Despite harboring a secret crush on Elio for many years, Candice knew deep down that a romantic relationship between them
was utterly impossible.
From a moral standpoint, her unrequited love was destined to remain hidden forever.
Therefore, Candice never dared to entertain the hope of getting close to Elio, let alone indulge in her silly fantasies.
Instead, she accepted the reality of keeping this clandestine affection buried deep within her heart for her whole life.
After grappling with her emotions, Candice eventually retreated to her room. Closing the door behind her, she settled back into
bed, hoping to find solace in the prospect of peaceful sleep. However, rest evaded Candice that night, her sleep was disturbed
and she felt uneasy.
The next morning, Elio remained trapped in the grip of his hangover, unaware of the world waking around him.
Meanwhile, Candice had already gotten up and joined Sadie and Emerson, as they made their way to the event venue.
The space had been meticulously prepared, with the runway set up and ready for the highly anticipated fashion show of the
With the significant moment approaching, everyone worked diligently to ensure every detail was flawless before the show began.
In the backstage lounge, a man with an authoritative presence gestured toward Candice and asked, "Who's that?"
However, as he attempted to speak further, his words faltered. "You... You..."
Surprised, Candice pointed to herself. "Me? Are you referring to me?"
"Yes, you! Which department are you from?" the man inquired.
Candice nodded politely. "I work in the design department."
"I haven't seen you around," the man remarked.
"I'm new. I'm from the headquarters," Candice explained.
"I see. Well, could you do us a favor and grab some coffee?" the man instructed.

Taken aback by the request, Candice couldn't help but express her surprise. "Me? Go get coffee?"
The man's frown deepened as he gestured to the bustling room. "We're all swamped, and it seems like you have the least on
your plate. If not you, then who?"
Seeing the logic behind his request, Candice acquiesced. After all, it was just a quick errand to fetch a few cups of coffee.
"Alright, how many cups do you need?" she inquired.
Pointing toward the crowd, the man instructed, "Count how many people are here, and make sure there's enough for everyone."
Following the man's directives, Candice surveyed the room.
With both staff and models present, there were at least several dozen people in attendance. She quickly realized she couldn't
handle that many cups of coffee by herself. "Why are you just standing there? Start moving already!" the man urged impatiently.
Nonetheless, Candice's optimistic outlook prevailed. She firmly believed that for every problem, there was a solution waiting to
be uncovered.
In the worst-case scenario, she could resort to using cardboard boxes to transport the coffee cups.
"Okay. By the way, am I allowed to seek reimbursement for these expenses from the company?" Candice spoke up.
The man's expression darkened, his tone tinged with disapproval. "What?
Do you seriously expect the company to cover the cost of a few cups of coffee? Have you no shame?"
What did he mean by "a few cups"?
It was evident that she needed to buy several dozen.
Candice had already shown generosity by volunteering to run errands without charge. Thus, expecting her to cover the cost of
coffee for everyone seemed unreasonable.
If her offer was driven by goodwill, she wouldn't hesitate to pay, even if it meant spending a few thousand bucks.
However, feeling pressured and morally manipulated into doing so changed the situation for her, making it difficult to agree.

Judging by his demeanor, the man appeared to hold a position of authority, possibly overseeing a branch or having a managerial
or directorial role.
Hence, Candice was mindful not to offend him, so she chose her words carefully.
"Could I possibly buy some instant coffee instead? It's more within my budget, just a few dollars a packet," Candice
diplomatically proposed.
Upon hearing her suggestion, the man's expression soured even further.
Nonetheless, Candice managed a faint, innocent smile, her expression tinged with helplessness.
"I've recently secured a permanent position, but my modest salary barely covers essentials like rent and meals. Despite my
attempts to. budget wisely, I still struggle to make ends meet every month," she said with a hint of despair.
Shooting Candice a disdainful glance, the man reached into his pocket. Extracting his wallet, he withdrew over 200 dollars and
handed it to Candice.
In an authoritative tone, he directed, "After you've noted everyone's preferences, go to the city's cafes. And make sure to bring
back the receipt when you return."
As Candice reached for the money, an unexpected intervention halted her movement. A large hand intercepted, swiftly snatching
the cash before she could react. Candice was taken aback, her gaze shifting to the man beside her. To her astonishment, it was
Elio standing there.
Clad in a sleek and sophisticated black suit, he exuded an air of composure and aloofness, his gaze distant yet piercing.
At the sight of Elio, the man's arrogance vanished instantly. With a respectful nod, he greeted, "Mr. Hoffis, good to see you."
Without a word, Elio hurled the money directly at the man's face. Startled, the man flinched, causing the bills to scatter across his
features before cascading to the ground.
