THE five of them went directly to the entertainment room after Su Yuqi arrived and consequently started the meeting. Bai Ze was standing at the front like some kind of lecturer. He even inserted a USB drive on the huge TV, as if he really prepared for a lecture.

"As everyone here knows, the current top four teams in Arcadia are Celestials, Fenghuang, Mozu, and Sirens," he started, while clicking on the remote he's holding.

The screen on the TV changed, showing the name and insignias of the four teams. Team Celestials had golden wings, team Fenghuang had a flaming red phoenix, team Mozu had an inverted pentagram, and team Sirens had a mermaid's silhouette holding a trident.

"They would, most likely be, the hardest opponents we would face in this upcoming season," Bai Ze continued. "Or course, other teams could give us a surprise and suddenly give a performance that could surpass these four teams. Team Sanguis, for example, is a good contender. No matter how flippant their captain is, they're a strong team. There are also teams who had been climbing up the ladder for the past two-three years, like team Revenant and team Mystic.

"Since I know none of you will voluntarily research about these teams I mentioned, I compiled important information about them and even made a presentation that would be easy for all of you to understand."

Luo Yan clapped his hands. "That's great, Brother Ze. I didn't know you would be so passionate about this."

He couldn't help but feel admiration for his cousin. Because it's not something easy that could be done in just an hour or so. One should truly exert effort to do it. Now he felt a bit guilty. It's because Bai Ze was the last one he thought would do something like this.

Hearing his cousin's compliment, Bai Ze subconsciously put his chest out, feeling proud. But, of course, someone just had to rain on his parade.

"Oh please. Ji Yun must be the one who gathered all the date, and you just compiled it."

Bai Ze turned his head and glared at Su Yuqi who spoke just now. Although what she said was true, it didn't mean that what he did didn't deserve compliments.

"Hey, Su Yuqi, do you know how hard it was to compile all those data into an easily understandable PowerPoint presentation?" he said, in an angry tone.

He almost added that he even put videos on it.

Su Yuqi only shrugged, which made him more infuriated. Argh. This girl. Someday- he would really have to... His thought stopped midway when he saw Luo Jin, sitting beside Su Yuqi, looking at her as if in a daze.

[What in the—no way?]

Because of this sight, Bai Ze completely forgot about his annoyance and an absurd thought crossed his mind.

Su Yuqi, expecting Bai Ze to come up with some violent retort, was a bit surprised to not hear anything more from the other. Then she noticed his gaze. The other seemed to be looking beside her with an absurd expression that he quickly hid in time.

Confused, she turned to her side and met Luo Jin's gaze square on. Luo Jin seemed to be startled by that and quickly turned his gaze away. Su Yuqi felt the corner of her lips twitching. She now understood why Bai Ze had that expression.

This kid. Was this the time to stare at her in a daze like that?

Even though the other looked like an adult man, in reality, he's still a kid after all. Normally, she would be annoyed by this. But just like always, when it came to this kid, she just found it interesting and amusing.contemporary romance

She knew that having this kind of feelings meant that she had already put Luo Jin into a special category. But that was all. She understood herself too much. So, she knew that it would take more than this for Luo Jin to advance to the next level in her heart. But since she didn't dislike the other and she also like spending time with him, she was giving him a chance to prove that he could be the one.

That one exemption who could manage to steal her heart away.

"Ah Jin should listen to your cousin's lecture instead of staring at me," she whispered low to the other in a teasing tone.

Luo Jin, who heard that, felt his face burned even more. "I- I'm not—"

He wanted to refute it but couldn't really find an appropriate excuse, so he just ended up not saying anything. Because it was true that he was staring at the other. How could he not, really?

When he saw Su Yuqi earlier, his heart almost jumped up to his throat. When they first met in real life, the other had bleached platinum blond hair. Now, her hair was deep red in color, like some kind of rich wine. It was also much longer compared to before. Her make-up was also darker, which matched her current hair color perfectly.

No, no matter how Su Yuqi styled herself, it would definitely suit her nonetheless. Because she was just that beautiful.

Her striking features were like works of art, each one carefully crafted and perfectly placed to create a mesmerizing portrait of beauty that could capture the attention of anyone.

So, it's only natural that he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Bai Ze also witnessed this small interaction, and he couldn't help but feel complicated. He seriously felt like Luo Jin might have a problem in his eyes. No, this was not a question of sight, but taste.

He shook his head and just continued with his explanations about the other teams in Arcadia.

Of course, Luo Yan also saw all of these. He just watched with interest while he leaned back comfortably on Shen Ji Yun's wide chest.

Shen Ji Yun, on the other hand, didn't really care much about the others and just happily hugged Luo Yan from the back.
