LUO JIN pointed his two guns at a certain direction. He fired consecutive shots and two players standing in that direction quickly turned into light particles. He was currently on top of a tall tree. One of the few that was in the area.

Because from his observation since he started roaming around in hopes of finding a high enough place to do his sniping, he noticed that the area was mostly made up of this almost endless field of flowers. He no longer was able to count the number of times that he fell victim to those damn flowers. In fact, he received more damage from then rather than from other players.

He wanted to fight others in a closer distance. But sniping at a distance would be much faster. And fast was what he needed right now. Especially after hearing that announcement about the Winter area.

His brother already had the qualification to continue on to the finals. He also wanted to finish things here as quickly as possible.

He took out his map and saw that there were still more than a hundred players left in their area. He suddenly started to wonder how the heck did the players in the Winter area managed to eliminate one another that fast until only the four remained. Maybe everyone there was simply hungry for victory that’s why they were the fastest one to reach the requirement.

There was also another possibility. Aside from his brother, another person also possessed the map that could tell the locations of other players. Four people received a special reward from the trial yesterday. Him, his brother, that Razor, and the golden dragon.

If Luo Yan and that dragon were in the same area, then that would explain why the players in the Winter area were eliminated so quickly. His brother aside, that dragon seemed like someone who was very competitive. Based on his actions on the ship yesterday, he certainly seemed like he would rather be in action than just wait for things to be resolved on their own.

This Spring area should have been the same if one would think about it logically. And yet, that certainly wasn’t the case. Which could only mean that out of the two people in this area who had the map, only one of them was working hard. Of course, that could only be him. Considering the many players he had sniped by now.

That darn Razor was probably not doing anything with the map and just lazing about, waiting for everything to be over. Luo Jin had a feeling that that was something the other would definitely do.

He tsked and just put the thought of that black-clad guy out of his brain. Whether he’s lazing about or not, he didn’t care. He’d just do his own thing and eliminate as many players as he could.


Just like what Luo Jin had thought, Razor was indeed lazing about.

Cai Hong with ’Razor’ as his game account name was currently inside a cabin and was lying on a very comfortable bed. This cabin did not belong to this area. It was his. He got it as a reward from successfully finishing a hidden task.

This cabin could be put in the Items Tab and could be taken out whenever the owner wished to. All the items that were put inside the cabin would stay there unless the owner disposed of them himself. It was just an empty cabin at first before Cai Hong filled it with things for his comfort – a bed, a pantry filled with food ingredients, and a kitchen counter.

Doing something like that might be weird considering how this was a virtual world and having these things could be considered as useless. But not to him. He simply liked having a place to rest. No matter if it was the real world or this one.

And since they were not implicitly required to ’kill’ anyone in this battle royale, technically they were just told to stay alive until only four only remained. So, he’d rather stay in his cabin and wait until things were over.

Of course, if someone tried to attack his cabin, he would definitely retaliate back. But he had already set up traps around the area. Anyone who tried to get close would be blown up. Besides, he had that convenient map that Captain Roger rewarded yesterday. He could immediately know if other players were nearing the place.

He put his hands behind his head and stared at the map he pinned at the ceiling. contemporary romance

Darkness surrounded a certain spot in the Summer area. It covered the sunny and warm environment. Five players were pull down in the black whirlpool and were soon turned into light particles. When the darkness disappeared, the only remaining was an elf with black hair and blue-black eyes. His skin was also quite eye-catching. Instead of the ivory white that elves in the game usually had, his was like ebony.

It was Ying Chen.

He was already at the verge of snapping because of this damn area. One might thing that, ’oh, the Summer area must be a good area for the players to be in, they’re on an island after all, islands are always good for Summer’. He scoffed, good my ass. He wondered if they could still say that if they were and experienced just how hot it was.

Yes, the temperature was like 40 degrees Celsius. It felt like he was in a furnace or something. Surely, even those tropical countries didn’t have Summers like this. If this holographic body could sweat, his clothes would be drenched by now.

Shit. He’d rather be in the Winter area than in here.

Speaking of, that Noctis was in that area. Knowing that the other had already passed to the finals, it just made him even more annoyed.

He was about to move and look for the next target when the Duke of Hearts’ voice resonated throughout the island.

[Congratulations to the four players of the Autumn area for reaching the required quota!]
