After all, rising expectations often resulted in greater disappointment, ultimately leading to self-inflicted suffering.

Phoebe swiftly moved to Mila's side after completing the paperwork, clasping her hand tightly for reassurance. "Stay strong, Mila. You and the baby will make it through."

With urgency, the doctor called out, "Get her to the operating room quickly. We need to perform the surgery to deliver the baby..."

As the midwife began to move Mila's bed, another midwife exclaimed, "I can see the baby's head-it's coming out!"

The doctors and nurses surrounded Mila in the delivery room, their faces glowing with hope and anticipation. With words of encouragement, they guided Mila to push.

Phoebe remained by the edge of the delivery bed, her anguish evident as tears welled up in her eyes. "Mila, don't give up," she softly urged. "Both you and the baby will be fine. Hang in there..."

Mila bit her lower lip, fighting against the excruciating pain coursing through her body. Sweat glistened on her skin, her lips raw from the force of her bite.

With every ounce of strength, she gripped the bed's edge, her veins bulging with effort.

Despite the overwhelming pain, Mila persisted, determined to see it through. Then, in a sudden rush, the pain dissipated, replaced by a sense of relief.

The urgency in the doctor's voice escalated. "The baby's out! Quick, get ready to resuscitate..."

With tears in her eyes, Phoebe gently wiped the sweat from Mila's forehead, her voice trembling as she exclaimed, "Mila, the baby's arrived." Mila felt a numbness wash over her as she watched the doctor

cradle her newborn child.

The infant was fragile, covered in a sheen of sweat and blood, his tiny body tinged with purple. The doctor held him delicately by his feet, rhythmically patting his back. Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Mila's heart ached with each passing moment, the pain intensifying with every beat. Yet, there was no sound of the baby's cries.

As Mila's consciousness began to fade, she strained to keep her gaze fixed on her baby that she carried for seven months. It felt as though her heart was being ground to pieces, the agony penetrating to her very core.

"Hurry, we must stem the bleeding," urged another frantic team of doctors. "Retrieve blood plasma from the blood bank at once..."

Mila struggled to keep her eyes open. She could barely make out the frantic voices of the medical staff and Phoebe's sobbing.

Yet, what she desperately yearned for was the sound of her baby's cry. In her heart, she pleaded for the newborn to wail soon... But silence persisted.

Gradually, Mila drifted into unconsciousness. In her dreams, she gazed upon her baby.

Resting on a fluffy cloud, he looked plump and fair, his eyes alive with happiness. A radiant smile adorned his cherubic face as he giggled at her.

His delightful laughter filled the air, a soothing melody to Mila's ears.

Mila drew near to her baby, tenderly holding him close in her embrace.

He nestled against her, his smile growing even more radiant and endearing.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Please forgive Mommy for not protecting you. From now on, I'll keep you safe from harm. Will you come home with Mommy? "You haven't had the chance to meet Daddy yet. Promise you'll return home with Mommy, alright?"

At another hospital, Nathan returned to the emergency room with the report in hand, delivering it to the attending doctor.


After examining the reports closely, the doctor explained, "Her condition isn't too serious. Although her soft tissue contusions are mild and there's only a slight concussion, the fracture in her right foot requires immediate attention."

"You can take her to Orthopedic Outpatient Room 2. I'll inform the orthopedic surgeon to come over and treat her bone."

Fenna removed Nathan's coat and handed it back to him. "You should put this back on. I'm not cold anymore."

Upon reaching the hospital, Nathan

handled the examination fees and collected the reports. Engrossed in his tasks, he paid no heed to the cold, leaving his jacket draped over Fenna's shoulders.

As they made their way, he asked, "I specifically instructed you to follow Avery into the beauty salon. How did you end up getting kidnapped?"

Fenna looked puzzled. "I'm not sure

either. Everything seemed fine initially. Avery didn't seem off in any way. I was in the middle of my beauty treatments when I suddenly blacked out. When I regained consciousness, I found myself being abducted by several masked men."
