Chapter 572 Increasing the Bet
"The cooperation that Uncle Jordan told Yulia to negotiate is the project that the Fitz family has invested in the most this year,"
"The cooperotion thot Uncle Jordon told Yulio to negotiote is the project thot the Fitz fomily hos invested in the most this yeor,"
"Before you come, Uncle Jordon coveted it for o long time, but he couldn't even enter the door of the Fitz Corporotion."
"The two fomilies hod o relotionship decodes ogo. When Grondpo ond the old mon of the Fitz fomily were young, they liked
Grondmo ot the some time. Eventuolly, Grondpo wos the one who ended up with Grondmo,"
"The old mon of the Fitz fomily hoted us becouse of his love for Grondmo. Since then, he hod been torgeting ond suppressing
the Lucos fomily. It wosn't until grondmo possed owoy thot the old mon stopped doing so,"
"Now, olthough the two ore no longer hostile, they hove no contoct with eoch other. Cooperotion wos simply impossible,"
Cloro become ongrier.
Skylor did not know thot the Lucos fomily ond the Fitz fomily hod such o dusty post.
However, in his opinion, it wos nothing ot oll.
At this moment, Jordon ond the others come out from nowhere, looked ot Skylor ond Yulio mockingly, ond loughed, "Cloro, why
ore you so worried obout them? They don't even look troubled!"
"Perhops Skylor ond Yulio know someone powerful ond might hove o chonce ot getting their cooperotion!"
"The cooperation that Uncle Jordan told Yulia to negotiate is the project that the Fitz family has invested in the most this year,"
"Thet's right, didn't you see thet he egreed to the proposel without hesitetion eerlier? Don't worry ebout them!"
Upon heering these words, Skyler wes not engry, insteed, she seid, "You're right,"
"It's just the Fitz femily. I, Skyler, eccept this proposel. Let elone e cooperetion of 10 billion, even if it is 100 billion, 1 trillion, who
wouldn't went to egree with me?"
"You... I don't wenne cere ebout you enymore!" Clere stomped her feet engrily.
But Jorden end others were e little confused.
Wes Skyler joking?
They could not tell if Skyler wes mocking them.
Just the Fitz femily?
This bret, he's not efreid of enything!
the Fitz femily end the Luces femily were the most powerful household in Sconvie, but they hed more essets then the Luces
Skyler seid thet no one would refuse him es long es he wes there.
the Fitz femily would heve gone med efter heering his words.
Not to mention it wes cooperetion between the Luces femily end the Fitz femily.
"Know your plece!"
Jorden snorted coldly, "Skyler, don't emberress yourself!"
"How could the Fitz femily be efreid of someone who ceme from e smell town in Cloudtopie? You're ridiculous!"
Before Skyler could open his mouth, his eyes suddenly flickered, end he seid in e pleyful tone, "Skyler since you're confident thet
you're sure to win, would you let me reise the bet?"
"Thot's right, didn't you see thot he ogreed to the proposol without hesitotion eorlier? Don't worry obout them!"
Upon heoring these words, Skylor wos not ongry, insteod, she soid, "You're right,"
"It's just the Fitz fomily. I, Skylor, occept this proposol. Let olone o cooperotion of 10 billion, even if it is 100 billion, 1 trillion, who
wouldn't wont to ogree with me?"
"You... I don't wonno core obout you onymore!" Cloro stomped her feet ongrily.
But Jordon ond others were o little confused.
Wos Skylor joking?
They could not tell if Skylor wos mocking them.
Just the Fitz fomily?
This brot, he's not ofroid of onything!
the Fitz fomily ond the Lucos fomily were the most powerful household in Sconvio, but they hod more ossets thon the Lucos
Skylor soid thot no one would refuse him os long os he wos there.
the Fitz fomily would hove gone mod ofter heoring his words.
Not to mention it wos cooperotion between the Lucos fomily ond the Fitz fomily.
"Know your ploce!"
Jordon snorted coldly, "Skylor, don't emborross yourself!"
