HEARING the other said that she didn’t like that he was being paired with him, Luo Yan felt the corner of his eye twitching. The reason why she’s being antagonistic was definitely not because she didn’t want Luo Yan to be paired with anyone. It’s because he didn’t want this ’him’ to be paired with Luo Yan or probably with anyone else.

He didn’t need to be a genius to know who this ’him’ was. It’s Shen Ji Yun. Which meant that this girl liked his cinnamon roll.

And he didn’t like it.

It’s not because he felt jealous, okay, maybe just a little bit, but because of the way she’s showing this ’like’. Being mean and hostile to the person that happened to be close to the one she liked as if that person owed her or something was just the worst. It spoke of self-entitlement and ignorance. Especially more so since the other didn’t even know Shen Ji Yun personally.

She’s like those fans who thought that their idols or the actors/actresses they admired were public property. That they weren’t allowed to date or have love lives. That if they did, it would be like a big betrayal.

This girl was even worse because she’s already acting like this towards him who was a guy and who people wouldn’t normally think could be romantically involved with Shen Ji Yun. After all, he was of the same sex. The NightCloud CP that some of the players called their pairing was not really something that those said players take seriously. They just enjoyed pairing two handsome guys.

But this girl was different. She was obviously taking this CP quite seriously. Luo Yan wasn’t sure if she was simply narrow-minded or if her woman’s intuition was simply on point. After all, it’s true that he and Shen Ji Yun liked each other. The only thing needed for them to confirm their relationship was them confessing to each other. But he had a feeling that it’s most likely the former.

With the kind of attitude this Rosetta had, if she suspected that he and Shen Ji Yun were romantically involved, this girl would have gone ballistic the moment the two of them met. Since she was mostly just verbally attacking him, then, the only explanation was she’s just narrow-minded.

Luo Yan would bet that if she’s the one who was close to Shen Ji Yun and being antagonized like this, she would probably be the first one who would yell ’unfair’. Man, he hated that kind of double standard.

"Oohhh... now I smell drama," the Duke of Hearts suddenly said in a very gossipy voice. Then, he floated beside Luo Yan and put the mic in front of him. "What’s your reply to that?"

Luo Yan raised his head and began acting all pitiful. "I feel sad because I thought that we could get along well. I didn’t expect that... that I would actually be hated just because I’m close to someone." He casted his eyes downward, looking like someone who was bullied unjustly. When he raised his head again, his big blue eyes looked like they were shimmering with unshed tears. "Is it- is it really so wrong to be close to a friend?" contemporary romance

He took advantage of the fact that the audience had only started to hear their conversation when the duke appeared, held a mic in front of Rosetta, and asked her why she hated Luo Yan. Without any context, with how he phrased what he just said, it would appear like Rosetta was hating on him without any concrete reason. Making her look childish and immature. Which was true in some way.

And just like he expected, the audience reacted negatively to Rosetta. They shouted and booed at her.

One particular person who was displeased by this was Luo Wei Tian.

"What is this young lady doing, bullying Xiao Yan?" he said, his brows furrowed.

The rest of the people in the same royal box all had the same thought upon hearing that and Dusk actually voiced that thought.

"I think it’s Noctis doing the bullying."

Luo Wei Tian glanced at the person, no, the NPC dragon who just spoke. "This gentleman, how can you say that? Just look at my son’s face. He’s obviously being bullied!"

Dusk only gave him a look as if he was looking at a hopeless person. And then, he put his gaze back on the rink, no longer caring about this white-haired elf.

Luo Ren and Bai Ze gave their father/uncle a pitying glance. Because the other hadn’t yet experience Luo Yan’s ’dark side’. They really didn’t want to be the one breaking this illusion.

Yu Jiao, on the other hand, just felt complicated. Because she agreed with what Dusk said. She had witnessed a lot of things since she became friends with Luo Yan. And she knew for a fact that her friend wasn’t really as innocent as he appeared to be.

But unlike the rest, Su Yuqi had no problem speaking her mind. "Uncle should look closer. Luo Yan is obviously just acting. He would never let himself be bullied by anyone."

Hearing this, Luo Wei Tian turned to the screen where his second son’s face was being focused. He stared at Luo Yan and started to wonder what others saw that he didn’t.

Shen Ji Yun, who had been silent as a mouse, was actually very nervous right now. If his avatar could sweat profusely, he would probably be sweating bullets by now. Because he was worried that Uncle Tian would ask about who the girl was talking about – you know, the one being paired with Luo Yan.

Since he was the only one here who had a CP with his rabbit, it could only be him. If Uncle Tian asked about it, he honestly didn’t know how to explain. It was a good thing that the other’s attention was taken by Luo Yan acting all pitiful.

Shen Ji Yun had seen his rabbit doing the same thing before. But even so, that pitiful look still tugged at his heart. He narrowed his eyes at the culprit. Not wanting Luo Yan to be paired with him, just what’s her deal?

On the rink, the Duke of Hearts floated back on Rosetta’s side. "Do you have any response to that?"

Ding Rong felt like she was closed to exploding. Especially after hearing the booing of the crowd. With reddened eyes, she glared at the white-haired elf. The other still had that pitiful expression on his face. Which made it seemed like she was the complete villainess and the other was her victim.

This white lotus b*tch.

"Let’s just start this match," she said through gritted teeth.

The duke clucked his tongue, clearly disappointed that there wouldn’t be any more verbal fighting. He then floated up and said with less enthusiasm than normal, "Let the match begin."

As the duke said that, the little fox in Luo Yan’s arms jumped down.

Ding Rong stared at the fox and then at Noctis. "What are you doing?"

"You see, I’m still hurt emotionally because of you," Luo Yan said, holding his chest as if he was indeed hurt. "I can’t bear to fight you right now, so, I’ll just let my pet do it."

