The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning

Chapter 53
Madelyn finally recognized the tattoo on Forrest’s hand. ‘He was that guy... the guy who jumped off the building because of
Zach... That guy was actually Forrest Arnold!”
A car accident had sent Forrest plunging off a cliff during his tenure as the head of Arnold Corporation. His body was never
found, so everyone believed he had died in that crash. As a result, the Arnold family appointed a new person, a woman, to take
over the company. But their good fortune was short-lived.
Two years after Forrest’s incident, there was a massive explosion at the Arnold residence, and not a single member of the Arnold
family survived. Arnold Corporation was then acquired by an unknown individual.
Madelyn couldn’t quite recall the name of that man. He remained an enigmatic figure, concealing his real identity from the world.
Zach had mentioned his facial burns, which led him to constantly wear a mask. However, what stood out in Madelyn’s memory
was the unmistakable blue tattoo adorning his hand. She also remembered his explosive temper, wreaking havoc on any woman
who caught his attention, subjecting them to a night of terror and danger. The resemblance between that tattoo and the one now
on Forrest Arnold’s hand was uncanny.
‘If Forrest didn’t die in that car accident years ago, where did he get the billions of dollars to acquire Arnold Corporation?’ The
question lingered in Madelyn’s mind, casting doubt on the events that unfolded.
As she delved deeper into her memories, another doubt emerged. ‘The Arnold family held the economic power over Ventropolis.
How did Zach manage to completely consume Arnold Corporation without leaving a trace?’
Madelyn carefully pieced together the fragmented memories from her past life, attempting to make sense of the puzzle before
She remembered that after Zach took control of Jent Corporation, it took only six months before he reached a collaboration
agreement with the newly appointed CEO of Arnold Corporation, who was none other than Forrest, the person who disappeared
after the car accident and returned under a new identity.
At that time, Zach did indeed take a significant amount of funds from Jent Corporation. Shareholders were on the verge of
outrage, as the company’s contracts were riddled with financial loopholes. One wrong move, and Jent Corporation could have
collapsed and gone bankrupt. However, Zach remained calm and composed, mingling with ease at business events.

It was likely during that time that Zach gave all of Jent Corporation’s funds to Forrest to acquire Arnold Corporation. Once Forrest
gained control of the company, he signed a collaboration agreement with Zach. So, Madelyn figured Zach and Forrest had
known each other long before she was aware of it.
Madelyn thought to herself, ‘If Zach had the money to acquire Arnold Corporation, why didn’t he do it himself instead of using
Forrest? Unless there’s something more to this that I don’t know!!
At that time, Forrest never anticipated Zach’s grand ambitions. Within a span of just six months, Zach meticulously infiltrated
every aspect of Arnold Corporation. Employing the same manipulative tactics he had employed against the Jent family, Zach
targeted Forrest. Overnight, Arnold Corporation underwent a name change. Before Forrest could comprehend the situation, he
found himself burdened with overwhelming debts amounting to billions.
Madelyn vividly recalled the sight of Forrest standing on the rooftop. The despair radiated from him. He grasped Madelyn by the
neck, his voice laden with threat as he addressed Zach, Zach Jardin, I acknowledge my defeat to you! But... your wife shall
perish alongside me!”
The rooftop had indeed been surrounded by police, and a crowd of onlookers gathered, and Cecilia Samford was one of them.
Madelyn, trembling with fear and tears streaming down her face, pleaded desperately with Zach to save her. But the memory of
Zach’s heartless words. remained etched in her mind. He callously remarked, “Well, she’s pregnant! If she dies, it’s a two-for-one
deal. Not a bad outcome for you!”
Upon hearing those chilling words, Madelyn resigned herself to an inevitable fate, believing she was about to face her demise.
However, in a sudden turn of events, Forrest pushed her away, propelling himself off the towering skyscraper.
The memory of Forrest’s eyes, filled with a profound yearning, haunted Madelyn to this day. She remained plagued by
uncertainty, unable to fully grasp the true intent behind his gaze. And in the midst of the chaos, she faintly heard a whispered “I’m
sorry,” lingering in the air.
Since then, Zach had gradually acquired the scattered fragments of Arnold Corporation, ultimately becoming its majority
The repercussions of this shift were profound, transforming Ventropolis in ways. unimaginable. In a mere blink of an eye, Zach
Jardin had risen to an unprecedented level of influence, dominating the city from his elevated position. Overnight, he had
evolved into a figure both feared and revered, assuming the role of Ventropolis’s ruler. With unwavering authority, he dictated the
course of the city’s destiny, effortlessly pulling the strings of power.

Yet, Madelyn couldn’t shake off the unsettling truth that this ascent was built upon the foundation of countless lives, each
sacrificed to elevate Zach to his throne of control.
