The Return of the God Level Assassin

"WHY is that post still there? Didn’t I tell you to remove it? It’s already been hours! Hours! Do you think I’m not paying you enough? Is that why you’re not doing your job properly?" Mo Guang Lin shouted to the person on the other end of the line.

He was talking to the head of the PR department of his company. After that phone call he had with his son last night, he quickly checked the link that the other sent to him. How could he not when the description given to him by Mo Jiu was something that could make anyone who heard it have heart palpitation because of too much anger?

But after he read the article, as well as the comments under it, anger was not the only emotion he felt. Shock, confusion, frustration, and doubt. These myriads of emotions almost rendered him from thinking properly.

He wanted to just be mad. To just go and defend Mo Jian from all the malicious comments he had read. But his fingers just refused to move, as if frozen. Because there’s a part of his brain – the logical part – that was telling him that what those people were saying were partially true. But how could he accept that?

The moment he did so, it would mean that he was agreeing to everything that blasted article was saying. That there was nothing good about her daughter and that he was the one who made her that way. He couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t.

But even so, he still opened those so-called ’evidence’. The moment he watched those videos, he knew that the one on them was indeed his daughter. They were not fabricated. Mo Jian really did all those things. The moment he acknowledged that, guilt and self-blame just overwhelmed him.

He knew about these ’incidents’. But he never delved too much into it. In his opinion, these people were just making a mountain out of a mole hill. So, he simply told his assistant to take care of it. Even when that brat of the Luo family told him to check on his daughter’s ’good deeds’, he didn’t put it to mind.

But now, looking at these evidence, he couldn’t just refute his negligence in all of these. In some way, he probably really did let things escalate to this point. That if he was just a good father, then his daughter wouldn’t be like this.

But even if his brain was telling him all of those things, he just couldn’t accept it. He just couldn’t let himself agree to all the insults that those people were throwing at Mo Jian. He could accept their insult to him, but not to his daughter. Which was quite contradictory. Because accepting his fault in all of these was almost equivalent to admitting that he really did raise his daughter wrong.

But regardless of what he felt, the best thing he could do right now was to compensate those victims. It’s probably too hypocritical to do that now after so much time had already passed. But that’s the best solution he could think of to at least appease the guilt that he was feeling.

Mo Guang Lin closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He barely slept since last night. He went home when he was sure that Mo Jian was peacefully asleep, letting the nanny stay with her and care for her if she woke up and needed anything. He also took Mo Jian’s phone, so she wouldn’t have access to Weibo. That’s when he contacted the head of the PR department to take care of this mess.

That was last night and now, it’s morning. Yet, the article was still there on Weibo, still being recommended to the people of S City. No matter how much of a mess his head was because of that article and those comments, it’s not that hard to see that someone was targeting Mo Jian specifically.

If it was some business rival, then the one receiving criticism right now should be his hotels and restaurants. But instead, it was him and his daughter. Showing that this was happening because of some personal grudge and not the tactic of another businessman trying to lower the stocks of his company.

So, that could only mean that this was done by someone who Mo Jian recently offended. Mo Guang Lin felt like he was close to the truth. But when his brain was about to get a hold of it, he suddenly heard the voice of the head of the PR department.

"P-President Mo, I-I’m sorry. We have tried to delete the article but the platform itself refused. Then we tried to gather evidence that most of the comments were made by water armies and that they were deliberately slandering the young miss, but we couldn’t get anything substantial. It’s obvious that the one behind this hired a very capable team."

Mo Guang Lin only felt the urge to shake the other’s shoulder profusely because of the reasons he gave. "So, is this your way of telling me that you’re a bunch of incapable idiots?" he shouted. "You better give me a result by the end of this day or you might not have a job tomorrow!"

He didn’t wait for the other’s respond and just hung up the phone. He knew that he shouldn’t let his anger out on the head of the PR department. The other was probably already doing his best. The opponent was simply just more capable.

Mo Guang Lin let out a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He shouldn’t let Mo Jian noticed anything. He really was indeed selfish, just like what those comments said. Because at the end, no matter how much truth there was on that article, he would still choose to protect his daughter.

The driver opened the door for him and he got out of the car. He walked towards the direction of the hospital. He just entered the hospital when he happened to meet an acquaintance. The eldest son of the Luo family – Luo Ren.

And suddenly, that thought that he couldn’t catch earlier immediately became clearer in his mind. It was this guy. He was the one responsible for that article!contemporary romance
