Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1469

Master Ghost had always been a calm man who had the remarkable ability to predict the future. With that in mind, it was impossible for him to have simply chosen to dispose of such a valuable magic artifact just like that. But what could his intentions have been...?

As Gerald pondered on, Zenny-who had been quiet this entire time-finally decided to say, "Could Master Ghost be trying to tell us something, Gerald? Could this be his way of asking for help?"

Nodding in response, Gerald then replied, "I assume so. After all, with his near-perfect ability to predict the future, he's probably already predicted that we'd come looking for him. In fact, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that he already knows when we'll be coming to get him! Why else would he have allowed his beloved whisk to end up in that auction in the past few days? Regardless, we should head to Jenna Province University first. Once we find Yul, we'll ask him about what he knows!"

"I used to study at that university too, master! Why don't I accompany you there? I'm sure having someone by your side will be more convenient for you anyway!" suggested Perla.

"You have a good point. Very well, then!"

Upon arriving at the Jenna Province University, Gerald found himself thinking about his past. It was just something that happened anytime he entered any campus. Regardless, it had been three years since Mila had gone missing... That was also the start of all of this...

Despite that, now that he was within another university, it felt like everything had just happened yesterday... Time simply worked that way, secretly slipping away when one was most unprepared for it...

When Perla who had been following Gerald around campus-saw that he was deep in thought, she decided not to interrupt him. Instead, she simply chose to head to the Department of Economics and Management to look for Yul.

Gerald himself simply continued wandering around campus.

Just as he was thinking that all universities looked more or less the same, he suddenly heard someone shouting, "Look out!"

At that moment, a large kite was swooping down from the sky, and it was headed straight for Gerald! Things like these weren't uncommon when flying a kite. After all, without wind, kites would simply descend rapidly, and there was no real way of stopping that from happening.

Regardless, the girl who had called out to Gerald appeared to have been flying the kite with a few friends of hers, and they were now frantically trying to warn Gerald about it.

Needless to say, Gerald noticed it almost instantaneously. Since he was still deep in thought, he didn't consider his actions and ended up pointing at the kite... Before causing it to explode while it was still in the sky!

By the time the kite fell to the ground, it was nothing but ashes!

When the girls finally got to Gerald, they instantly began shouting both anxiously and in rage when they saw the condition of their kite.

"Was there really a need for this? It's not like we did it on purpose! Why'd you have to burn our kite?!" yelled one of the girls.

Of the four long-haired girls in the group-who all looked equally slim and attractive-three of them were pointing angrily at him. The fourth, from what Gerald could see, seemed to be more on the quiet and demure side. Even so, there were still obvious hints of disappointment on her face.

Whatever the case was, Gerald found himself sighing internally as an apologetic expression formed on his face. This was why he preferred sealing off his essential qi... After all, if he accidentally used it, there was always the potential of him accidentally hurting others...

Snapping out of it, Gerald then quickly replied, "I didn't mean to! I apologize!"

"What do you mean you didn't mean to? It's obvious that you intentionally burnt our kite just because it nearly hit you! How terrible can you be?!" retorted another girl.

From the looks of it, they had been so focused on getting to Gerald earlier that they hadn't really seen how their kite had been obliterated. With that in mind, Gerald burning it seemed to be the only logical conclusion based on the kite's current condition. From what Gerald could see, they weren't about to accept any other explanation either.

With that in mind, Gerald then said, "Look, I'll compensate you for it!"

As he said that, an elegant-looking girl-who had previously been standing in the center of the group-began winding up the kite's string... However, she didn't notice a pit hole in time and found herself leaning dangerously forward!
