shen Ji Yun asked Luo Yan where else he wanted to go and the both of them ended up going to the building’s rooftop.He glanced at the rabbit and saw him smiling up at the clear blue sky.He was giving off so much ’happiness vibe’ that it almost felt like it’s radiating from deep within him.As if a huge weight had just been lifted from those tiny shoulders of his.

"Do you feel happy right now?" he couldn’t help but asked.

Luo Yan glanced at him and answered without hesitation, "Yes."

"That’s good."

Luo Yan was slightly surprised when he saw that a small smile crossed Shen Ji Yun’s lips.As if hearing him happy also made him happy.Then he suddenly remembered that idea of wanting to do an ’experiment’.So he could analyze the emotions he sometimes felt when he was with Shen Ji Yun.They were currently alone right now with no other people around.This was the perfect place and time to do that.

And so he did.

He walked up to Shen Ji Yun and hugged him.
