Josie offered a wry smile, her gaze shifting to Candice, who sat quietly, absorbing the conversation.
"Candice, you know, in terms of family hierarchy, you should call Leo 'uncle.' If you two end up together, how will your families cope? How will Aunt Chubs face such a complicated relationship?" she asked. The question caught Candice off guard.
Before she could respond, Elio interjected angrily, "Are you here to cause trouble right in front of me?"
Quickly, Josie defended herself, "As a friend, I'm just curious about how Candice plans to handle this. How is that causing trouble?"
"This is between Candice and me. We'll figure it out. Focus on your issues. If you're done talking, you can leave," Elio said firmly.
Josie's smile vanished, replaced by a serious expression. "Elio, our relationship might have been fake, but our years of friendship are real, aren't they?"
"What are you trying to say?" Elio asked.
"I'm advising you as a friend. Candice and you are never going to work. Your families will never accept it. Don't ruin her life and end up with nothing," Josie warned. Elio's expression darkened further.
Rising to her feet, Josie concluded, "I've said all I needed to say. I should go now. Take care."
Neither Elio nor Candice rose to see her out. The door closed heavily behind her, leaving the living room in silence.
Candice and Elio exchanged glances, caught in a few awkward moments. Candice lowered her head and murmured, "Josie is right. Our families will never easily agree." Elio spoke sincerely, "Don't worry about them. Just agree to be with me and marry me."
Candice affirmed with a nod.
Elio's gaze lingered on her lovely face, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked, "Candice, may I kiss you?" Stunned by his question, Candice's mind went blank, her heart racing as she stared at him in shock.
As she hesitated, Elio leaned in, pressing her down onto the couch, and initiated a deep kiss.
The sudden intimacy left Candice flustered. He kissed her for a long time, their lips meeting and parting in a prolonged embrace.
By evening, Candice returned home, still feeling dazed, as if everything that had transpired was surreal, like a dream.
In just one day, her relationship underwent a seismic shift.
She couldn't muster the courage to confide in her family about her pregnancy.
Nor could she bring herself to discuss the idea of marrying Elio with them. It was a conversation she couldn't initiate.
As Josie had predicted, neither family would approve, especially not Elio's parents.
In the living room, Florence and Gary sat together, enjoying some fruits. Curious, Florence asked, "Candice, where did you go today?" Candice walked over and settled beside them, hugging a pillow. "I went to a friend's house."
"Have some fruit."
"No, you." Candice hesitated, with how to broach feeling inexplicably
"Grandpa, Grandma, if... if, to..."
"Yes, what is it?"
"If I were to have feelings for someone, but being with him goes against moral
and ethical standards, would you approve?"
Florence immediately interjected, "Absolutely not!"
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Going against moral and ethical
standards? That's akin to being a m homewrecker. Definitely not. Visit to read the latest chapter of this novel
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Gary's voice turned serious as he chimed in, "Of course not Candicen Never enter of course p Never entertain such thoughts your parents catch wind of this, they'll ground you." Visit to read the latest chapter of this novel
Candice nervously swallowed, refraining from delving deeper into the conversation.
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Physically, Candice felt well despite her pregnancy. Other than the Om absence of her monthly cycle, she experienced no discomfort. Visit
onthly to read the latest
chapter of this novel
She continued to work as usual.
Elio would anxiously text her, inquiring, "Have you spoken to your family yet?"
She'd reply, "Not yet. Let's give it a bit more time."
