Big Novel

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1813

Her cries only made Juno's heart ache even more. Gerald himself could only shake his head as he slowly walked out of the room...

Stepping out, Gerald then signaled for Rey-who was still hiding-to come over.

Seeing that, Rey then quickly made his way toward the house... But the second he saw how bloody it was now inside, he instantly dashed out again to puke his guts out! Since this was the first time he had seen such fresh corpses, it was undoubtedly a great shock to him...

Knowing that, Gerald couldn't really blame Rey for his reaction. After all, Gerald himself was only this nonchalant toward the dead since he was used to seeing corpses by this point. With that in mind, Rey's tolerance toward sights like these would surely rise the more corpses he witnessed in future.

Regardless, it was some time later when Rey finally gathered the courage to look at the corpses again. Once Gerald made sure he was fine, the duo then got to work burying the corpses. Naturally, they buried the girl's parents separately.

Once they were done, Rey couldn't help but growl, "Those people... they're inhumane...!"

While Gerald didn't reply, his solemn expression did the talking for him.

True to Rey's words, the Soul Hunters truly were ruthless to be able to do such brutal acts...

After witnessing all this, Rey was now more determined than ever to become a cultivator. By working hard, he would hopefully be able to prevent scenes like these from happening...

It was at that moment when Gerald raised his head... and floating before him now, were two spirits...

After staring at them for a while, Gerald cleared his throat before righteously declaring, "...Sir and madam... Since you were killed by those people, I'll bestow punishment on them! I'll make sure they can't undergo reincarnation! With that in mind, please rest in peace..."

The two spirits were obviously the girl's parents, and after hearing what Gerald said, the duo then vanished into thin air...

Though he didn't express it, Gerald was honestly feeling relieved. After all, now that they had passed on in peace, they wouldn't end up turning into evil spirits...

Either way, now that they were gone, Gerald drew the Astrabyss Sword before starting to mutter some odd incantations...

The spell Gerald was chanting was known as Soul Eater, and casting it enabled him to completely exterminate villainous spirits. As Gerald had earlier said, any spirits caught within the punishing spell wouldn't be able to be reincarnated...

While Gerald rarely used the spell, he knew he had to use it on the dead Soul Hunters. After all, they deserved this punishment, and Gerald wasn't about to let them die in peace and escape judgment. Only their souls' annihilation would make Gerald feel that he hadn't let the girl's parents down...

With the chanting complete, Gerald then yelled, "Soul Eater!"

The second he shouted that out, the spirits of the Soul Hunters immediately merged into a white orb or light...

"Exterminate!" yelled Gerald again as he slashed right into the orb of light, causing it to shatter into pieces!

And with that, the punishment was complete. No longer would their souls continue to exist, and they would be incapable of reincarnating anymore...

Witnessing all that Gerald had done, Rey-who had been watching intently from the back-couldn't help but feel that it was all very magical. It certainly made him pumped to become a cultivator who was as powerful as Gerald one day.

Whatever the case was, now that all this was done, Gerald then returned to the room where Juno and the girl were in...

At first glance, the girl had completely calmed down by this point. Even so, she appeared reluctant to say a word... From what Gerald could tell, she was still in a state of shock...

Upon realizing Gerald's presence, Juno immediately pleaded, "Gerald...! Please, help her...!"

Getting what Juno was trying to get him to do, Gerald then asked, "... You're suggesting me to do 'that'? Are you sure?"

Hearing Gerald's question, Juno turned to look at the girl... before closing her eyes and nodding as she said, "...I'm sure. I don't want her to live in despair for as long as she lives...!"