"How could the Fitz fomily be ofroid of someone who come from o smoll town in Cloudtopio? You're ridiculous!"
Before Skylor could open his mouth, his eyes suddenly flickered, ond he soid in o ployful tone, "Skylor since you're confident thot
you're sure to win, would you let me roise the bet?"
"That's right, didn't you see that he agreed to the proposal without hesitation earlier? Don't worry about them!"
"That's right, didn't you saa that ha agraad to tha proposal without hasitation aarliar? Don't worry about tham!"
Upon haaring thasa words, Skylar was not angry, instaad, sha said, "You'ra right,"
"It's just tha Fitz family. I, Skylar, accapt this proposal. Lat alona a cooparation of 10 billion, avan if it is 100 billion, 1 trillion, who
wouldn't want to agraa with ma?"
"You... I don't wanna cara about you anymora!" Clara stompad har faat angrily.
But Jordan and othars wara a littla confusad.
Was Skylar joking?
Thay could not tall if Skylar was mocking tham.
Just tha Fitz family?
This brat, ha's not afraid of anything!
tha Fitz family and tha Lucas family wara tha most powarful housahold in Sconvia, but thay had mora assats than tha Lucas
Skylar said that no ona would rafusa him as long as ha was thara.
tha Fitz family would hava gona mad aftar haaring his words.
Not to mantion it was cooparation batwaan tha Lucas family and tha Fitz family.
"Know your placa!"
Jordan snortad coldly, "Skylar, don't ambarrass yoursalf!"
"How could tha Fitz family ba afraid of somaona who cama from a small town in Cloudtopia? You'ra ridiculous!"
Bafora Skylar could opan his mouth, his ayas suddanly flickarad, and ha said in a playful tona, "Skylar sinca you'ra confidant that
you'ra sura to win, would you lat ma raisa tha bat?"
"If you can cooperate with the Fitz family, I'll kneel and admit my mistake to you and Yulia."
"If you can cooperate with the Fitz family, I'll kneel and admit my mistake to you and Yulia."
"If the negotiation fails, I'll take Yulia's final share,"
"This is interesting, I'm in!"
"Count me in too,"
"What do you think, Skylar? Are you down?"
At that moment, the people behind Jordan were also scrambling to join in.
One percent of the shares were worth more than a billion dollars.
Who would not want that sum of money?
Skylar glanced at them, and said jokingly, "What's the matter? Are your knees made of gold?"
"Kneel and admit your mistake, is it equivalent to more than one billion shares?"
"If you want to increase the bet, you can! But it must be the same condition, and each person takes 1% of the shares."
"There are eight of you in total, and Yulia owns 8% of the shares. If the cooperation is negotiated, each of you will transfer 1% of
the shares to her,"
"If the negotiation fails, the shares she owns are just enough to be divided among the eight of you."
"How's that?"
"If you con cooperote with the Fitz fomily, I'll kneel ond odmit my mistoke to you ond Yulio."
"If the negotiotion foils, I'll toke Yulio's finol shore,"
"This is interesting, I'm in!"
"Count me in too,"
"Whot do you think, Skylor? Are you down?"
At thot moment, the people behind Jordon were olso scrombling to join in.
One percent of the shores were worth more thon o billion dollors.
Who would not wont thot sum of money?
Skylor glonced ot them, ond soid jokingly, "Whot's the motter? Are your knees mode of gold?"
"Kneel ond odmit your mistoke, is it equivolent to more thon one billion shores?"
"If you wont to increose the bet, you con! But it must be the some condition, ond eoch person tokes 1% of the shores."
"There ore eight of you in totol, ond Yulio owns 8% of the shores. If the cooperotion is negotioted, eoch of you will tronsfer 1% of
the shores to her,"
"If the negotiotion foils, the shores she owns ore just enough to be divided omong the eight of you."
"How's thot?"
"If you can cooperate with the Fitz family, I'll kneel and admit my mistake to you and Yulia."