Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1151
'They seemed to have come with a purpose in mind... The master seems to know who they are as well.'
'The master flew up and entered the flying house to discuss something with them... But none of us know what they're talking about...'
'They've negotiated for quite some time... Some time while they were negotiating, the flying house submerged below the waves, bringing master along with it...' 'Night has come... We're all tossing and turning, barely able to sleep... All we can do now is guard the fairy's corpse...'
'It's late at night now, and it's my turn to stand guard... Including me, my group had nine people...'
'...I'm writing this after that terrifying event... The incident that changed my fate forever...'
'While we were standing guard, the fairy suddenly came alive! Standing in front of us, her expression was livid as she coldly asked us where we were taking her to...'
'Not daring to play any games, we truthfully told her all that we knew... Upon hearing our explanation, she was infuriated! I still distinctly remember her saying, "So you still wish to burden me even now...? Thank the stars that I regained my consciousness in time!""
'Following that, she flew into a deep rage and began attacking us! The moment she made a move, six peoples' lives were ended... She was terrifying...!'
'As I attempted to run, she immediately waved one of her long sleeves and tied it around my neck! Before I knew it, I had been thrown up into the air!'
'If it wasn't for a tree breaking most of the fall, I would've definitely ended up dead from the fall damage alone! I was lucky that I only ended up breaking a leg...'
'It was in my state of semi-consciousness when I realized something frightening. This was all wrong. I was sure that the fairy was still in the coffin... Then who the hell was this mad beauty? At the time, I didn't even know what had happened to the rest of my companions. For all I knew, all of them could have already been dead.'
'Fortunately, the gigantic bronze house flew out of the ocean at that instant, causing an explosive sound! I remember fainting at that exact moment due to all the shock...'
'When I finally awoke, I was in a kind fisherman's house... It was only then when I learned that I was the sole survivor of that group of nine. The others who weren't standing guard, on the other hand, were all saved by the master.'
'Due to that incident, I was now disabled and I could no longer endure the ocean breeze. It was the reason why I remained on Montholm Island. However, the master was kind enough to compensate me with a lot of money..."
Following that, the epitaph described how the survivor had slowly used the money to become even richer in the coming years. In the end, he even ended up becoming a prestigious person on the island, and that was where the memoir on the stone tablet ended.
"People from ancient times had a tendency to exaggerate, especially those who were successful. They just loved adding extraordinary incidents into their epitaphs, you know? Aside from this example, another story I've heard is about a heroic person by the name of Brayden Laban who slaughtered a white snake and created an uprising... Haha! I truly admire the imagination of people back then... It wouldn't surprise me if the bronze flying house was the inspiration for today's science fiction movies!" said Tim as he laughed.
"It does sound slightly ridiculous... However, it also makes the epitaphs sound much more special!" chipped in Yume.
Gerald, however, didn't give any comments on that.
After chatting a little while longer with Tim and more or less getting to know all the facts that he had wanted to investigate, Gerald told someone to send Tim home.
Once he was gone, Gerald casually said, "I'll be returning to my room first... All of you should turn in early since we're going to set off tomorrow!"
Before Gerald could get far, however, Yume stopped him before saying, "Hold it. Why didn't you voice out any of your opinions earlier? In fact, you hardly said anything at all! Is something the matter?" Being the perceptive woman she was, Yume then added, "I also noticed your eyelids twitching slightly whenever Mr. Yarrow described the flying house earlier... Why was that?"
"Very perceptive of you. Regardless, if I told you that the story that we just heard earlier was true... Would you believe me?" asked Gerald.
"...What? You're not pulling my leg, are you?" replied Yume, flabbergasted by his question.
"Is there any reason for me to lie? Still, this incident seems to be getting much more troublesome than I initially imagined it to be!" said Gerald before returning to his room.