The Return of the God Level Assassin

[MASHTER, what does this old geezer mean?] – Eclipse immediately asked. [Was he saying that he saw an adult nine-tailed kitsune? And she had the same gem on her forehead as Eclipse? But how could that be? This gem should only belong to Eclipse. If another kitsune has it, then Eclipse wouldn’t be special anymore.]

The little fox’s tone became a bit depressed at the end. Luo Yan felt amused hearing that complain. He suddenly remembered what Eclipse said when he hatched from his beast egg, when he asked what the gem on his forehead was. Eclipse very proudly answered that it was something that made him special.

Luo Yan didn’t feel much hearing that. He just thought that the little fox was boasting. He also thought that all kitsune had some kind of gem on their forehead. But it seemed like that wasn’t the case. And now, hearing what Lhoris just said about the female nine-tailed kitsune, it also seemed that there was a back story that was somehow connecting Eclipse and Dusk.

He patted Eclipse head gently. [Don’t worry, gem or no gem you’re still special in your master’s eyes.]

Eclipse looked up, his sapphire blue eyes wet with unshed tears. [Really, Mashter?]

[Of course, when did I deceive you?]

[You do sometimes. Especially when Mashter thinks that Eclipse is being exasperating.] – Eclipse said innocently.

Well, Luo Yan couldn’t exactly deny that. So, he just looked at Eclipse with a serious expression on his face and said with indignation, [Eclipse, are you implying that your master is a liar?]

[No, no,] – the little fox quickly denied before rubbing his head on his master’s palm. [Of course, everything that my great Mashter said is true.]

Although it felt a bit perfunctory and full of fake flattery, Luo Yan decided to just let it go. There were more important things to focus on right now after all.

Shen Ji Yun who had been silently sitting beside Luo Yan had seen the interaction between master and pet. The two were probably communicating mentally again. He suddenly felt a bit lonely. He wished he could also speak mentally to Luo Yan. But as usual, he still remained silent and did his best not to disturb his rabbit while he’s seriously doing the task.

"Can you elaborate more on that?" Luo Yan said to Lhoris.

"The memories that my eyes recorded were very fragmented. It didn’t have any cohesion. I’m not even sure if one thing was related to another," Lhoris said instead. "I don’t know if it was because the dragon was simply too strong or if my eyes could only record pieces of other’s memories and not all. So, the memory of that female kitsune was only one of the dragon’s fragmented memories that my eyes were able to record."

Luo Yan fell into a deep thought when he heard that. Dusk had amnesia. It’s probable that that was the reason why Lhoris had only recorded fragmented memories. But it’s also probable that the moon elf’s eyes could only see that much. No matter. He just had to know all the details of these fragmented memories.

"Then, please, go ahead and describe all the details of each memory. And please, try not to left any details out," he said. "Do begin with the one with the female kitsune."

Lhoris nodded. He seemed to be already used to acquiescing to every Luo Yan’s request. As if he had already accepted his fate.

"I saw everything in the dragon’s perspective. So, it felt like it was me that was in that particular memory," Lhoris first explained.

Upon hearing that, Luo Yan suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute," he said before Lhoris could continue. Then he turned to the silent Shen Ji Yun. "Brother Ji Yun, do you think we could use that item we used on Rhys?"

Shen Ji Yun immediately understood what he was planning. "I have it with me. But could this guy satisfy one of the requirements for the item to activate?"

Luo Yan knew that Shen Ji Yun was talking about the NPC being in a heightened emotional state. So, he said, "Don’t worry, let me handle it."

Shen Ji Yun did not have any doubt in Luo Yan. So, he easily took out the transparent crystal ball and a pure black talisman.

Luo Yan took the black talisman and put Eclipse on Shen Ji Yun’s lap. "Brother Ji Yun, please hold the crystal." Then he turned to the moon elf. "Mr. Lhoris, please try your best to think of that particular memory about the female kitsune."

Lhoris only stared confusedly at Luo Yan.

"Are you thinking of that memory now?" Luo Yan asked.


Luo Yan smiled. "Mr. Lhoris, please be certain."

"I am. I’m sure. I’m thinking of it right now," the moon elf said. He seemed to be frightened by Luo Yan’s smile.


Then he suddenly rushed towards Lhoris with a dagger pointing at the other. Lhoris looked absolutely terrified. His whole body started trembling, his face paled, and his expression was filled with horror.

Luo Yan smiled. He was definitely in a heightened emotional state right now, no? contemporary romance

Of course, he didn’t really go and stab Lhoris. When the dagger was about an inch away from the moon elf’s face, he quickly raised his hand holding the dagger and then quickly plastered the black talisman on Lhoris’ forehead.

He looked back at Shen Ji Yun and smiled as if asking if he did a good job.

Shen Ji Yun stared at this expression that was like asking for praise and then glanced at the moon elf who still looked petrified. He suddenly felt a little sorry for this NPC. But just a little bit. It’s still more important to praise his rabbit.

So, he gave a thumbs up to Luo Yan. Unknown to him, the little fox sitting on his lap also raised his paw and gave his master a thumbs up.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yan almost burst out laughing. How could these two be so in-synced and adorable?

Then the crystal ball in Shen Ji Yun’s lap started glowing. The light inside slowly gathered and then it shot to the wall opposite Shen Ji Yun.

Soon, a scene started to unfold on the wall.
