As Candice's mind continued to wander, her emotions weighed heavily on her.
She found herself in a perpetual battle to understand Elio's intentions, her mind engulfed by thoughts of him as she attempted to
unravel his innermost feelings. Unable to hold back, Candice released a deep sigh.
Mervyn chuckled softly, remarking, "Look at that our carefree Candice, sighing just like the rest of us."
Snapping back to reality, Candice couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, it's strange. I don't know when it happened, but it seems I've
picked up some worries too," she confessed. "It sounds like a sign of growing up," Mervyn observed.
With a playful pout, Candice muttered, "If growing up means having worries, I'd rather not grow up at all."
"Tell me, is something at work bothering you?" Mervyn asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
Candice shook her head, her mind preoccupied.
Mervyn's expression darkened slightly, his tone growing more serious. "Is it about relationships, then?"
At Mervyn's probing question, Candice lowered her head, nervously twisting the towel in her hands. She remained silent, unable
to articulate her thoughts.
A somber expression crossed Mervyn's face, a trace of concern evident in his features.
However, he maintained a composed demeanor as he cautiously broached. "Are you worried that if you were to share your
feelings with me, I might not reciprocate?" Candice frowned at Mervyn's words. "Merv, please don't make jokes like that. It's not
funny," she murmured.
Mervyn let out a nervous laugh, trying to conceal his embarrassment.
After dropping Candice off at the hotel, he bid her farewell and departed.
Upon reaching the suite, Candice discovered that Elio hadn't yet returned.
Undeterred, she retreated to her room, seeking solace in a steaming shower.
With ample time at her disposal, Candice settled against the headboard, her earphones in place as she delved into sketching
designs to the backdrop of music. Minutes melded seamlessly into hours as Candice poured herself into her craft, eventually

completing two sets of drafts.
A glance at her phone revealed the precise moment of midnight.
Typically, Candice would have been in a deep sleep by now.
But tonight, rest seemed distant.
Rather than solely losing herself in music and sketches, it felt as though Candice was unconsciously awaiting Elio's return.
After setting her sketches aside and removing her headphones, Candice quietly slipped out of bed. Donning her slippers, she
treated cautiously toward the door.
With delicate movements, she turned the doorknob and discreetly peeked outside.
To her surprise, the living room was illuminated by bright light, a stark contrast to its previous dimness, indicating Elio's return.
Succumbing to weariness, Candice finally gave in to the urge to sleep.
However, just as she was about to retreat into her room and surrender to rest, a sudden clattering noise echoed from outside,
catching her attention. Despite her initial hesitation, Candice decided to brave the unknown and opened the door, determined to
investigate the source of the disturbance.
Entering the living room, she was
greeted by a disarray of empty wine bottles strewn across the floor, accompanied by several partially consumed liquor bottles
atop the coffee table.
Elio sat slumped on the sofa, his head tilted back against the cushion, revealing the captivating curve of his Adam's apple.
One hand shielded his eyes from view, while the other gripped an empty wine glass, an air of melancholy shrouding him in
His short hair remained damp, and his white shirt clung to his skin, emphasizing the contours of his chest muscles.
"Elio, what's wrong?" Candice's heart raced with concern as she swiftly collected the scattered bottles, sitting beside him in
bewilderment. "Why did you drink so much? And why are you soaking wet? Where's Sean?"

With caution, Candice delicately retrieved the empty glass from his hand. Examining his drenched form, she felt utterly lost, her
unease visible. Despite her worry, she refrained from reaching out to touch Elio.
With no strength left, Elio's hand fell to his side as he raised his head. His eyes, clouded and bloodshot, blazed intensely as they
met Candice's gaze. Despite Elio's distress, his focus remained unwavering on Candice, his chest rising and falling heavily as he
remained still. Caught in the intensity of his stare, Candice's body tensed with apprehension. Softly, she inquired, "What's the
