The Return of the God Level Assassin

WITH his feelings finally settled, Luo Yan finally felt refreshed.He no longer felt troubled and he also no longer need to continuously think of ways on how to handle this kind of situation.Since he decided to have a wait and see attitude, then he would do just that.

He sat back up.He wondered what would Shen Ji Yun’s next move would be.Based on how forward he had been today, well, at least as forward as he could be, he was probably chasing him, right?Knowing that he liked him, that could only be it.Admitting that out loud was still kind of embarrassing though.

He’s actually looking forward to it – Shen Ji Yun’s next move.Considering how much of a big innocent bun he was, this was probably the first time he would ever try to chase someone.Which meant that Luo Yan was also the first one he ever fell for.Or at least the first one he ever considered chasing.Once again, Luo Yan couldn’t help but feel flattered.

He smiled.Really, how would a cinnamon roll like Shen Ji Yun make someone fall for him?Being the first-hand witness of that would be truly exciting.And maybe, even a bit scary.Because he was not sure what kind of attack would be thrown at him.

He just picked up his phone and finally decided to send a message to Yu Jiao via WeChat.

[YanYan1213]: Jiao Jiao, are you busy right now?

After he sent that, he waited for about ten minutes before he received a reply.

[yujiao]: Sorry, I was doing something.I only read your message just now.Does Yan Yan need anything?

[YanYan1213]: It’s okay.Can I send you a video call request?I kind of have something important to talk to you about.

[yujiao]: Sure.

Luo Yan then sent a video call request to Yu Jiao.Which she quickly accepted.The person who appeared on his phone’s screen took him slightly by surprised.

Yu Jiao’s short black hair was swept back, showing a clean forehead.She was not wearing her thick glasses.So, Luo Yan could perfectly see her eyes.Most of their classmates would probably think that the eyes behind those glasses were small and unremarkable.But Yu Jiao’s eyes were neither of those.They were sharp and long, the irises the color of warm chocolate.

Those eyes gave Yu Jiao’s appearance some sort of androgynous effect.Because all Luo Yan could see was her face and her neck, that effect was even greater.It’s as if the one he was talking to was a teenage boy instead of a teenage girl.If he considered her height, dressing up as a guy without her glasses and with her hair swept back like this, she would easily be mistaken for a tall young man.And a very handsome one at that.

Luo Yan could see water dripping from her hair.That ’something’ she was doing was probably her just finishing taking her bath.This ’out-of-the-bath’ look certainly made her even more handsome.If the girls from school could see Yu Jiao right now, they would certainly be all over her.It’s a shame that no one had discovered this side of Yu Jiao yet.Or else, she probably would have already been one of the most famous students at school.

Well, there’s also a chance that that possibility might not happen.Especially if he took into account her shy personality.

"Yan Yan?" Yu Jiao called with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.She’s probably confused why Luo Yan did not speak immediately.

That pulled back Luo Yan’s attention."Oh sorry.I’m just a bit surprised because Jiao Jiao look so handsome.That’s a compliment by the way.Only truly good-looking girls could pull off this kind of image."

Yu Jiao’s whole face quickly turned red.She fiddled with her hair and tried to pull some strands to cover her face."I- I’m not.I mean—"

"Jiao Jiao doesn’t need to be shy.Since I’m only telling the truth," Luo Yan said.

"Ahm, is there something you want to talk about?" Yu Jiao asked, trying to change the topic.Her appearance was a bit of a sore topic for her.So, she’d rather not talk about that.

Luo Yan, of course, noticed that.So, he didn’t make it hard for Yu Jiao and just went straight to the reason why he called her in the first place.

"Have you seen that advertis.e.m.e.nt about that new business that will open this coming Saturday?"

-B City-

Shen Ji Yun was inside his room, trying his best to make a Weibo account.He still remembered that talk he had with that female player earlier.She said that she would post her fan-art on her Weibo account.He wanted to check it.But the problem was he couldn’t do it unless he had a Weibo account of his own.

He used his extra email address to register.Now, he had to put a username.He’s really bad at this.So, he had been brooding on what he should pick as a username for almost 15 minutes now.Wait- he used his extra email anyway.It’s probably alright to go a bit crazy with this one.

Then, as if a lightbulb turned on in his brain, a wonderful username just appeared in his mind.He typed; @noctisismyforever.When it was approved, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.He actually wanted to type @yanyanismyforever, but that would be too obvious.

He searched that female player’s Weibo account.When he saw it, he immediately clicked it.Her Weibo page quickly appeared.He was a bit surprised when he saw that her follower was almost 300,000.Which meant that this account was at least very popular in her circle.

He browsed down and stopped at the very top post.It was just posted 30 minutes ago.It was a drawing of two men holding each other and looking lovingly at each other’s eyes.The taller one had long dark purple hair and the other had long white hair.The two looked very similar as Shen Ji Yun and Luo Yan’s game avatars.In fact, they almost looked exactly the same.

@catnip010: Presenting the NightCloud CP!Don’t they look perfect together? #YUN #Noctis #Yunyue #Nightcloud

He stared at the drawing one more time.Then read the caption once again.NightCloud, huh?An overly bright smile appeared on his face.The two of them indeed look perfect together.He saved the drawing on his phone.And then commented; contemporary romance

@noctisismyforever: I support this CP!They’re obviously meant for each other. YUN and Noctis forever! <3
