Sienna had always been unlucky, and she couldn't help but wonder what misfortunes the future might still hold for her. That
night, she tossed and turned, struggling to find sleep.
When she awoke the next morning, she felt utterly drained. After a few rough minutes of vomiting in the bathroom, Sienna went
downstairs. She managed only a light breakfast before heading to the study to work.
Halfway through her work, Sienna found herself unable to ignore the nagging discomfort within her. She slumped over the desk
and stared blankly out the window, her mind drifting away. As her eyelids grew heavy, sleep slowly overtook her.
In Sienna's dream, a refreshing and familiar fragrance wafted toward her. Shortly after, she felt a warm, moist touch on her lips.
Groggily, she opened her eyes and was startled to find a face mere inches from her.
It was Daniel! He had returned and was softly kissing her as she slept.
Sienna instinctively tried to pull away, but Daniel quickly cradled the back of her head and lifted her head from where it rested on
her arms. Her protests were muffled. She pushed against Daniel's chest. Yet, Daniel's response grew more insistent with each
attempt she made to push him away. He scooped her up effortlessly and carried her to a nearby lounge chair. There, he held her
waist and continued kissing her deeply.
The intensity of his kiss was overwhelming, leaving Sienna feeling almost breathless. Finally satisfied, he slowly eased his hold
on her.
Daniel rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the room. The warmth between them was undeniable, and the
air seemed to thicken with heat.
"Did you miss me?" Daniel whispered, his hands on her waist.
Blushing, Sienna closed her eyes and nodded.
"I missed you, too," Daniel said, caressing her lower abdomen. "Is the baby okay?"
"The doctor says everything looks normal," Sienna replied.
Daniel cupped her face, furrowing his brows as he studied her melancholy expression. "What's wrong? You seem upset. Have I
been too caught up with work lately and neglected you?" Sienna pursed her lips and shook her head.
"Then, what is it? You look so tired and sad."

Reluctant to delve into the topic, Sienna quickly shifted the conversation. "How's work been?"
"It's going well."
"Have you caught Alex yet?"
"We're close."
Daniel cut her off urgently. "Let's not talk about my work right now. I'm only worried about you and our baby. Tell me. Why are you
feeling unhappy?"
His words were like rays of sunshine on a winter's day, instantly thawing Sienna's frozen heart. She nestled against his chest
and closed her eyes as she soaked in the comfort of his embrace.
"Honey, is it true that you don't like kids?" Sienna murmured.
"Who told you that?"
"You always said you weren't ready for kids."
Daniel kissed her forehead and whispered, "Don't overthink it. I really do like kids, I was hoping for a bit more time before trying
for a baby. But now that it's on the way, it's the greatest gift heaven could have given us. I love you and our child."
Feeling insecure, Sienna asked, "What if the baby isn't a boy?"
Daniel's expression darkened as he looked down at her, his tone clearly displeased as he asked, "Why would you say that?
Preferring boys to girls is not right. Whether a boy opa girl, it's our beloved child."
"But your family seems to think differently."
Daniel offered a wry smile and admitted, "I'm sorry. My family might have a slight preference for girls."
Sienna's expression dropped and she said weakly, "Take a look at the group chat."
