The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 841 TO HAVE THE GUTS

  "WE'LL only have a family dinner," Luo Yan said in response to Yu Jiao's question. "Jiao Jiao, why don't you join us?"

  "No, I don't think that would be appropriate," Yu Jiao said with a complicated smile. "It's a night for your family. It's not right for me to be there."

  "Hey, how could it be not right? You're my friend. Dad and my brothers will definitely not mind," Luo Yan said before turning to Luo Jin. "Right, Ah Jin?"

  Luo Jin nodded. "Yeah."


  "No buts," Luo Yan cut off what Yu Jiao was about to say. "It will definitely make me happier if you're there. Of course, if you're uncomfortable, I won't force you."

  Yu Jiao stared at Luo Yan. The other had an understanding smile on his face but she couldn't disregard the obvious expectation on the other's eyes. "It's not that I'm uncomfortable. It's just… I feel like I would be intruding."

  "Nonsense. There's no way you would be intruding," Luo Yan quickly said. "You're my friend. How could you be an intruder?"

  Yu Jiao could only smile helplessly. "Okay, I'll be there."

  Luo Yan smiled brightly. "Yey!"

  Luo Jin looked at his brother's hippy smile. Although he knew that the other was genuinely happy, some part of this happiness was definitely because he wanted to give Yu Jiao and their brother some time together. Not that he minded though. 

  Their orders arrived at that moment.

  "By the way, Yan Yan, have you heard of the rumor going around our class?" Yu Jiao asked as she picked a piece of dumpling and ate it. 

  Luo Yan raised his head and swallowed the meat he's eating before answering, "There's a rumor?"

  Yu Jiao nodded. Under normal circumstance, she wouldn't really care for such rumors. But it was about Luo Yan, so she couldn't help but care. 

  "A lot of our classmates are saying that you look like Noctis," she said. "I believe most of them even think that you are Noctis."

  Both Luo Yan and Luo Jin were surprised by this. 

  "Our classmates actually think that I'm Noctis?" Luo Yan asked. 

  Luo Jin stared at his brother who's actually now as tall as his game avatar. Which meant that his similarity with 'Noctis' had now become very obvious. If not for the different hair and eye color, everyone who was playing Arcadia and had watched the Rookie Carnival would immediately recognize Luo Yan.

  "It's probably weirder if they don't," he said. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?"

  "Of course, I do. I'm as beautiful as ever," Luo Yan said without even batting an eye.

  Yu Jiao coughed and almost choked on her food.

  Luo Yan glanced at his friend and tilted his head. "Why? Am I not beauti—" 

  Luo Jin stuffed a dumpling on his brother's mouth before the other could finish what he's saying. "Let's just go back to main point."

  Yu Jiao stopped herself from laughing seeing this scene. 

  Luo Yan ate the dumpling first before saying, "It doesn't really matter. I mean, as long as people aren't blind, they could easily see the overwhelming similarities between my avatar and I. Just let it be. It's not like I can change my face anyway."

  "But- aren't you worried that it might bring you unnecessary attention?" Yu Jiao asked worriedly.

  "Don't worry, Jiao Jiao. I don't think people will mob me at this school," Luo Yan reassured the other. "And even if they do, I think I can handle the attention."

  Well, Yu Jiao had no doubt that Luo Yan would definitely not be daunted by such attention. Still, some accidents could happen. She just didn't want something like that to happen.

  "Don't worry too much," Luo Jin seconded. "This guy would definitely revel in the attention instead of being scared of it."contemporary romance

  Besides, if someone tried to do something that could be dangerous to Luo Yan, he'd be here to protect the other. Although, with Luo Yan's temperament and craftiness, he hardly thought that the other would need his help.

  "Hey, Ah Jin, are you saying that I'm an attention seeker?" Luo Yan said, acting like he was very offended. "That's hurtful, you know?"

  Luo Jin rolled his eyes and simply put another dumpling on Luo Yan's bowl of rice. "Eat more and be sober."

  This time, Yu Jiao finally couldn't stop herself from laughing.


  B City…

  At the cafeteria of T University, the first thing that anyone would notice if they walked in right now was that most of the students were looking at the same direction. There, at a corner spot beside the floor to ceiling window sat a young man. He was tall and very handsome. His pair of blue eyes were looking intently at his phone, as if he was trying to solve a very serious problem.


  The sudden voice beside him almost made Shen Ji Yun drop his phone. He glanced to the side and glared coldly at Bai Ze. "Don't sneak up on me."

  Bai Ze raised both hands. "Hey, I didn't sneak up on you. It's not my fault you're so busy looking at your phone." He sat down on the chair opposite. "Anyone who saw you would think you're busy doing some report or something. Who would have thought that you're actually just looking at cakes? Wait- cakes?" A teasing smile appeared on his face. "Are you planning to bake a cake for Xiao Yan?"

  "If you know, then don't ask," Shen Ji Yun responded coldly.

  Bai Ze acted as if he was wiping invisible tears. "Aww… our Ji Yun has really grown up. This friend is so proud of you."

  Shen Ji Yun didn't bother to respond to the other and instead continued browsing, looking for the perfect cake design. 

  Everything had now been laid out. He just had to make sure to follow the plan he made to the tee. And if all went well, then maybe, just maybe, he could finally do that one thing.

  As long as he had the guts to do it, that is.
