The Return of the God Level Assassin

ALTHOUGH Luo Yan said that they would go to the headquarters of team Celestials, he actually had no idea how he would go about doing that.He also couldn’t contact Uriel and tell him to meet up with him.When their blue door task was done, he never thought of befriending Uriel.That’s why he never bothered to add him on his friend list.If he had known that he would be forced to visit him in the near future, he would hold in his annoyance towards the guy and just add him on his friend list.

[Mashter, Eclipse thought we will go to those Celestials.Why are we still here?] – Eclipse asked while nibbling his third Mana fruit.

They were sitting on the rooftop of one of the buildings at Goldcrest City.Luo Yan chose this place because he didn’t want to be bothered by other players.

[Sshh... I’m thinking right now.] – he said.

When he realized that he had to talk to Uriel, he did some research regarding team Celestials.It was really not that hard since they’re really famous, being the champion team and all.So, it was easy to find the location of their headquarters.The problem was, it was located on a floating island.And he’s pretty sure that even if he managed to fly there, he would still be unable to enter without any permission.

So, what to do now?

He lazily opened his Status Window for nothing better to do.Then found that the only one online among his friend list was Bai Ze.He knew Shen Ji Yun had class this afternoon.Maybe Su Yuqi as well.But how about Luo Jin?That kid.Was it possible that he logged out after seeing that Su Yuqi was not online?Luo Yan shook his head.Nah.If that was the case, then Luo Jin was already in too deep with his feelings for Su Yuqi.But seeing as how he still could barely be honest with how he felt, Luo Yan would say that he was still at the early stages.Maybe he was finishing some assignment or something.After all, even if he often acted like a delinquent, he’s still the number one student in his grade.

Luo Yan was about to close the Status Window when he once again glanced at Bai Ze’s game name.And an idea suddenly came up to him.He grinned and send a message to Bai Ze.

Noctis: [Brother Ze, are you free right now?]

It didn’t take long for him to receive an answer.

White Marsh: [I was just about to do some dungeon raid.Want to join me?Oh, but we have to play with some random players.]

Noctis: [No.I was actually thinking of asking Brother Ze for a favor.]

White Marsh: [What is it?Xiao Yan could ask me anything.]

Noctis: [Then, could Brother Ze meet me at Goldcrest City?I’ll tell you what my request is once we meet.I’ll be waiting at a private box in Moonriver Restaurant.]

White Marsh: [Got it.]

Bai Ze wondered what kind of request Luo Yan wanted to ask of him.But he still teleported to Goldcrest City and went to Moonriver Restaurant.When he entered the restaurant, he told one of the NPC waiters that he was there to meet Noctis.The NPC immediately led him to a private box on the third floor.He went inside and saw his cousin eating traditional sweets.On the side of the table, a black fox with three tails was eating some kind of black fruit.

"Xiao Yan," he called.

Luo Yan raised his head and looked at him.He smiled."Brother Ze!"

Bai Ze clutched his chest.He felt like an arrow just hit his heart just now because of that smile.How could his cousin be this pretty and adorable?

He sat on the seat opposite Luo Yan."Can I have one of those sweets?"

"Of course," Luo Yan said pushing a plate of red bean cake towards Bai Ze.

Bai Ze picked a piece and ate it.He glanced at the fox eating quietly on the side.He had a sudden urge to pet it.So, he reached out towards the fox.But before his fingers touched its fur, the fox already avoided his hand.The fox looked at him before it continued eating the fruit its holding.

"Xiao Yan, I think your pet just gave me a dismissive glance." contemporary romance

Luo Yan smiled."I’m sure that’s just Brother Ze’s imagination."

Truthfully, Eclipse just said inside his mind – [Mashter, please tell this big lion that he’s not allowed to pet Eclipse.]

Luo Yan laughed dryly.He suddenly remembered when Eclipse hatched from the egg and Bai Ze tried to hug him.He showed the same resistance then.This pet of his was no doubt a face control.So, why was he so against Bai Ze when the other was obviously handsome?Was it because he’s a beastkin?

"Anyway, Xiao Yan, what was the request you talked about earlier?" Bai Ze asked, eating a piece of red bean cake again.

"Ah, about that.Is Brother Ze familiar with the members of team Celestials?You see, I need to talk to one of their members – Uriel.Could Brother Ze help me meet him?" Luo Yan said, looking at Bai Ze.He blinked his big eyes at him, making sure that he would look full of hope and expectations.

As expected, Bai Ze was not able to resist this kind of attack.Although he had no idea why Luo Yan suddenly wanted to meet that Uriel, he couldn’t refuse his request."I’m not really familiar with all of them.But I know one of the main players.I could message him and ask if that Uriel is in their headquarters.If he is, then I’ll ask if we could go to their headquarters to meet him."

Luo Yan smiled brightly, his blue eyes shining."Really?Thank you, Brother Ze!You’re the best!"

Bai Ze laughed and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Then he opened his Status Window and sent a message to Zhong Hui.
