The person in the mirror is unrecognizable. A woman dawned with jewels and a gown made of golden embellishments, weaved with skilled hands to highlight every curve. Every time I turn, I reflect every sliver of light, igniting the room in soft yellow hues. My hand glides over my nervous stomach, trying to soothe myself. I look stunning; I feel stunning and yet...
I hate it.
I hate how this gown wasn't one I got to choose, or how the colors make my face look pale and my freckles have been covered with makeup to make me appear, in their words, 'Blemish free'. This dress is every bit dragon and zero bit me. Hell, even little Tiago who sits on the bed behind me is scrunching his nose in distaste. "It's awful." I mutter, and he falls backwards, laughing. "Oh, really?"
I spin and rush toward the little chubby beast, grabbing his ankle gently and tugging him toward me as I tickle his tummy.
"Is that funny, huh? You think it's so funny that I don't like it, huh?" I giggle along with him, the only bright spot in this dark cave of a mountain I am now coerced into calling home.
"Mama," he squeals and I stop, my hands shaking and my mouth dry. He blinks, grabbing my hand with his tiny fingers, grinning wide. "Mama,"
"Oh, no, no, sweetie. It's Ky not Mama." I croak, clearing my throat as I drop to my knees with difficulty, the dress squeezing on my thighs tight, but at least it's distracting from the grip on my chest.
"Is that the first time he has called you that?" Teiran asks, strolling out of the bathroom. He looks smart in this ashen gray suit with gold asymmetrical button crossing from his left hip up to his right shoulder, where the lapel lays down over his chest in the same golden embroidery that matches my gown.
"Yeah, it's just what all kiddos say first when they learn to talk. You know, dada and mama." I smile at the little baby, still weirded out by the random growth spurts that age him anywhere from days to weeks just over night.
"To him you are his mother," Teiran reminds me, Reach out a hand to help me up.
"I am aware of that," I mutter, feeling uneasy at the title. "It's just...strange, to be called that when I know who his real mother is, and his father is the dragon who led to so much suffering."
"We are going to try to fix that," he says, his eyes meeting mine as he smiles and then he lifts my hand and spins me.
"Well, what do you think?" I ask him. He drinks me in, his eyes raking over my dress before he lands on my hair and then my face, a smirk coming over his lips.
"I dare say you have never looked finer, Kyra." He says, offering me a bow before he presses his lips to my hand. I scoff and roll my eyes.
"We don't have to pretend to like each other when there is no one here to see." I remind him and he shrugs.
"Who says I don't like you?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
"Teiran," I groan, and he chuckles, nodding his head.
"Yes, I know, I know. It is all for show for now." He says, "But if, for some reason, it didn't have to be for show, if it was real, would it really be that bad?"
He steps close, closing the gap between us as I gaze up at him, his long hair slicked back in a bun and his eyes telling me he is developing feelings. Teiran is a dark and foreboding prince, but he is kind and yes, he is very much a sexy man. Any woman would be lucky to accept him once they get past his mode of operations.
But this isn't me being lucky, this is me being held here on the promise of safety for my entire kind. This is me missing out on the only chance of having another mate, one that truly completes me. Teiran is giving up nothing and gaining everything. I am giving up everything and gaining peace for my kind. That doesn't entirely inspire love from me.
The door creaks open and a servant enters the room, eyes growing wide before averting away.
"I-I didn't mean to interrupt, Prince Teiran, but the King is ready to leave." She stutters out.
"Ah, yes, we should head out now." then he turns to me, "Get Tiago dressed and meet me at the front gate."
"Sure," I mutter, glad to put distance between us as I reach for the chubby little guy and move him to the couch, placing him in a matching outfit to mine and Tieran's. I stand him up, my lips mashing together to keep from laughing at his pout as he tugs at the pants. "Stop that, Tiago. You look adorable, I promise." I giggle, leaning in, rubbing my nose to his, which always makes him happy. "Now let's go get a treaty signed."
We amble into the massive carriage that once we enter looks a lot more like a fancy living room than an object about to be carried into the sky by a dragon. The couches are red and plush, a soft-looking blanket over the arms in a vibrant orange and yellow marbling. To the left there is a bar and I roll my eyes, seeing Teiran already over there with his father.
The resident dickhead who has very clearly lost his mind. Out of the entire time I have been here, he has been the one thing I will never get comfortable with. His eyes burn through me half the time and the other half they are vacant, as if he is brain dead. I suppose that happens when a dragon loses two mates.
"How is my son, dog?" He calls out to me, sipping on a drink that has a blue flame flickering over the rim.
"Father, she is not a dog." Teiran sighs, bored with the nickname I have been given.
"I still can't believe you chose a dog to mate with," He grumbles to himself.
"Both your sons chose me, One as a mother, the other as a mate." I say sweetly to him, plastering on the best fake smile I can. "It would seem this dog is worth something." He scoffs and turns away, shaking his head.
"Lay Tiago down and come sit with us," Teiran says. I try to protest, but as I look down, I see a sleeping little baby and exhale in disappointment. So I do as I am told, laying the little guy on the blanket after I place it on the ground and I hesitantly move toward Teiran.
"Does she not look stunning, Father?" Teiran asks, putting his hand out for me to take. He then draws me into his body, my back pressed to his chest as he wraps his arms around my waist. His chins rests on my exposed shoulder as he hums, and pressed a soft kiss to my neck. I chuckle nervously as his dad watches with a judgemental eye.
"Don't be disgusting," He mutters. "You will get to mate after the ceremony,"
I grip Teiran's hand in worry and he chuckles low, his chest rumbling behind me.
"We are aware of how it works, father." He says light hearted. "We have chosen each other willingly."
"I assume he has told you about the dragon's way of mating?" The king asks, smirking at me then looking at Teiran as his muscles go still behind me.
"That has not been done in hundreds of years, Father." He says, but I hear the panic in his voice.
"What better time than now to reignite the old ways?"
"No." He says plainly.
"Really? Without even consulting her for her thoughts?" He teases.
"What is it?" I ask, my brows pulling together in confusion. Last I knew, we were faking our mating night, pretending to have sex in order to convince everyone.
"It doesn't matter, because it is not happening." Teiran grits out.
"I am still the king until you are mated. I want proof you mated her, so I will determine how it is done."
I look back and forth between the two of them, confused, but a knot grows antsy in my gut.
"I don't follow. What is the problem?" I ask, squeezing Teiran's hand to get his full attention.
"He wants us to fuck with an audience." Teiran says, his voice unamused and is eyes trained on his father.
My cheeks instantly heat and my stomach churns at the thought.
"W-what?" I squeak out and the King roars in laughter.
"It's not an audience, but just a few of us. Your Alpha and Luna, me and your little lycan mate."
My face falls, all the blood draining when his words hit me. "Do you both think I am stupid?"
"Father, she was rejected," Teiran says, but his father rolls his eyes.
"I do not care who rejected who. I will play along with your little game because I get both of my sons back. But, I will not back down. I want to see the pain on his face when you take what is his. I want them to know what it feels like to lose something, like when I lost Tiago's mother." He grins, lifting his glass up in a salute before draining it and walking over to the couch.
"Terian...I can't, I won't." I breathe the words, spinning around to face him fully. "Please, don't make me do this."
He reaches up, stroking my cheek, a look of loss on his face.
"I will do my best to come up with another solution." He whispers before he steps away, leaving me standing there.