Mila was frustrated. She gathered her clothes and vented, "Fenna acts like she owns Nathan's place. She comes and goes as she pleases, in the

house, the office, the dorm, without even knocking.

"She interferes not only in his work but also in his personal life. She's slowly taking over Nathan's life, and it would cause problems sooner or later. |

need to keep a close eye on this.”

Phoebe completely agreed.

Later that night, Nathan walked through the brightly lit dorm building while texting Mila. "| miss you. Can you spend the night in my room?"

Mila never replied. He sent another one right away. "Should | come to your room?"

There was still no reply from Mila. Nathan felt a deep emptiness in his heart. He tightened his grip on his phone and continued walking.

Fenna followed him closely. When she noticed he wasn't texting, she asked, "Did you two have another fight?"

Nathan didn't feel like answering.

Fenna continued seriously, "We need to check on the progress at the armaments department tomorrow. You should go to bed early and stop getting

caught up in trifles like romance.”

"You should go back and get some rest," Nathan replied flatly.

"It's still early. I'll clean up your room," Fenna said casually. "You're always busy and never have time to clean.

"I'm not like your wife, who grew up pampered. She doesn't know how to handle housework and needs someone to look after her everyday needs. "

Nathan stopped and took a deep breath. He was irritated by Fenna's words, even though they rang with some truth.

He suppressed his irritation and replied sternly, "My wife may not be good at housework, but she excels in other areas. She has skills that others lack

and | can make up for what she lacks."

"Nate, stop putting her on a pedestal," Fenna snapped. Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Ignoring Fenna, Nathan checked his phone once more. The signal was strong, but Mila had yet to respond, even after he'd refreshed his messages

several times.

Suddenly, Fenna asked, "Why is the light in your dorm on?"

Nathan looked up and noticed the light coming from his dorm. He grinned and started to walk faster, with Fenna trailing behind him. He turned to her

and asked, "Why are you following me?"

Confused, Fenna replied, "Didn't | just tell you? I'm here to clean your room."

Growing irfpatient, Nathan warned

her, "Fenka, stick to your duties and

io . : Q& .

don't interfere in my personal affairs.

If you-tan't do that, don't be É

surptised if | use my authority to

transfer you out of here." Content

bélongs to NovelDrama.Org O

Fenna's cheeks puffed up as she protested, "Nate, | was just trying to do something nice for you. Are you really going to transfer me out?"

Nathan's tone was firm as he replied, "There's no need for you to do anything nice for me. | won't hesitate to let you go if your presence threatens my


Sounding sad, Fenna asked, "Does our ten-year friendship mean nothing to you?"

"Ive been devbted to Wanda for over

a decade alive endured a lot to

marry her don't mind losing our ç>

friendshi& | won't hesitate evenif!

need to sacrifice my career or, lfe."

He stressed every word coldty. "So,

dom? get any false hopes féom me."

Cóntent belongs to swnó

Fenna stood frezen with teary eyes

as Nathan ed away without

sparing Nec à glance. After a E

momentíher voice rang out. "| dort

want to ruin your marriage, and

don*tare if you love me. | just wa nt

toe there for you." Conterft belongs
