Big Novel



While he was filled with resentment, the truth remained that he had lost, so he couldn't just burst into anger. What more, if he flew into a rage now, Xanry was worried that the others would start claiming that he wasn't wealthy enough to play the game, and that was a form of humiliation he never wanted to experience.

He had just lost two hundred and twenty-five dollars. It wasn't much to him, so he could surely still go on...!

Believing that Xanry wouldn't want to continue playing after suffering so many losses, Gerald then looked at him before asking, "Are you going to play more, monitor?"

"But of course! Let's resume!" declared Xanry. At his current state, it was clear that Xanry had the temperament typical of a gambler. Unless he won against Gerald, he wouldn't be able to rest easy.

Not that Gerald was complaining, of course. He wanted to see how much more Xanry could take.

"Very well then, monitor! However, since you suggested the previous game, I think it's high time I suggested my own. What do you say we switch it up a little?" asked Gerald.

Upon hearing that, Xanry-who was sure that he would be able to defeat Gerald no matter what game he wanted to play-then said, "I accept! Do share the details of the game!"

"It's quite simple, really. We'll both have five dice each, and we'll have to guess the points of our opponent's dice. For example, if you guess close to the number of points I have, then you'll win. With my loss, I'l have to pay you the difference in points between the actual points and the amount you guessed, with each point symbolizing fifteen dollars. What do you think?" explained Gerald.

Finding Gerald's game intriguing, Xanry quickly replied, "Agreed! Let's go with this then!"

For a person who enjoyed gambling, they'd surely end up getting addicted extremely quickly with such high-risk high-reward games. If it wasn't already obvious enough, Xanry was such a person, and he was truly unfortunate that Gerald was his opponent.

Regardless, both of them quickly picked their dice up and began shaking...

The second they stopped, Gerald turned to face Xanry before saying, "After you!" Hearing that, Xanry instantly went with a high value, stating, "Twenty-five points!" Gerald himself replied, "A high guess! Well, I guess that you have nineteen!"

Though Gerald knew the exact points Xanry currently had, he couldn't just reveal that number. While Gerald had to always make sure he was a few points above or below Xanry's score, he was certain that he'd still be able to take Xanry down.

Whatever the case was, now that the values had been shouted out, both of them displayed their dice for each other to see... revealing twenty points on Gerald's side and sixteen on Xanry's side.

This meant that Gerald had won this round since Gerald's guess was only three points short of what Xanry had rolled whereas Xanry was five points short.

Smiling, Gerald then looked at Xanry before saying, "Well, guess I've won! Time to pay up, monitor!"

Now feeling gloomier than before, Xanry realized that Gerald must be experienced in the game. It certainly explained why Gerald had chosen this specific game to play with him.

Still, now that they were already in the middle of the game, there was no way he was going to suddenly ask for it to stop. Doing so would only end up humiliating him, and for Xanry, his dignity and pride were above all else. With that in mind, he handed yet another seventy-five dollars to Gerald.

While it was true that he was rich, his heart still ached to have to hand Gerald that money. After all, though the money he had lost was nothing particularly noteworthy to him, the fact remained that he hadn't won a single cent from Gerald. Xanry had simply been losing money this entire time!

Gerald himself couldn't really be blamed. After all, Xanry was the one who had wanted to continue playing this entire time. Xanry was simply reaping what he had sown for continually trying to offend Gerald. Regardless, now that this round was over, Gerald then looked at Xanry before asking, "So, one more round, monitor?"

After suffering so many losses, Xanry certainly didn't want to stick around anymore.

By this point, he knew that Gerald had some hidden ability that had been allowing him to win so many times in a row. Xanry had also become aware that Gerald had simply been pretending to be weak this entire time. With that in mind, it made sense that him constantly looking down on Gerald would lead to such an outcome!
