Chapter 760

Sienna used up all her savings, and Shelly did the same. Shelly went even further by selling their corner store and borrowing money from relatives.

Together, they gathered 250 thousand dollars to pay off the injured man.

After that, their house turned bleak and lonely; a heavy sadness hung in the air. Shelly's illness got worse, and she stopped caring about anything.

Busy from looking after Shelly and working to make ends meet, Sienna felt exhausted and drained. As time passed, she found herself unable to spare any time or energy for thoughts of Daniel.

Meanwhile, Shelly was engulfed by severe depression. Her appetite vanished, sleep eluded her, and tears flowed daily as she lay in bed, devoid of motivation.

She withdrew from the outside world, finding solace only in the memories captured in photos of her husband and son. She often spent hours huddled in a corner, weeping.

Sienna dutifully sent a few hundred dollars to the prison monthly to ensure Felix had better meals. On visitation days, she accompanied Shelly to see him.

Felix had shed weight and seemed worn down. Every encounter with him reduced Shelly to tears.

Sienna found herself making more and more trips to the hospital as Shelly's health continued to deteriorate. But one night, everything came to a sudden stop.

Unable to sleep, Shelly rushed to the rooftop of their seven-story building and jumped at 5:30 am. That night, she took her own life and reunited with Sienna's father.

The night was filled with the wails of police and ambulance sirens, blending with the noises of a growing crowd. It was all overwhelming Sienna's senses.

She stood nearby, feeling as if her soul had abandoned her body as she watched Shelly lay beneath a white sheet. The sight of blood staining the ground sent shivers down her spine.

Tears flowed down her cheeks, her legs giving way, and her entire body trembling. She struggled to grasp the weight of the tragedy, her mind reeling in shock.

Yet, Sienna was determined not to crumble. She handled the aftermath of Shelly's death with composure.

Adhering to local customs, she received relatives and friends who came to offer condolences, coordinating a funeral for Shelly.

This marked the second funeral she had arranged. The first had been for her father, merely three years earlier. Now, she faced the task of organizing her mother's funeral.

The police showed compassion by granting Felix a day's release to honor Shelly.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

At her graveside, Felix's cries of anguish pierced the air, his sobs wrenching at his soul as he desperately called out to Shelly.

In his frustration, he struck himself and cried out in heartbreak. And yet, he couldn't bring Shelly back from her eternal slumber.

Relatives praised Sienna for her remarkable composure in handling all the arrangements, from the funeral proceedings to managing household matters single-handedly.

Following the funeral, Felix returned to prison.

Sienna carefully packed the important items Shelly had left behind, stashing them in the closet before tidying up her mother's room. By the time she finished, she felt completely drained.

Once she'd showered, Sienna retreated to Shelly's room. She nestled onto the bed where her mother had once slept, curling up and closing her eyes in search of rest.

The room was enveloped in darkness and silence. A heavy atmosphere of loneliness hung in the air.

Alone in the empty house, Sienna's fatigue weighed heavily on her, and she yearned for a restful night's sleep. Yet, tears welled up uncontrollably whenever she closed her eyes.

Struggling to contain her emotions, she clenched her fist and bit down hard on it. The suffocating ache made her shoulders convulse with violent tremors.

Tears trickled down her face, soaking the pillow beneath her as her sobs wracked her body. As the night dragged on, Sienna's sobs grew louder and more mournful.

She cried until she was gasping for air. Eventually, she passed out from the overwhelming flood of emotions and found solace in sleep.

In the following days, Sienna meticulously cleaned every inch of the house until it gleamed and packed all the items into cardboard boxes. She draped some white cloths over the larger pieces of furniture.

After everything was in order, she packed her belongings. With only a phone, a laptop, and a suitcase in tow, she bought a train ticket and left the town without a second glance.
